No. AIASC CHQ-94/2024 Dated at Pathankot SO the 14.12.2024
Sub: - Regarding non/slowness accessible of SAP/Finacle
Respected Madam,
On the reference subject, this association brings to your kind notice that the following issues are observed by the operational staff on their day to day working: -
(i) SAP finds non/slowness accessible in the morning, resultant delivery works affected badly viz. late processing, invoicing, printing of delivery manifest, treasury works like cash request/disbursement, generating DTR etc.
(ii) Non-working of T-code FAGLL03, Zfr_day_new between around 0930-1230 hours sometimes till afternoon.
(iii) Non-updation of MPCM_figures/IPPB_in_DTR_in_many days and non-zero of POS cash resultant PAO is pointing out.
(iv)Figures of booking of RL/SP/RP by BPM through DARPAN is also not reflected in many days, resultant articles booked by BO have to despatch manually by concerned Account Office. It remains suspected for public as well as Account Office.
(v)Same experience is observed for finacle on daily routine for which customers and staff face a lot of inconvenience and helpless for their transactions timely.
Hence, this association prays that the matter may kindly be looked into and necessary improvement may kindly be done.
With profound regards,
Copy to: -
1. The Hon'ble D.G. Posts, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110001.
2. The Member (O), Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110001.
3. The Member (Tech), Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110001.
Camp at: Sub Postmaster (HSG-I), Pathankot MDG, Punjab, PIN-145001
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