India Post's Standard Operating Procedure for Independent Delivery Centers (IDCs)
- India Post plans to establish Independent Delivery Centers (IDCs) to modernize its delivery system, mirroring successful practices of major courier companies.
- These IDCs will centralize delivery operations, separating them from traditional post office counter services to improve efficiency and monitoring, and will utilize mechanized delivery (primarily two-wheelers) to cover larger areas.
- The initiative aims to address the projected growth in document (to 164 crore by 2028-29) and parcel (to 46 crore by 2028-29) volumes, requiring a more robust delivery infrastructure.
- IDCs will offer flexible delivery options, including Sunday/holiday deliveries and multiple delivery attempts, incorporating technological advancements like route optimization, paperless delivery, and digital payment collection.
- The design of IDCs will vary based on space availability, with integrated centers having adjacent document and parcel processing areas, and others having separate areas (designated as 'Delivery Centers' and 'Nodal Delivery Centers').
- Detailed process flows are outlined for both integrated and separated IDCs, covering bag receipt, sorting, scanning, delivery, and abstract tallying, ensuring standardized procedures across all facilities.
- Mechanization is mandatory for all delivery areas within IDCs, with fuel reimbursement provided for staff using their own two-wheelers, and the possibility of India Post providing electric two-wheelers or hiring four-wheelers for larger parcels.
Policy Guidelines on Centralized Delivery of All Types of Postal articles including
Speed Post, Registered, Parcel and ordinary articles by Delivery staff
At present, India Post maintains network of ~19,500 delivery Post offices. India Post's delivery network is one of the largest and most extensive in the world, with a presence in every corner of the country. These delivery POS cater to the delivery of all types of articles i.e. Speed Post document, Registered Post, Parcels, ordinary mail, eMO, etc Nodal Delivery Centres (NDCs) in addition to these delivery POs have also been set up by the Department in selected areas for delivery of Parcels.
1.1 Advancement in mode of conveyance has enabled the shift of delivery personnel in the Courier Express Parcel (CEP) market from foot/cycle beat to mechanized means of delivery through 2-wheeler vehicle. Major courier players in the country has already adopted the practice of delivery of document and parcels through 2-wheelers. Besides, delivery of mail through 2-wheeler has also enabled the centralized delivery services by these courier players with delivery staff can cover a much larger area in comparison to the delivery through foot/cycle beat.
1.2 Centralized delivery services coupled with mechanized delivery & new functionalities such as route optimization, paperless delivery, etc. has brought enhanced efficiency as well as marked improvement in the delivery services offered by these courier players.
1.3 Further, Department has issued guidelines during October, 2024 for mechanization of delivery beats and delivery staff are being reimbursed mileage charges for using their own 2-wheeler for delivery work. Mechanization of delivery services has also improved the efficiency of delivery staff with consideration reduction in travel time, travelled by delivery staff in the delivery beat. ~62% of delivery beats of the Department had already been mechanized.
1.4 As per the projections, accountable document volume of the Department is expected to grow to 164 Cr. by 2028-29 from existing 94 Cr. Besides, Parcel volume is expected to grow to 46 Cr. by 2028-29 from existing volume of 6.7 Cr. Accordingly, there is a need to revamp the existing delivery set-up so that the Department can handle the expanded volume of document & parcel.
2. Justification for Centralized delivery through setting up of Delivery Centres
2.1 In line with the delivery practices adopted by other courier players in the country, Department also needs to start centralized delivery services through setting up of "Delivery Centres" by consolidating the existing delivery POs. These Delivery Centres will be set up separately from existing Post offices so that Post office staff can fully concentrate on the counter operations. Delivery Centres will help the Department in separation of backend delivery function from counter operations to provide for the improved monitoring as well as flexible delivery services as is the norm in the courier market.
2.2 Delivery Centres (DCs) with mechanization of all delivery areas can cater to the delivery of all types of articles i.e. Speed Post document, Registered Post, Parcels, ordinary mail, eMO, etc. Mechanization of delivery areas will ensure coverage of large area by the delivery staff and will facilitate centralized delivery through the Delivery Centres. Centralized delivery of Parcels through the Nodal Delivery Centres (NDCs) has already resulted in considerable improvement in the delivery services for the parcels.
