No 4-5/99-PE.I Government of India
Ministry of Communications and IT
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi-110001
Dated: 03-12-2003.
Subject: Updating of norms for calculation of establishment of Departmental Stamp Vendors/ Gramin Dak Sewak Stamp Vendors for sale of Stamps and Stationery- issue of the revised norms.
Norms for assessing the establishment of Departmental Stamp Vendors/ Gramin Dak Sewak Stamp Vendors for sale of stamps and stationery were circulated vide the office letter No. 31-15/83-PE! dated 7- 10-86, 18-11-86 and partially reiterated vide letter No. 4-5/99-PE.I dated 2-8-2002 when 100% increase in rates occurred
2. A fresh work-study to Postal rates have increased manifold since these norms were issued. formulate revised norms has been conducted to cope with the changed requirements at the work places. It has now been decided (with the approval of Staff Inspection Unit, Min of Finance, Department of Expenditure vide their u.o. note no. 1000/03 dated 26.9.2003) to adopt the following norms for calculation of establishment of Departmental Stamp Vendors/ Gramin Dak Sewak Stamp Vendors for sale of Stamps and Stationery: -
Sale of Stamps & Stationery
I. Up to Rs. 501- or part thereof. 3 Minutes
II. Subsequent sale of Stamps &
Stationery of Rs. 50/- cr part thereof upto 100/- 3 Minutes.
The other existing slab of Rs. 10, Rs. 10 to Rs. 30/-, Rs. 30 and above will henceforth cease to be in existence.
(i) >The sale up to Rs. 100/- should be treated as retail sale and beyond that as bulk sale.
(ii) >The minimum sale of Rs. 50/- should be a base instead of Re. 1/-
3.Keeping in view the above time factor, the hourly sale comes to Rs. 1000-/ and as such, the existing post of departmental Stamp Vendor will be justified on the sale of Rs. 7000/- per day. Similarly, the GDS (ED Stamp Vendor) for five hours will be justified on sale of Rs. 5000/- per day.
4. Where there are Multipurpose Counter Machines (MPCMs), the post of Stamp Vendor/GDS (stamp vendor) is not justified and the work of sale of stamps and stationery should be attached to the counter clerk. It is possible that in all Post Offices, it may not be applicable. As such, Head of the Division should determine the justification of the post of Stamp Vendor
5. On application of these norms, the posts of Departmental Stamp Vendors/ Gramin Dak Sewak Stamp Vendors may not be justified in some Post Offices and may become surplus These posts may be re-deployed (as per the existing instructions issued by Establishment Division) where there is a need for these posts. In case, these surplus posts cannot be utilized, these may be abolished but only after proper assessment of staff for the current services as well as for future needs. Any clarification in this regard may be obtained from Estt. Division. If any technical problem in implementing the norms is experienced the same may be directly brought to the notice of internai Work Study Unit (IWSU) of the Directorate for clarification etc. Their case mark No 9-5/2002-WS-1 refers
6. This issues with the approval of MOF (Deptt of Expenditure) Staff inspection Unit ID Note No 1000/03 dated 26.9.2003 and concurrence of Finance Advice vide their Dy No.542/FA/03/CS dated 03.12.2003.
7. The receipt of this letter may please be acknowledged.
(S.S. Mehra)
Assistant Director General (Est)
Copy to
1 Director, Postal Staff College, Ghaziabad
2 Add DG, APS, R.K. Puram, New Delhi.
3 The Principal Director, P&T Audit, Sham Nath Marg, Delhi-110054
4 All Directors/Dy. Directors of Accounts (Postal)
5 All Directors, Postal Training Centres.
6 All recognized Unions/Associations/Federations.
7 Office in Charge, APS Record Office, Kamptee
8 Ministry of Finance Dept of Expenditure Staff Inspection Unit w.r.t. ID No. 1000/03 dated 26.9.03.
9 Sr. PPS to Secretary (P)
10. Member (OV/Member (P)/Member (D)
11. Sr. DDSG/DDSG of Directorate/Secy (PSB)/JS&FA.
12 CGM, Postal Life Insurance, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi/CGM (BDD), Malcha Marg New Delhi
13. Chief Engineer (HQ), Civil Wing.
14 Postal Accounts wing of Directorate.
15 PE-I/PAP/PCC/SPB I/SPB.II/Work-Study (5 copies) /inspn/SR/Vig/D/FAP/GDS Sections of Dre
16. Guard File.
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