While doing eKYC kindly keep an eye on the following points
- eKYC consent form is mandatory for newly created eKYC CIF’s and CIF’s converted to eKYC CIF’s.
- Once a CIF is created as eKYC CIF, paper based withdrawal will be allowed only when Photo and signature are updated in Finacle by CPC. Till then the account holder can only do biometric based transaction with unlimited deposit limit and Rs.5000/- withdrawal limit. Hence forwarding of eKYC consent forms to CPC should be made as early as possible to avoid public complaints.
- In case of doing REKYC for older CIF’s, if the account is already updated with photo and signature in finacle, the customer can do both paper based and biometric withdrawals.
- For biometric authenticated transactions, no supporting vouchers are needed and separate LOT available in page 2 of HFINRPT namely EKYC long book detailed report is to be enclosed.
- For all Aadhaar authenticated transactions supervisor approval is not needed. The transactions are posted and verified by default.
while submission of eKYC forms to CBS-CPC, please ensure the following procedure;
- All eKYC consent forms (SB-eKYC-1) collected from customers must be bundled separately from other KYC forms. Normal KYC forms and eKYC forms must not be mixed.
- SOL’s should send eKYC consent forms to their HO.
- The HO should consolidate the eKYC forms and forward them to CPC.
- The envelope containing eKYC consent forms must be clearly labeled on the top as "eKYC Forms" while sending them to CPC.
- While sending eKYC consent forms, a consolidated list of CIF (Customer Information File) numbers must be prepared and included. The total number of forms should match the consolidated list.
- All eKYC consent forms must be sent to the CPC through the HO on a daily basis without any delay.
- There should be no overwriting or corrections in eKYC (SB-eKYC-1) consent forms.
- Ensure that all details in the forms are duly filled and verified before sending them to CPC.
Forms submitted with the following omissions will not be accepted and will be returned without processing:
- Masked Aadhaar number
- Customer name
- Customer's signature/Thumb impression
- Mobile number
- CIF number
- Place
- Date
- Signature of the BPM/Counter PA/Postmaster with seal
Date stamp
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