2.3 Each Delivery Centre (DC) may cover a large delivery area and will comprise of delivery jurisdiction of existing adjoining delivery Post offices. Delivery Centres with no counter operations and dedicated supervisory staff will ensure enhanced monitoring of delivery operations which will contribute to overall improvement in the delivery services of the Department.
2.4 Mechanization of delivery areas will also result in the enhanced delivery efficiency of the delivery staff with considerable reduction in the travel time. Besides, delivery Centres will also help the Department in implementing Sunday/Holiday delivery, morning or evening delivery as well as second delivery of mail as is the normal practice in the CEP market.
2.5 Separation of delivery from counter operations will expand the delivery capacities of the Department through operationalization of 2 delivery sets from same delivery facility as well as offering delivery services on Sunday/Holiday. Besides, Delivery Centre can also cater to enhanced requirement of delivery staff as per the work load.
2.6 Further, Department is going to introduce multiple tech related functionalities under IT 2.0 project in delivery process i.e. route optimization through the Delivery App, paperless delivery, OTP based delivery, digital collection of COD/custom payment, App based calling to addressee, etc. as is the norm in the CEP industry, to improve delivery efficiency of the delivery staff. These tech functionalities can only be effectively implemented and also benefitted from, by the Department through the Delivery Centres.
3. Types of Delivery Centres based on Location of Document and Parcel Processing Area
Ideally processing areas for document and parcels should be located adjacent to each other in the integrated Delivery Centre. However, there might be cases wherein appropriate space for locating document and parcels processing area adjacent to each other in the Delivery Centre, may not be available. Then, in those cases, parcel processing area should be located in the same plot of land/compound in which Delivery Centre is located even though both of these areas i..e. Document & Parcel processing area may not be adjacent to each other.
3.1 Integrated Delivery Centre - Document and Parcel Processing Area located adjacent to each other
3.1.1 Document and parcel processing area in these Delivery Centres will be located adjacent to each other with common bag receipt and dispatch area.
3.1.2 Delivery staff in these Delivery Centres may be assigned for delivery of documents and parcels as is indicated below:
i. Separate delivery staff for delivery of document and parcels may be assigned subject to justification for separate staff for parcel delivery, as is explained in subsequent paras.
ii. Mix Delivery Staff: If separate delivery staff for parcels is not justified, then delivery staff will be assigned with both the document and parcel delivery in the delivery area.
Delivery Centre with processing areas for document and Parcel are separately located in a compound and not adjacent to each other
3.2.1 Document and parcel processing area in these Delivery Centres will not be located adjacent to each other and both the areas are at a distance from each other though in the same compound. Separate area for Parcel processing will only be considered if there is justification for separate parcel delivery staff.
3.2.2 Bag receipt and despatch area will be different for both the document and parcel dns processing area.
3.2.3 Separate delivery staff in these Delivery Centres will be assigned for delivery of documents and parcels.
3.2.4 In these instances, document delivery centre will be called "Delivery Centre" and Parcel delivery centre will be called "Nodal Delivery Centre".
3.2.5 Instructions issued by Parcel Directorate relating to setting up of Nodal Delivery Centres including layout design, number of delivery staff, etc. may be followed while setting up these Nodal Delivery Centre.
