Restoring of 40 temporary redeployed posts of HSG-I (NFG) to their parent Circles

The Hon'ble Secretary (Posts), Dak Bhawan,
Sansad Marg, New Delhi-110001.

By Regd/email
No. AIASC CHQ-103/2025 Dated at Pathankot SO the 26.02.2025

Sub: Regarding restoring of 40 temporary redeployed posts of HSG-I (NFG) to their parent Circles - a gentle reminder.

Ref: DTE PE-I Section No. Q-25/2/2020-PE-I dated 05.08.2020

Respected Madam,

With reference to subject, kindly refer to this association's letter dated 19.01.2025 and it is again reminded to restore forty (40) temporary redeployed posts of Higher Selection Grade-1 (Non- Functional Grade) from three (03) circles to their twelve (12) respective parent circles on the dates when HSG-1 of these 12 circles were eligible.

2. The temporary redeployment of these posts was initially implemented to meet immediate staffing needs. However, the prolonged duration of such arrangements has not only impacted the operational efficiency and administrative coherence of the parent circles, but also adversely affected the career progression of the 40 HSG-I officials who are waiting for their rightful promotion to HSG-I (NFG). It is essential to address the issue promptly to deliver justice to these HSG-I officials and ensure their professional growth is not unduly hindered.

3. In light of the above, it is prayed to expedite the necessary proceedings to restore the aforementioned posts to their 12 parent circles on the dates when HSG-I of these circles were eligible to promote to HSG-1 (NFG) & a proposal may kindly be routed to concerned authorities to enhance sufficient posts of HSG-1 (NFG) for eligible HSG-I officials as on date.

With profound regards,

Copy to:-

1.The Hon'ble D.G. Posts, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110001.

2.The Member (P), Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110001.

3.The DDG (P), Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110001

4.The Director (SPN), Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110001.


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