(Department of Posts)
New Delhi, the 16th December, 2024
S.O. 5440(E).— In exercise of the powers conferred by section 13 of the Post Office Act, 2023 (43 of 2023), the Director General, with the prior approval of the Central Government, hereby makes the following regulations, namely:-
1. Short title and commencement.- (1) These regulations may be called the Post Office Regulations, 2024.
(2) They shall come in to force on the 16th day of December, 2024.
2. Definitions.- (1) In these regulations, unless the context otherwise requires, -
(a) "accountable items" means such items that provide a receipt at the time of booking for track and trace (stage wise electronic data on movement of item) and require the signature (in ink or digital) of the addressee, the payee, or their authorised person upon receipt of an item, to provide evidence of delivery and include items such as India Post Parcel, Speed Post, Magazine Post, International Speed Post Services (EMS), International Air Parcels, International Tracked Packets, International Registered Letter items, Money Order and items with value added services like registration, insurance and cash on delivery (COD);
(b) “Act” means the Post Office Act, 2023 (43 of 2023);
(c) "addressee" means the intended recipient or the person to whom any item is to be delivered;
(d) "administrative instructions” means the executive or administrative orders or instructions including guidelines issued by the Central Government or, as the case may be, the Director General as specified under regulation 178 or regulation 179 or regulation 180, as the case may be;
(e) "authorised person” means a person, duly authorised by the addressee to receive the item or by a payee to receive the money on his behalf;
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