Postal JCA Charter demands - Memorandum dated 20/01/2025


Ref: PJCA/United Movement/2025 Dated 20/01/2025
The Secretary, Posts
Dept of Posts
Ministry of Communication and IT
Dak Bhawan
New Delhi

Respected Madam,
We can see that the Dept is implementing one after another retrograde policies, ignoring the opinion of the staff side, which has become a hindrance in the question of the existence of the Dept. Not only that the legitimate rights of all cross section of employees of our Dept are simply denied of. In this scenario we are forwarding this memorandum with following charter of demands :-
1.Withdraw "the Post Office Act. 2023" immediately.
2.Implement immediately the Stay Order dtd. 12.04.2024 granted by Jharkhand High Court against derecognition order dtd. 26.4.2023 impost on AIPEU, Gr. C and NFPE with final objective to withdraw the derecognition order.
3. No UPS, no NPS we want only OPS for all.
4. Restore the merger L2 mail offices and introduce ICH and PH in all L2 mail offices. Restore all RMS transit sections suspended during Corona period and send all types of mails by RMS transit sections, start departmental MMS discontinuing contact RTN.
5.a) Withdraw the order of IDC immediately.
b) Withdraw order of mechanised delivery by own two wheeler.
c) Withdraw all outsourcing in form of franchaisy, Dak mitra which are nothing but privatization of Postal Services.
6.a) Grant Civil Servant Status to Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS) by including them under the purview of the 8th Central Pay Commission (CPC), ensuring parity with departmental staff. b)Provide comprehensive service benefits, including pension, family pension, gratuity, and medical benefits.
7.Stop the move to Decentralise PAOS, Restore1520 post's Arbitrarily abolished in the name of Rationalization.
8.Grant 40% SCF Quota promotions to Sr. Accounts in total strength of AAO Cadre.
9.a) Filling up all vacant posts in all cadres. Separate recruitment for electrical Wing staff. 
b)Stop establishment review based on the adhoc norms during proposed transformation of new software from SAP.
10.Implement Cadre Restructuring in all left out cadres.
11.Allow all LSG/HSG officials of CO/RO/DPLI to appear in the LDCE for promotion to PS Group B cadre. Fill up all vacant posts of LSG/HSG- II/HSG- I in all cadre including CO/RO/DPLI.
12 a)Merge the remaining SBCO officials PAS SBCO and Supervisors SBCO with GM PA & F. Upgrade all PAS SBCO with 5 years of service to LSG as such wherever they are in their same places of posting.
b) Notify all the vacancies including the merged posts taking into account the total establishment of SBCO during Rotational and request transfers.
13.Continue DPLI/Kolkata office as the Central Accounting Office for PLI/RPLI and EDAGIS/GDSGIS
This Postal Joint Council of Action sincerely request you to refrain from taking any kind of retrograde policies in the interests of our Dept and all cross section of Postal Employees including GDS, Part time, Casual, DRMS. We also request you to start meaningful discussions/dialogue. Otherwise we would have no alternative but to start severe trade union action including Strike.



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