Office of the Senior Superintendent of Post Offices, Chennai City North Division, Chennai - 600 008.
भारतीय डाक
डाक सेवा अन्न सेवा
India Post Dak Sewa-Jan Sewa
Memo No: Mise I/RNP/Dlgs dated at Chennai - 600 008 the 27.01.2025
S/s K.Ragavendran,
No.2/44, Muthaiyal Chetty Street,
Purasawalkam, Chennai 600007.
Sub : Cancellation of RNP license c/o "Pensioner's Post" Tamil/Monthly"- reg.
Ref : This office memo no.Memo No: Misc I/RNP/PP/Dlgs dated 18.12.2024
Kindly refer to the memo cited under reference.
As per the directorate orders vide 01-01/2024-PO dated 16.12.2024, Post office Regulations 2024 came into effect from 16.12.2024. In which the Administrative and operative guidelines related to registered newspaper is furnished as under:
(F)Administrative and operative guidelines related to registered newspaper:
Regulations 95(2) of the Post Office Regulations 2024 provides for the administrative and operative guidelines related to registered newspaper which are as under:
As per the Press and Registration of Periodicals Act, 2023, newspaper is defined as under: "newspaper" means a periodical of loose-folded sheets usually printed on newsprint and brought out daily or at least once in a week, containing information on current events. public news or comments on public news.
The magazine "Pensioner's Post" published at intervals not more than thirty one days, does not align with the administrative and operative guidelines for Registered Newspapers.
Hence it is intimated that, RNP license renewed for the period from 01.01.2025 to 31.12.2027 is hereby "Cancelled" and post the magazines with rate of Periodical post as per the dr letter no. DO No.01-01/2024-PO dated 20.12.2024.
Senior Superintendent of POS, Chennai City (N) Division,
Chennai-600 008.
Copy of the Memo issued to:
1. The, SSRM, Chennai Sorting Division, Chennai- 600 008. for information and necessary action.
2. The ASRM, Patrika Channol, Egmore RMS, Chennai- 600 008 for information and necessary action. 3. The Postmaster General, Chennai City Region, Chennai - 600 002 for information.
Senior Superintendent of POs, Chennai City (N) Division,
Chennai-600 008
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