Clarification on delivery of Postal articles by Delivery staff through their own two-wheeler vehicle

No: 16-02/2024-D
Government of India Ministry of Communications 
Department of Posts Mail Operations Division 
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi- 110 001
Dated: 06.02.2025

All Heads of Circle

Subject: Policy guidelines on delivery of Postal articles by Delivery staff through their own two-wheeler vehicle - reg.

This has reference to Postal Directorate letter of even no. dated 25th October, 2025 on the above referred subject forwarding therewith Policy guidelines for delivery of Postal articles by Delivery staff through their own two-wheeler vehicle.

2. In this regard, references have been received from field units regarding payment of maintenance charges to the delivery staff for the usage of their 2-wheeler vehicles as well as need for annual revision of the fuel reimbursement charges being prescribed by the Circles for payment to delivery staff.

3.The references received from the field units have been examined. Clarification on the both the queries are as under:

SI. No. Query   Clarification
i. Payment of maintenance charges to the delivery staff for Para 6 of the Policy formula for calculation guidelines provides following of fuel reimbursement charges:
  the usage of their 2- wheeler vehicles for delivery of the postal Total fuel reimbursement charges paid to delivery staff per km Average expenditure on periodic maintenance per km. (Rs. 0.98) + Average fuel charges per km*
  articles As has been evident has already been fuel reimbursement from the above formula, Rs. 0.98/- included per km, in the calculation of charges.
ii. Annual revision of the fuel reimbursement charges being prescribed by the Circles for payment to delivery staff Para 6.3 of the Policy "Petrol prices for be taken into account of fuel reimbursement this year and 15th The revised mileage 25) would be applicable subsequent years it of each financial year." As has already been again clarified charges/mileage and petrol prices as be taken into account to be applicable for w.e.f. 1st April to 31st guidelines provided as follows: calculating fuel charges per Km. would as has been taken for calculation charges for delivery of Parcels for March for upcoming financial years. rates for this financial year (2024- we. f. 1st November, 2024. For would be applicable from 1st of April indicated in Para 6.3 above, it is that the fuel reimbursement charges are to be revised every year on 15th March for every year are to for the calculation of the charges the upcoming financial year i.e. March of the next year.

4. Circles are requested to circulate the above-referred clarifications to the field units for wider dissemination among the Postal Divisions & delivery staff.

(Dushyant Mudgal)
DDG (Mail Operations)


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