Regarding discharge of Non-migrated KVP-NSC Certificates in the absence of Account Opening Forms at the office of issue - DOP No. FS-10/27/2022-FS-DOP- Part (1) dated 12/03/2025

No. FS-10/27/2022-FS-DOP- Part (1)
भारत सरकार/ Government of India संचार मंत्रालय / Ministry of Communications
डाक विभाग / Department of Posts
वित्तीय सेवाएं प्रभाग / (Financial Services Division)
डाक भवन, संसद मार्ग, नई दिल्ली/ Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi

The Chief Postmaster General
Delhi Circle,
New Delhi-110001.

Dated: 12-03.2025

Subject: Regarding discharge of Non-migrated KVP-NSC Certificates in the absence of Account Opening Forms at the office of issue.

Reference: Your office letter no. CBS&FS/ND South/Misc.corr/2023 dated 30.09.2024.

Kindly refer to the above-mentioned subject and reference.

2. In this regard, it is intimated that as per PA Wing letter no. PA/Accounts/POSB/Misc/2024-25/260 (copy enclosed) dated 11.12.2024 addressed to all the Director of Accounts (Postal), the following measures may be adopted by PAOS for the timely disposal of cases.

(i). PAOS may provide the "No Discharge Certificate based on the available physical/electronic records.

(ii). If records are unavailable. PAOS may inform the same to the office of issue for further necessary action under intimation to the Head of the Circle.

(iii) Post offices may also be instructed to make payments of non-migrated certificates after due verification of available records by the designated officials at their end, if PAO fails to trace out records at their office.

3. It is therefore requested to instruct all concerned to take necessary action as per the instructions issued by PA Wing.

4. This issues with the approval of competent authority.

Digitally signed by P.Ajit Kumar Date: 12-03-2025 Yours faghelly
(P. Ajit Kumar)
Assistant Director (SB-I)
Copy to: All Heads of Circles.

F.No. PA/Accounts/POSB/Misc/2024-25/
Government of India Ministry of Communications Department of Posts
Postal Account Wing,
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110001
Dated: 11/12/2024
The General Managers (F)
A the Directors of Accounts (Postal

Sub Discharge of Non Migrated KVP NSC Certificates in the absence of Account Open forms at the off ce of issue.

In continuation of this office letter PA/Accounts/Misc/2024-25/2671 to 96 dated 09.07 2024, and taking into consideration PAOS inability to issue "No Discharge Certificate" amids: lack of availability of records, it is requested that the following measures may be adopted by PAOS for the timely disposal of cases:
PAOS may provide the "No Discharge Certificate" based on the available physical electronic records.
records are available. PACs ma, inform the same to the office of issue to further necessary action under intimate on to the each of the Circle.

This issue with are approval of the competetent authority.
Signed by Shivani Sharma
Date: 11-12-2024 15:10:4
(Shivani Sharma) ADG (Accounts)

1File No. FS-10/27/2022-FS-DOP-Part(1) (Computer No. 3117194) Generated from eOffice by P Ajit Kumar, AD(PAK)-FS-DOP, ASSISTANT DIRECTOR, DOP on 12/03/2025 09:42 am


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