The Hon'ble Secretary (Posts), Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi-110001.
No. AIASC CHQ-107/2025 Dated at Pathankot MDG the 18.03.2025
Sub: - Relaxation in minimum qualifying service condition for promotion to the cadre of Higher Selection Grade-I
Ref: (1) Directorate No. W-17-16/2021-SPN-I dated 20.09.2021
(2) Directorate No. X-4/2/2020-SPN-II dated 24.01.2024
Respected Madam,
With reference to subject, this is a gentle yet earnest reminder regarding our association's letter No. AIASC CHQ-54/2023-24 dated 11.02.2024 & 04.07.2024 on the subject cited above.
2. It is pertinent to note that a communication dated 22.06.2024 was received from the Convenor, AIASC (Gr. B) Haryana Circle (copy enclosed). The letter, addressed to the Chief Postmaster General (CPMG), Haryana Circle, Ambala Cantt, sought initiation of the Departmental Promotion Committee (DPC) process for HSG-I with due relaxation in the minimum qualifying service condition, as outlined in the referred Directorate letters. However, regrettably, no significant action appears to have been taken to date.
3. This inaction has left 22 HSG-II officials, who are within the consideration zone for promotion to HSG-1 (ref: CPMG Haryana memo No. STA/6-7/2019 dated 20.03.2020, enclosed), without the opportunity for advancement. On the other hand, 80 LSG officials, recently promoted to HSG-II vide CPMG Haryana memo No. STA/6-7/2022/11 dated 06.06.2024, have already been granted the requisite relaxation (list attached).
4. If the same relaxation is granted to the aforementioned 22 HSG-II officials, they too would become eligible for promotion to HSG-I, effective from 01.01.2023. This association strongly urges that uniformity and faimess be ensured in the application of the relaxation criteria.
2 Considering the gravity of this issue, we humbly request that immediate and suitable instructions be issued to the HoC Haryana Circle, directing them to:
1. Convene the DPC at the earliest, preferably by 31.03.2025.
2. Complete the process and promote the eligible officials to HSG-I against vacant posts by 01.04.2025, with retrospective effect from 01.01.2023.
This timely intervention will not only address the disparities but also boost the morale of the affected officials.
1. Copy of letter from Convenor AIASC (Gr. B) Haryana Circle dated 22.06.2024
2. Copy of CPMG Haryana memo No. STA/6-7/2019 dated 20.03.2020
3. List of 80 LSG officials promoted to HSG-II (STA/6-7/2022/11 dated 06.06.2024).
With profound regards,
Copy to:-
1.The D.G. Posts, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110001
2.The DDG(P), Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110001.
3.The Director (SPN), Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110001.
4.The CPMG, Haryana Circle, Ambala-133001.
5.Shri Ravi Pal Convenor AIASC (Gr. B) camp at Postmaster (HSG-II), Hansi MDG (Haryana)- 125033.
Camp at: Sub Postmaster (HSG-1), Pathankot MDG, Punjab, PIN-145001 Website -, Email:
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