F. No:30-06/2024-D Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts Mail
Operations Division
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi- 110 001
Dated: 03/03/2025
All Heads of Circles
Subject: Transmission of Unaccountable mail through Surface mode only
This is with reference to the Mail Operations letter no. MO division-PO Regulation-2024 dated 16.12.2024 and email dated 24.01.2025 on the above- mentioned subject (Copy enclosed).
2. The instructions in respect of manner and modes of transmission for unaccountable articles as mentioned in PO Regulation 85(1) & 85(2) is reiterated as under:
(1) All the items, which are not accountable, shall be treated as unaccountable item and transmitted in a manner as specified from time to time.
(2) The items shall be transmitted through the mode or in a manner, as specified from time to time.
Manner of Transmission: Unaccountable items, which include ordinary letters, are those items for which no records of delivery are maintained. These items are not time-sensitive and are therefore transmitted using standard means of surface transportation. Post office follows the most efficient and cost-effective methods available for the movement of such articles, ensuring that the resources are utilized optimally. Delivery times are not guaranteed for unaccountable items, and compensation for delayed or lost items is not applicable.
Modes of Transmission: The choice of mode depends on the volume of items, geographical coverage, and the efficiency of the available transport infrastructure. Post Office is committed to providing economical and sustainable transport solutions for unaccountable items while ensuring reasonable delivery timelines. The modes of transmission for unaccountable items shall include the following:
i. Rail Transport: Ordinary articles shall be sent through rail networks for long- distance transportation.
ii. Road Transport: For intra-city, ordinary articles shall be dispatched via road using Mail Motor Services or contractual vehicles.
iii. Air Lifted Transport: In specific cases where there are geographical constraints, certain unaccountable items may be transported through air or as decided by the post office on case-to-case basis.
3. Since there is no concept of first class mail and all the unaccountable mail is to be sent by the prescribed mode rather than air except in some specific cases only.
4. It is therefor requested to ensure the transmission of unaccountable mail through Surface mode only except in the condition mentioned at 2(iii) & send the compliance in this regard to this Directorate.
Encls: As above
(Hariom Sharma) ADG (Mail Operations)
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