4. Process Flow in Delivery Centre
4.1 Integrated Delivery Centre - Document and Parcel Processing Area located adjacent to each other
4.1.2 Work in each of these Delivery Centre with mix delivery staff or separate delivery staff for document & parcel may be carried out as per the following defined Process Flow. Integrated Delivery Centre with Separate Delivery Staff for Document and Parcel
i. Receipt of bag from MMS (Common Area)
ii. Bag Receipt Scan (Common Area)
iii. Ordinary Mail
Accountable Mail
Subsequent process flow for different types of articles are as detailed below:
Opening of Bag
Segregation and facing of ordinary mail Stamping of ordinary
Opening of Bag (including Article Receipt scan)
Scanning of articles and generation of Delivery Slip
mail Sorting Sequencing
Out for Delivery
Taking of Delivery
Staff Return
Bag Despatch to Sorting Hub Tallying of Abstract
Taking of Delivery Staff Return
Bag Despatch to Sorting Hub Tallying of Abstract
Parcels Opening of Bag (including Parcel Receipt scan & Sector Sorting) Delivery area wise Sorting Sequencing
Scanning of articles and generation of Delivery Slip
Out for Delivery Taking of Delivery Staff Return Bag Despatch to Sorting Hub Tallying of Abstract Integrated Delivery Centre with Mix Delivery Staff for Delivery of Document and Parcel
Accountable Mail
Opening of Bag
i.Receipt of bag from MMS (Common Area)
ii.Bag Receipt Scan (Common Area)
iii.Ordinary Mail
Subsequent process flow for different types of articles are as detailed below:
Opening of Bag (including Article Receipt scan)
Opening of Bag (including Parcel Receipt scan & Sector Sorting)
Segregation and facing Sorting
Delivery area wise Sorting of ordinary mail
Stamping of ordinary Sequencing
Sequencing mail
Scanning of articles and generation of Common Delivery Slip for Document and Parcel
Out for Delivery
Taking of Delivery Staff Return
Taking of Delivery Staff Return
4.2Bag Despatch to Sorting Hub
Tallying of Abstract
Bag Despatch to Sorting Hub
Tallying of Abstract
Delivery Centre with processing areas for document and Parcel are separately located in a same compound and not adjacent to each other
4.2.1 Work in these Delivery Centres with separate processing area for document & parcel may be carried out as per the defined Process Flow.
9 Process Flow for Document Processing Area
Ordinary Mail
Accountable Mail
Opening of Bag
Receipt of bag from MMS (Common Area) Bag Receipt Scan (Common Area)
Segregation and facing of ordinary
Stamping of ordinary mail Sorting
Opening of Bag
(including Article Receipt scan) Sorting
Scanning of articles and generation of Delivery Slip
Out for Delivery
Taking of Delivery Staff Return Bag Despatch to Sorting Hub
Taking of Delivery Staff Return Bag Despatch to Sorting Hub Tallying of Abstract
Tallying of Abstract
Process Flow for Parcel Processing Area
Receipt of bag from MMS
Bag Receipt Scan
Opening of Bag
(including Parcel Receipt scan & Sector Sorting) Delivery area wise Sorting Sequencing
Scanning of articles and generation of Delivery Slip Out for Delivery
Taking of Delivery Staff Return Bag Despatch to Sorting Hub Tallying of Abstract
4.3 Scanning of Bags
Supervisor or incharge, Delivery Centre will ensure that bags are scanned at the time of actual receipt from mail motor as well as actual dispatch of bags through the mail motor.
4.4 Tallying of Bag and Article Abstract: Bag Abstract and Article abstract at the Delivery Centre shall be maintained as per Instructions circulated vide DG Postal Services D.O. letter no. 30-44/2024-D dated 24/10/2024 as attached as Annexure VI. It will be personal responsibility of Supervisor or Incharge, Delivery Centre to ensure tallying of Bag Abstract and Article Abstract on daily basis without fail. They may also direct other staff concerned in the Delivery Centre for tallying of Abstract as is provided in the instructions referred above.
5. Guidelines for Setting up of Delivery Centres
Following guidelines may be followed by field teams while setting up Delivery Centres for delivery of documents, parcels & other articles through Delivery Centre:
5.1 Delivery Area or Delivery PIN codes to be covered under Delivery Centres:
i. Delivery area of adjoining delivery Post offices may be merged under one Delivery Centre to be newly set up.
Delivery Beats of existing delivery POS may be discontinued and delivery area under new Delivery Centres may be redesigned or recalibrated by considering the overall delivery area of Delivery Centres.
5.2 Delivery area may be so redesigned that one-way distance to be travelled by delivery staff should not be more than 15 km. However, in exceptional circumstances, one-way distance to be travelled by delivery staff may be more than 15 km as per operational requirements.
iii. Layout of the integrated Delivery Centre with document and parcel area co- located may be designed as per the Model Layout as attached at Annexure I. Guidelines for designing layout are attached at Annexure II. Specifications of operational equipments to be used in integrated Delivery Centre are attached at Annexure III.
iv. Layout for Nodal Delivery Centre as provided under Parcel Design Manual as circulated by Parcel Directorate may be referred for designing Parcel area wherever Parcel processing area is not co-located with document processing area.
