Government of India Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts (Personnel Division)
DakBhawan, Sansad Marg New Delhi-110001,
Dated: 05-03-2025
The Chief Postmaster General,
All Postal Circles.
Subject: Information of Higher Selection Grade-II and Higher Selection Grade-I cadres officials.
I am directed to say that Directorate is examining the proposal to allow relaxation in the grade of Higher Selection Grade-II and Higher Selection Grade-I due to large number of vacancies persist in these grades.
2. Therefore, all Postal Circles are requested to furnish the information as per enclosed proforma (Annexure-A) latest by 21.03.2025 and soft copy (in Excel format) may also be sent through ema
Encl.: As above
Yours faithfully,
Digitally signed by VANGARA PRASAD
Date: 05-03-2025
11:24:12Vangara Prasad) Assistant Director General (SPN)
DOP OM No.X-4/2/2025-SPN-11 dated 05/03/2025
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