FNPO raised issues in r/o AAO LDCE Examination - Out of Syllabus and Non supply of Pay Matrix

Federation of National Postal Organisations
T-24, Atul Grove Road, New Delhi-110 001
Mob.: 9959538622, e-mail: sivajivasireddy@gmail.com, Web: fnpo.org
SIVAJI VASIREDDY Secretary General

No. 1-11/AAO LDCE 2024/Misc dated 10.03.2025

The Secretary,
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan,
New Delhi-110001.

Respected Madam,
Sub: LDCE for promotion to the cadre of AAO was conducted from 08.01.2025 to 11.01.2025 and many AAO examinees have brought below mentioned issues to this union:

1. Out of syllabus question: Sub question (d) of main question 5 in Paper-II (Service Rules), reads as follows: "Name any five Directive Principles of State Policy."

This question is completely out of syllabus as 'Constitution of India' syllabus is clearly mentioned in the AAO syllabus as "General Principles of Natural Justice (Preamble to Constitution of India, Article 14, 21, 22,32,226,227,311).Directive Principles of State Policy are found in Part-IV of the Constitution i.e Article 36 to 51, which is not at all mentioned in the syllabus.

Hence grace marks of 5 may be granted to all the candidates who have attempted this question.

2) Non-supply of Pay Matrix: Pay matrix is an important component to solve the pension problem given in Question No.1 of Paper II. But downward pay cells of Pay Level-10 was not mentioned in the question paper. When this issue was brought to the notice of the invigilators, they informed candidates to calculate pay cells themselves. Candidates spent lot of time in manual calculation and Pay matrix was supplied to the candidates after one hour of starting the examination. This caused confusion among examinees and took them more than one and half hour to answer the question. There was no alternate option as this was compulsory question for 20 marks. This was badly affected examinees time as they were left with less than one and half hour to attempt remaining theoretical part questions of 80 marks. Hence this union requests for grant of 10 grace marks to all the AAO candidates who have appeared for the exam to compensate shortage of time.

As you know that only231 candidates were qualified out of 4079 candidates appeared in the 2022 AAO LDCE exam. Many candidates missed qualification criteria with meager marks in one or two papers. Due to this more than60% of the notified vacancies were left unfilled. Such a situation can be avoided in the ongoing recruitment by granting grace marks to eligible candidates for mentioned reasons.

Therefore this Federation requests to kindly consider the above mentioned points and grant 15 grace marks in Paper-Il to all the candidates who have attempted above mentioned questions for the benefit of both the candidates and the department.

Yours sincerely,
Secretary General
Thanking you,

Copy to: The Sr. DDG PAF, Dak Bhavan, New Delhi 110001 for information and with a request to take immediate necessary action.


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