Delivery of Parcels through Delivery Centres
i. As far as possible, delivery of parcels should be performed through Delivery Centres and Parcel processing areas should be identified separately in Delivery Centres as is indicated in the attached Layout (Annexure I). Existing NDCs already functioning in a city may be merged with the Delivery Centres either immediately or over a period of time, if immediate merger of NDC with Delivery Centres is not feasible. New NDCs to be opened by the Circle under these instructions due to unavailability of suitable space may also be merged with Delivery Centres over a period of time.
ii. Parcel delivery area with separate delivery staff may be separately carved out and may not be co-terminus with the document delivery area. Accordingly, separate delivery staff for parcel delivery area and document delivery area may be identified.
iii.Considering the parcel volume to be delivered through the Delivery Centre if separate parcel delivery staff is not justified, separate parcel delivery area need not be carved out and a common delivery staff may be assigned for both the delivery of document and parcels in the delivery area.
V. Parcel processing area in a Delivery Centre may be separately identified to ensure smooth processing of document and parcels irrespective of the fact whether separate parcel delivery staff is justified or not.
5.3 Mechanized Delivery:
i. All delivery areas within a delivery centre for delivery of document and Parcels should be mechanized i.e. delivery will only be performed through either 2-wheeler or through 4-wheeler for heavy parcels.
ii. Documents and small parcels will be delivered through 2-wheelers whereas big and heavy parcels will be delivered through 4-wheelers.
iii. Fuel re-imbursement charges to delivery staff for using their own 2-wheeler may be reimbursed on monthly basis as per policy guidelines issued by the Postal Directorate vide letter no. 16-02/2024-D dated 25/10/2024. Circle/Region/Postal Divisions may also hire electric 2-wheeler vehicles through a tendered process for making available the 2-wheeler vehicle to the delivery staff who do not have 2-wheeler vehicle.
iv. 4-wheeler vehicles may be hired as per the existing practice. However, India Post branding on the hired 4-wheeler vehicle may be ensured.
v. Number of Articles to be delivered by a Delivery Staff:
Following are the details of tentative number of accountable, unregistered articles and other category of articles which will be normally delivered by a delivery staff under Delivery Centre (DC):
Mix Delivery Area: Tentative number of articles of each type to be delivered in a mix delivery area by a delivery staff are as detailed below:
Ordinary Articles 95
Regd. Articles/SP person Specific/Parcels 42
Speed Post (Document) 43
Money Order/eMO 1
(1) These calculations of articles to be delivered by a delivery staff are arrived at, after assuming distance travelled by a delivery staff as 30 km/18 km in less congested/congested area and travel time of 90 mts. Actual number of articles of each type to be delivered from a Delivery Centre may differ and same may be taken into the account.
(2) While calculating number of delivery staff required in a Delivery Centre, articles to be delivered in Bulk should not be included.
Exclusive Parcel delivery staff: Parcels to be delivered by exclusive Parcel delivery staff are as detailed below:
Speed Post/Business/Regd. Parcel 60
5.4.1 Bulk Delivery: 1-2 bulk delivery staff or as required may be identified exclusively in each Delivery Centre (DC) for ensuring separate delivery of the bulk articles received for the addresses under the delivery area of Delivery Centre (DC).
5.5 Number of Delivery Centre (DC) in a city:
Metro Cities/Other Big cities: in Metro cities/other big cities delivering more than 50,000 accountable articles/parcel except bulk per day, a Delivery Centre (DC) may cater to around 50-80 delivery staff with corresponding number of articles to be delivered as per calculations indicated in Para 5.4 above. Accordingly, the number of Delivery Centre (DC) to be set up in the metro city may be arrived at. However, if sufficient space for Delivery Centre (DC) is available for catering more number of delivery staff, then this range of 50-80 delivery staff can be exceeded. However, maximum number of accountable articles that can be delivered by a Delivery Centre (DC) may be kept at 8,000 articles per day except bulk articles.
