Sri Umesha HN
Ex Divisional Secretary Gp-C Hassan
Vice President BPEA Group C Karnataka Circle
The Secretary
BPEA Group C
Hassan Division Hassan 573201
Sub Post Master Channapatna Extn S.O Hassan 573201
Subject: Representation Regarding Non-Inclusion of Crucial Parameters in Establishment Review and Its Impact on Workload/ manpower.
Dear Sir,
I, the member of BPEA Group C Hassan Division and Vice President BPEA Group C, Karnataka Circle bringing some serious facts for your further representation to the divisional administration for their needy action with appropriate level.
The department of Posts is going to conduct a special establishment review through online. The format provided on online had left many of the work factors of the post offices. If the workload is underestimated, employees may be assigned more tasks than they can realistically handle, leading to overwork, stress and potential burnout. Employees may feel de-motivated and under-valued if they are constantly struggling to meet unrealistic expectations due to incorrect workload calculations.
Inaccurate workload calculations can lead to inefficient resource allocation, with some areas being overstaffed while others are understaffed. If the workload is underestimated, mail processing and delivery may be delayed, leading to customer dissatisfaction.
Accurate workload calculation is essential for the efficient and effective operation of a post office establishment. Incorrect calculations can have significant negative impacts on employees, the post office itself, and on the customers on postal services.
This representation highlights serious concerns regarding the recent establishment review and the non-inclusion of several critical parameters that significantly impact the workload at Sub Offices (SOs) and Branch Offices (BOS) under Hassan Division. The current assessment, based on incomplete data, will inevitably lead to an inaccurate calculation of required staff strength, resulting in immense pressure on existing personnel. This will negatively impact staff morale, potentially reduce the quality of service provided, and make any reduction in working strength unsustainable.
The following points detail the discrepancies and their potential consequences:
# BO Workload Managed at SOS: The workload handled at SOS related to BO operations (e.g., account maintenance, transactions, and supervision) has been entirely disregarded. This omission drastically underestimates the actual burden on SO staff.
# Coefficient Factor_for_Computerization: The removal of the 45-minute coefficient factor (previously allocated for establishment review) due to computerization is flawed. The frequent network downtime, software glitches, and network slowness are not accounted for, creating a significant lime sink that is ignored in the current assessment.
# BO_Supervision_at_SOs: While BOs are treated as separate profit centers, the time and effort involved in supervising BO activities at 50s remain unclear and unquantified in the review.
# High-Value Withdrawal Verification: The mandatory second verification at 50s for BO withdrawals exceeding Rs. 20,000, including SS verification, constitutes a substantial workload that is not reflected.
# BO Article Delivery and Updation: The workload associated with the delivery of articles at BOs and their subsequent updation at SOS is overlooked.
#Reconciliation of IPPB Cash management and IPPB Verification at Sos: The daily verification of IPPB transactions conducted at BOs, a significant task in today's context, is not considered.
# Half Margin Verification Memos: Sending half margin verification memos to SDHs for BO withdrawals over Rs. 10,000 adds to the workload.
# Annual Interest Posting: The annual posting of interest for all SB and SSA accounts across all BOs during April is a massive undertaking not factored into the review.
# Special Error Book_Maintenance_and_Reporting: Maintaining the special error book, reporting it, and subsequent follow-up actions are additional duties.
# Manual Registers and Forms: The maintenance of numerous manual registers (especially in SB branches), manual forms, index to receipts, etc., continues to be a time-consuming activity.
# CRM Portal Management: Logging into the CRM portal and addressing customer complaints adds to the workload.
# KYC Form Processing: Entering KYC details into the Karnataka Post portal and sending forms to HO is a significant task.
# LB_Clearance, PMA Updation, and Vishwakarma Toolkit Delivery: These tasks, including video capture for toolkits, consume considerable time.
# Booking and ePost Printing: Printing ePosts adds to the operational workload.
#PB Issued Counter, BOs PA, and Supervisor Works: These responsibilities are not included in the portal's workload calculations.
#AML Alert Verification: The verification of AML alerts is another task not considered.
# Scheme Inquiries and general queries: Handling inquiries about various schemes adds to the workload.
# Queue Maintenance_by_MTS at HO/MDG/SO_level: Managing queues adds to the responsibilities of MTS staff.
# Time to Attend Google Meet: Time spent in mandatory meetings reduces time available for other tasks.
# Indenting to PSD: The process of indenting to PSD adds to the workload.
# Error Entry: Correcting errors related to mail work consumes staff time.
# Handling of Non-Migrated Certificates and Accounts: Dealing with non-migrated items adds a specific workload.
# Maintenance of INOP Register: Maintaining the INOP register is an additional task.
# Attending Technical Issues: Addressing technical issues takes time away from other duties.
# Cross-Checking of Philately Stamps Stock: This verification process adds to the workload. # PM Suraksha Schemes: Handling of PMSBY,PMJJBY,PMAPY, etc schemes transactions. # Printing of Passbooks :Printing passbooks for non-cash transactions is an additional duty. # Email/Correspondence: Responding to mail, emails, and WhatsApp messages consumes significant time.
# Swachh Bharat Activities: Cleanliness drives, hardware/electrical checks, and history sheet maintenance are additional responsibilities.
# CIF Modification/Merger. These processes are incorrectly marked as nil in the portal and only New CIF creations are showing.
# IPPB operations are completely ignored.
Further, the Specific SB and DPB/FPB Related Works, Web Complaints, SB-44, SB-45, DPB, FPB, passbook register maintenance, error book maintenance, half margin verifications, and PR indexing are not adequately addressed in the establishment review.
The cumulative effect of these omissions will be a significant underestimation of the actual workload. This will inevitably lead to severe staff shortages, increased work pressure and potentially compromised service quality. Any reduction in working strength based on this flawed Special review will be detrimental.
To mitigate these impacts, post offices I request you to urgently refer the issues mentioned above with your comments for halt the establishment review process until incorporating all the points mentioned above. Accurate workload assessment is crucial for determining the appropriate staff strength and ensuring the smooth functioning of Post office. Failure to address these issues will have long-term detrimental effects on employee morale and operational efficiency.
Thanking you,
Place: Channapatna Extn S.O Date: 11.02.2025
Yours's faithfully
(mesha HN)
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