Guidelines to be followed in the Universal Postal Union (UPU) International Letter Writing Competition

No. CF-71/39/2024-CF-DOP
Government of India Ministry of Communications 
Department of Posts
(IR&GB Division)

Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi-110001, 
Dated: 06.03.2025


Subject: Universal Postal Union (UPU) International letter writing competition for young people.

The is regarding participation of persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PWBD) candidates in the UPU International Letter Writing Competition, 2025. The guidelines which are to be followed while participation of PwBD candidates in the competition, are enumerated below:

i. The PWBD candidates in the categories of blindness, locomotive disability (both arms affected - BA) and cerebral palsy are eligible for availing the facility of a scribe. In case of other category defined under section 2(r) of the RPWD, 2016, the facility of scribe is to be allowed on production of a certificate indicating physical limitation to write.

ii. The candidate will have discretion of opting for his/her own scribe or request the concerned circle to provide for them.

iii. The qualification of scribe should not be more than the qualification criteria of the competition.

iv. The PwBD candidates are allowed compensation time of twenty minutes per hour of the competition.

v. The circles to make sure that venue for competition is compatible/ friendly for PwBD candidates. PwBD candidates requiring any physical assistance such as wheelchair etc or escort by staff, are provided to the same to the possible extent.

2. This is issued with the approval of Competent Authority.
(Himanshu Chaudhary)
Assistant Director General (IM)
1. All Chief Postmaster's General,
2. Addl. DG, APS.

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