State Capital/other cities: in the case of State Capital or other cities, a Delivery Centre (DC) may cater to around 15-60 delivery staff with corresponding number antruth of articles to be delivered as per calculations indicated in Para 5.4 above. Accordingly, the number of Delivery Centre (DC) to be set up in the city may be arrived at. However, maximum number of accountable articles that can be delivered by a Delivery Centre (DC) may be kept at 5,000 articles per day except bulk articles.
5.6 The number of delivery staff to be covered through an Delivery Centre may differ than the number of delivery staff as suggested above, considering the unique circumstances such as distance to be covered, geographical divide, availability of space, etc.
Space Requirement
Metro Cities: As indicated above, Delivery Centre (DC) in metro cities/other big cities will be created with around 50-80 delivery staff. It is estimated that an area of around 2,000 to 3,500 Sq Ft. will be required for setting up an integrated Delivery Centre (DC), depending upon number of delivery staff catering to the delivery of documents and parcels. Besides, while selecting a location for setting up integrated Delivery Centre (DC) in metro cities/other big cities, it must be ensured that the adequate parking space is also available for parking of two-wheelers and four-wheeler vehicles to be engaged in the Delivery Centre (DC).
5.7 State Capital/other cities: As indicated above, integrated Delivery Centre (DC) in State Capitals/other cities will be created with around 15-60 delivery staff. It is estimated that an area of around 1,000 to 2,500 Sq Ft. will be required for setting up an integrated Delivery Centre (DC), depending upon number of delivery staff catering to the delivery of documents and parcels. Besides, while selecting a location for setting up integrated Delivery Centre (DC) in state capital/other cities, it must be ensured that the adequate parking space is also available for parking of two-wheelers and four-wheeler vehicles to be engaged in Delivery Centre (DC).
5.8 Facility ID for Delivery Centre
A separate Facility ID may be created for each Delivery Centre as well as Nodal Delivery Centre, if applicable to ensure creation of separate identity of the office in the CSI as well as to ensure the availability of monitoring data in the various BI/MIS reports.
Deployment of staff at Delivery Centre: Availability of 2-wheeler vehicle as well as smart mobile phone with the delivery staff must be ensured at the time of selection of Departmental staff/ GDS staff as delivery staff for Delivery Centre.
5.9 PIN code to be used for the Delivery Centre
Each Delivery Centre may be assigned the PIN code of any of the merged delivery post office, delivery areas of which will be served through the Delivery Centre. However, ideally delivery PIN code of the major delivery PO may be assigned to the Delivery Centre. CEPT will take necessary action for mapping of all the delivery PIN codes to Delivery Centre's PIN code as well as necessary changes in BI/MIS reports.
5.10 Standardization across Delivery Centre (DC)
i. A ramp may be provided on the entry of the Delivery Centre for the receipt/despatch of the bags through the Bag trolley.
ii. Each area in the Delivery Centre i.e. Bag receipt area, bag open area, etc. may be marked as per defined process flow. Instructions issued by Parcel Directorate regarding marking of floor area may be followed (Annexure IV).
6. Operational Guidelines
6.1 Common delivery slip
A common Delivery Slip will be generated in the case of "Mix Delivery Area" i.e. delivery slip will contain Speed Post document, Registered Post as well as Parcels. However, in the case of separate Parcel Area, delivery slip for document and Parcels will be generated separately.
Bulk Delivery Slip: Supervisor/Incharge, Delivery Centre will ensure that a Bulk Delivery Slip will be generated for the articles to be delivered in bulk by the Delivery staff.
6.2 Postman Mobile App
All the delivery staff under the Delivery Centre will be equipped with mobile phones either Departmental or mobile devices covered under the Scheme "Bring Your Own Device (BYOD). Availability of PMA with the delivery staff will be ensured at the time of selection of delivery staff for Delivery Centre.
Advance tech related functionalities will be introduced in PMA under IT 2.0 project i.e. route optimization, paperless delivery, OTP based delivery, digital collection of payment, App based calling to addressee, etc. as is the norm in the CEP industry, to further upgrade the PMA App.
