Record of the discussion held on 28.02.2025 with Postal JCA

2. DDG (P&SR) welcomed all the participants of Department's side and representatives of Federation/ Associations present in the meeting.

3. Member (P) and Member (O), in their opening remarks, reiterated the importance of the Department of Posts and the tasks assigned to it along with the expectations of the Government. They remarked that the India Post, today, is not limited to postal services only, but is also providing other public utility services to the citizens by collaborating with other ministries. The Department is playing a key role in promoting Financial Inclusion in the country, especially in the rural areas. Further, it was also highlighted that the name of Department of Posts has been given a special reference in the budget speech for the FY: 2025-26. It was informed that during the positive transformation of the Department, welfare of the staff is of utmost priority and their contribution is fully recognized.

4. During the meeting, some representatives of the Associations also raised the issue of withdrawal of recognition of AIPEU Group 'C". On this subject, it was informed that the matter is sub-judice in various courts. The issue of implementing the old pension scheme was also raised, which was not within the jurisdiction of the Department. An unjustifiable demand to withdraw the Post Office Act, 2023 was made, on which no action is possible or required.

5. Some issues related to operations were also discussed during the meeting. Representatives of the concerned Association put forth their concerns and queries about various issues. Member (0) replied to queries of staff side in detail with examples as well as relevant data. Member (O) also informed them that the Department is going through a transformation phase under the leadership of Hon'ble MoC and Hon'ble MOSC in line with the vision of India Posts. To achieve the targeted growth in Mail and Parcel business by FY 28, Department needs to increase its handling capacity and reduce its cost of operations at par with players in the Courier, Express and Parcel market. For this, new products may be launched in the coming months, new network may take place as well as best practices in industry may be adopted, which will require revision of existing norms. It was explained that the objective of the whole exercise is to make Departmental Services competitive and cost effective. The Member  assuredthe representatives of the association that the management has understood their concerns and employees are always at the core of any discussion. The Association requested issues should be discussed with them before taking final decisions so that they can also contribute in this exercise positively, which was appreciated by Member (O). The issue of recent guidelines issued for Delivery Centers were also discussed during the meeting. Member(O) clarified that the associations were consulted on this matter during the meeting held on 07.02.2025. However, any specific points not discussed on 07.02.2025 can be reviewed for the better implementation of the policy.

6. Issues of decentralization and abolition of posts in PAOs were also discussed in the meeting and it was replied by the representative of the PA wing that, as far as decentralization is concerned, there is no such proposal. However, in respect of abolition and rationalization of posts and other issues, these may be discussed in a separate meeting with the concerned officers.

7. The representative of GDS Association demanded that GDS should be included in the jurisdiction of 08th Pay Commission. It was informed that a proposal in this regard will be sent to the Finance Ministry, which is the final authority to decide this. It was also informed in the meeting that the Health Ministry was requested to provide benefits of CGHS scheme to GDS employees of this Department, which they have not accepted.

8. The representatives of the Federation / Associations appreciated the Department for arranging the Meeting and actions taken by the Department for the welfare of the staff.

9. In the concluding remarks, Member (O) and Member (P) made an appeal to the PJCA to withdraw the current/ proposed agitation, which was considered positively by the representatives of all Associations/ Federation.

The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to all present.


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