SOP on handling and hosting of data in r/o manually settled non-migrated PLI/RPLI Policies - DOP eF.No. 29-29/2015-LI(Pt) dated 12/02/2025

Standard Operating Procedure for handling and hosting of data in respect of manually settled non-migrated PLI/RPLI policies - DOP Directorate eF.No. 29-29/2015-LI(Pt) dated 12/02/2025

eF.No. 29-29/2015-LI(Pt) Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(Directorate of Postal Life Insurance).
Chanakyapuri P.O. Complex,
New Delhi-110021
Dated: 12.02.2025
All Heads of Circles,

Sub: SOP on handling and hosting of data in r/o manually settled non-migrated PLI/RPLI Policies.

This is regarding taking precautionary measures to avoid double/multiple payment against the manually settled cases pertaining to non-migrated PLI/RPLI Policies.

2. In this regard, it has been decided with the approval competent authority that a link shall be created on URL: to host data of all the policies settled in r/o non-migrated PLI/RPLI policies.

3. The PLI-CPC/approving authority before settlement of a claim pertaining to a PLI/RPLI non-migrated policy shall in all such cases, refer to the list hosted by CEPT/IPPB Team over the referred URL and take necessary action accordingly.

4. On above, Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) along with reporting format in Annexure A to this letter for further necessary action.

This issues with the approval of the competent authority.
(Mrinalini Srivastava)
Additional General Manager (PLI)
Copy for information and necessary action: -
1. DDM-III, Technology Division, PLI Directorate, New Delhi-110021.
2. PLI-IPPB Team

SOP for hosting the data of manually settled claim cases pertaining to non-migrated PLI/RPLI policies on utility tool provided by CEPT.

1. Hosting of data pertaining to non-migrated PLI/RPLI policies settled upto 31.01.2025 (one time exercise)

1.1. All the PLI-CPCs shall be instructed to share the data pertaining to non- migrated PLI/RPLI policies settled at their end since inception of McCamish System till 31st January 2025 in Annexure A-I and share with the respective Circles in prescribed format Annexure-A1. (All PLI-CPCS be instructed to take the action by 22.02.2025).

1.2. An official/officer shall be nominated from PLI Section at Circle level to carry out liaison with all CPCs falling under the jurisdiction of the Circle concerned and provide necessary assistance and further ensure receipt of information in the specified format i.e., in Annexure A-I (Action to be taken at the level of Circles).

1.3. The official/officer nominated at the level of Circles shall further ensure consolidation and scrutiny of data and a consolidated report (CPC wise) in above Annexure A-I in excel format shall then be sent through email to PLI Directorate on following email id (Action to be taken at the level of Circles by 25.02.2025).

1.4. List of all such settled PLI/RPLI non-migrated policies in Annexure A-1 shall be forwarded by PLI Directorate after checking to CEPT. Which shall then be hosted by CEPT/IPPB Team on the following URL: (Action to be taken by PLI Directorate/CEPT/IPPB Team by 28.02.2025)

2. Hosting of data pertaining to non-migrated PLI/RPLI policies settled w.e.f February' 2025 onwards, on monthly basis.

2.1. All the PLI-CPCs be instructed to share the data pertaining to non-migrated PLI/RPLI policies settled during a month (from Feb 25 onwards) and share with their respective Circles in Annexure-A-1 on monthly basis to be received by 05th of subsequent month.

2.3 The official/officer nominated at the level of Circles shall further ensure consolidation and scrutiny of data and a consolidated report (CPC wise) in above Annexure A-I in excel format shall then be sent through email to PLI Directorate on following email by 10th of subsequent month.

2.4. List of all such settled PLI/RPLI non-migrated policies in Annexure A-1 shall be forwarded by PLI Directorate after checking to CEPT. Which shall be hosted by CEPT/IPPB Team on the following URL: (Action to be taken by PLI DTE/CEPT Team)

3. Action to be taken by PLI-CPCs before processing a claim request pertaining to non-migrated policies to avoid multiple or fraudulent payments.

3.1. The PLI-CPCs before settlement of a claim pertaining to a PLI/RPLI non- migrated policy shall in all such cases refer to the list hosted by CEPT/IPPB Team on on the URL: without fail. The approving authority will also get it checked at his level.
3.2. In case the particulars of any of the claim received is matching with that available on the utility tool, the same shall be got verified through Circle concerned and claim shall then be disposed of accordingly after proper enquiry.

4. The officer/official nominated at Circle level should provide necessary assistance to the Region/Division including PLI-CPC to follow these instructions in letter and spirit. For any query/ issue requiring guidance of PLI Directorate, the official/officer nominated at the level of Circle may contact PLI Directorate for carrying out the activity.

5. It may further be noted that the consolidated reports/data received from the Circle Office within the prescribed period will only be considered by PLI Directorate and further sent for hosting by PLI CEPT/IPPB Team. PLI- CPCs/Divisions/Regions should not send such data directly or copy (CC) to PLI Directorate in any case.



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