New Delhi-110008
Website: www.confederation Email:
President: Rupak Sarkar
Secretary General: S.B. Yadav 07905282373/07752829874
Ref: Confd. -Circular /2025 Dated: 07-03.2025
All Office Bearers/National Executive Members,
All General Secretaries of State COCS.
All Chief Executive of affiliated Organizations
Dear Comrades,
The Confederation has been agitating since long in pursuant of genuine legitimate demands, unfortunately the Government's attitude is stubborn and the demands remains unsettled, resulting in resentment amongst entirety of Central Government Employees.
National Executive Committee Meeting of Confederation held on 8th February, unanimously took a decision to Hold Gate Meetings/General Body Meetings at all work places at all stations on 10th/11th March, as an awareness program to popularize our demands amongst our rank and file, reach to each member and prepare them for all kinds of trade Union struggles in near future. The charter of Demands for the campaign/Awareness program are as under:
1.Immediatly set up Committee for 8th CPC, finalalise Terms of Reference incorporating suggestions/views given by staff side NC-JCM.
2.Scrap NPS/UPS, Restore OPS for all Employees.
3.Release the three installments of DA/DAR frozen during Covid pandemic to Employees and Pensioners, Restoration of commuted part of pension after 12 years instead of 15 years.
4.Remove 5% Ceiling imposed on Compassionate Appointment, grant Compassionate Appointment in all cases to wards/Dependants of Deceased employee.
5.Fill up vacant posts of all cadre in all the Departments, stop outsourcing and corporatization in Government Departments.
6. Ensure Democratic functioning of Association/Federations as per JCM mechanism,
A) Grant recognition to Association/Federations which are pending, Withdraw the de recognition orders of AIPEU Gr-C UNION, NFPE and ISROSA.
B) Stop imposition of Rule 15 1 (C) on service Associations/Federations.
7.Regularise Casual, Contingent, Contractual labours and GDS employees, grant equal status to Employees of Autonomous Bodies to that of CG Employees.
The Confederation, requests to all the GS/SG of the affiliates of Confederation and the GS of State CoCs to kindly make all out efforts to reach out to each member, hold the gate Meetings on 10th/11th March, educate the members about the Demands, convince them to be prepared for future struggles in order to clinch our long pending genuine and legitimate Demands.
Comradely Yours,
(S.B. Yadav) Secretary General
Keywords for the Posts
1. "Charter of Demands"
2. "Confederation of Central Government Employees"
3. "CGE"
1. "Central Government Employees"
2. "Trade Union Demands"
3. "Government Employee Rights"
4. "Indian Government Employees"
5. "Employee Welfare"
6. "Labour Union Demands"
7. "Government Sector Demands"
Search keywords
1. "Charter of Demands by Confederation of Central Government Employees"
2. "Central Government Employees Union Demands"
3. "Indian Government Employee Welfare Demands"
1. "Pay Commission Recommendations"
2. "Pension Scheme Reforms"
3. "Leave Encashment Rules"
4. "Promotion Policy Reforms"
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