आल इंडिया एसोसिएशन ऑफ़ सुपरवाइजर केडर (ग्रुप बी) All India Association of Supervisor Cadre (Gr. B) केंद्रीय मुख्यालय / Central Head Quarter
By Regd/email
The Hon'ble Secretary (Posts),
Dak Bhawan,
Sansad Marg, New Delhi-110001.
No. AIASC CHQ-104/2025 Dated at Pathankot SO the 09.03.2025
Sub: Recognition of Service Associations under CCS (RSA) Rules, 1993 - request for start membership verification
Ref: (1) DTE (SR Section) OM No. 09-01/2018-SR(Part) dated 28.01.2022 (2) DTE (SR Section) F.No. T-09/3/2021-SR dated 19.07.2024
Respected Madam,
With reference to subject, this association is invited your kind attention that verification of membership for the purpose of recognition of a Service Association shall be done by the check-off-System under Rule 7 of CCS (RSA) Rules, 1993 and there was no membership verification could be exercised after 2015 in the Department of Posts.
2. AIASC (Gr. B) submitted its application for membership verification on 30.05.2020 against DTE No. 13-01/2020-SR dated 03.03.2020 and in positive response, the Hon'ble DTE issued a list of 31 service associations applied for membership verification-2020 vide OM No. T-15/2/2020-SR dated 24.07.2020 for scrunity of Constitution/By laws of service association. AIASC (Gr. B) was one of them. Further as per OM referred at serial No. 1, it was ordered that "effective date of Recognition of Service Associations will be valid for 5 years with effect from 19.07.2019. This modification will be read along with OM No. 13- 01/2015 (SR-Vol.II) dated 23.09.2019." Since a new category of Service Association namely Group 'B' (Postal & RMS) - HSG-II, HSG-I and HSG-I (NFG) comprising of all HSG-II, HSG-I and HSG-I (NFG) employees in Postal and RMS offices for which this association already applied, so members of this categories are cagerly waiting for membership verification since long.
3. Hence, it is prayed that membership verification may kindly be executed in the forthcoming April-2025 positively.
With profound regards,
Copy to: -
1. The Hon'ble D.G. Posts, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110001.
2. The Member (P), Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110001.
3. The DDG (P), Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110001.
4. The Director (SR & Legal), Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110001.
Camp at: Sub Postmaster (HSG-I), Pathankot MDG, Punjab, PIN-145001 Website - www.aiascchq.blogspot.in, Email: aiascchq@gmail.com
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