6.3 Call to customer
Delivery staff will make a call to the addressee before visiting the address for making the delivery to ensure expediting delivery of the articles.
6.4 Delivery of eMO/COD/Custom duty Articles
Delivery staff will collect the required cash for the delivery of the Money order/eMO from the designated official in the Delivery Centre. Besides, delivery staff after delivery of COD/Custom duty Articles/undelivered eMO will submit the cash, collected from the addresses to the designated official. Amount collected digitally by the delivery staff from the addresses towards COD/Custom duty Articles will be settled automatically and account for by the designated official.
6.5 Equipment to be used in Delivery Centre (DC)
6.5.1 Following operational equipment as is indicated below may be provided in the integrated Delivery Centre (DC):
i. Computers and scanners may be supplied as per the existing prescribed specifications.
ii. Specifications for the following operational equipments to be used in Document processing area is attached at Annexure III.
Parcel Processing Area
b) Sequencing Table
Document Processing Area
a) Opening table for ordinary mail
a) Opening Table
b) Sorting case
c) Roller Containers
d) Stamping Table
d) Roller Containers Standardized delivery bags
c) Package Trolley
e) Postman Table
f) Standardized delivery bag
6.5.2 For Nodal Delivery Centres (Parcel area not co-located with document area), specifications of operational equipment as provided under Parcel Design Manual as circulated by Parcel Directorate may be referred to.
6.6 Treasury Function
6.7 Each Delivery Centre having separate facility ID may be provided with treasury function to ensure disbursement of cash to the delivery staff for payment of money order, etc. as well as receipt of cash collected towards delivery of COD, custom duty, undelivered money order, etc.
Number of Delivery Re-attempts
Two delivery attempts may be made for documents or parcels and undelivered articles may be kept in deposit for maximum of 7 days. Besides, existing instructions regarding serving of intimation to the addressee may be strictly followed.
7. Functions of Delivery Centre
7.1 Number of Shifts/Second Delivery:
A normal Delivery Centre (DC) will carry out delivery work as per normal delivery timing wherein duty hour of delivery staff to be fixed from 9.00 hrs. to 17.00 hrs. The timing may be altered depending upon the local factors or location of Delivery Centre. However, considering the growing delivery volume as well as requirement from the customers, Second delivery services from the Delivery Centre may be started as per the requirements.
7.1.1 Under the Second delivery, a delivery facility is used for performing two deliveries in a day i.e. Morning delivery and evening delivery (as is the practice in RMS father offices) and can cater to the delivery of twice number of articles, to be delivered through a single delivery centre. Following may be kept in view by the field units while starting Second delivery from a Delivery Centre:
i. Duty Timing: Timing for the morning delivery or First Delivery may be kept from 9.00 hrs. to 17.00 hrs. and timing for evening delivery or Second Delivery may be kept from 12.00 hrs. to 20.00 hrs.
ii. Facility ID: A separate Facility ID will be created for the Delivery Centre functioning in morning shift and evening shift to ensure separate identity of both the Delivery Centres.
iii. Supervisor & Delivery PA: Separate Supervisors as well as delivery PAs may be provided for First delivery and Second Delivery Set. Separate Supervisor & Delivery PA will also be provided for Nodal Delivery Centre (Parcel area not co-located with document area) to be set up under these guidelines.
Sunday/Holiday delivery
Each Delivery Centre will perform delivery of the articles on Sunday and public holidays as per requirement. However, delivery staff serving office areas may not be operationalized on Sunday and public holidays. Besides, duties of Departmental or GDS delivery staff may be fixed in such a manner, to ensure a weekly off to each of such delivery staff.
8. Security
8.1 Provision of CCTV
8.2 Each Delivery Centre will be covered under the CCTV in such a way to ensure coverage of outside of the Delivery Centre including bag exchange area with mail motor service and processing areas inside the Delivery Centre. An SOP for installation of CCTVs, issued by the Department on 25th February, 2021 is attached as Annexure V.
Access Control
Supervisor/Incharge, Delivery Centre may ensure the entry of only authorized staff inside the Delivery Centre. Entry of outside person inside the Delivery Centre may not be permitted.
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