Special recruitment drive to fill up vacant posts of cadre of Postman, Mail Guard and MTS in Delhi Circle

Department of Posts
O/o the CPMG, Delhi Circle, Meghdoot Bhawan, New Delhi-110001.

No. R&E/R-1/PM-MG-MTS/NIT/2018 Part C dated at New Delhi-110001 the 28.02.2025.

All Postal Circle concerned.

Sub: Special recruitment drive to fill up vacant posts of cadre of Postman, Mail Guard and MTS in Delhi Circle from the surplus qualified and willing GDSS, candidates of LDCE 2022 & 2023 of all Circles.

Kindly refer this office letter of even no. dated 01.07.2024 whereby a copy of SOP issued vide Dte letter no. W-03/1/2020-SPN-I dated 26.06.2024 in respect of aforesaid Special recruitment drive (copy enclosed), was sent for information and circulation among all concerned Units/GDS candidates. Further, a result of Special recruitment drive to fill up vacant posts of cadre of Postman/Mailguard in Delhi Circle from the surplus qualified and willing GDSS, candidates of LDCE 2022 has been declared & circulated vide this office letter dated 04.10.2024, be also referred to.

2. It is to inform that as per para 5(b)(v.) of SOP dated 26.06.2024 under reference above if a candidate is allotted a Cadre, e.g. Postman, against vacancy of 2022, that candidate shall not be considered for the lower level Cadre in the vacancy of 2022; OR same Cadre or lower level Cadre against the vacancy of 2023. However, such candidate shall be considered for same level against the vacancy of 2023 [E.g. A candidate allotted Mail Guard against vacancy of upto year 2022 can be considered as Postman against vacancy of 2023 and vice versa.]”.

3. Vide this office letter dated 06.02.2025, this office had requested for relieving of remaining selected candidates to join in Delhi Circle or if they are not willing to join, to submit their refusals/unwillingness, latest by 14.02.2025 after which their candidature will be treated as cancelled and these remaining candidates will have no right to claim the appointment to the post selected for in Delhi Circle.

4. It is noticed that despite above requestes, several candidates have neither joined in Postman/Mail Guard cadre nor submitted their unwillingness to allotted Division in Delhi. This office has to finalize the unfilled vacancies in Postman/MG cadre upto year 2022 for taking further action as per SOP/Dte. instructions/RRs.

5. Further, this office is also processing the applications/willingness of surplus, qualified & willing candidates of LDCE/CE-2022 for filling up MTS vacancies upto year 2022 in Delhi Circle. As stated in para 2 above, if a candidate is allotted a Cadre, e.g. Postman, against vacancy of 2022, that candidate shall not be considered for the lower level Cadre in the vacancy of 2022: OR same Cadre or lower level Cadre against the vacancy of 2023. However, such candidate shall be considered for same level against the vacancy of 2023 [E.g. A candidate allotted Mail Guard against vacancy of upto year 2022 can be considered as Postman against vacancy of 2023 and vice versa.]".

In view of above and in supersession of this office letter dated 06.02.2025, the above instructions contained in SOP dated 26.06.2024 of special recruitment drive which are very much clear that the candidates who have been selected for Postman/Mailguard post as per result dated 04.10.2024, shall not be considered for MTS posts in Delhi Circles for vacancies upto 2022 (irrespective of whether joined PM/MG post or not) and similarly candidates selected for PM/MG and MTS posts against vacancies upto 2022, shall not be considered for PM/MG or MTS posts against vacancies for the year 2023. However, a candidate shall be considered for same level other cadre against the vacancy of 2023 [E.g. A candidate allotted Mail Guard against vacancy of 2022 can be considered as Postman against vacancy of 2023 and vice versa.. are reiterated to all respective Circles with the request to bring the above instructions into the notice of all stakeholders immediately and send personal files & relieve the willing candidates immediately to report allotted Divisions on or before 14.03.2025 in Delhi Circle.

This is the last opportunity to all the remaining selected GDSS to report allotted Divisions to join PM/MG post selected for in Delhi Circle, on or before 14.03.2025 after which their candidature will automatically be treated as cancelled. Any request/representation of any of GDSS selected for PM/MG cadre in Delhi Circle, in regard to allowing to join PM/MG after 14.03.2025 or consideration to MTS post under special recruitment drive, will not be entertained by this office.

This has approval of competent authority.

Asstt. Director (Rectt.) O/o the CPMG, Delhi Circle New Delhi-110001

Copy to:

1. CEPT, Mysore with the request to upload the above letter on departmental website for information of all stakeholders i.e. remaining selected GDSS not joined in Delhi Circle so far.

2. All respective Units Heads in Delhi Postal Circle for information & necessary action.

Download special Recruitment Drive - Delhi Circle


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