Directorate Instructions regarding agitational programmes by the RMS Union

SR- 08/01/2024-SR-DOP-Part (1)
Government of India
 Ministry of Communications 
Department of Posts (SR Section)
DakBhawan, Sansad Marg New Delhi - 110001
Dated: December, 2024
All Heads of Postal Circles / Regions.

Subject: Phase wise agitational programme by National Union of RMS & MMS Employees Group-'C' & National Union of RMS and MMS Employees MG and MTS Group 'C'.
Madam/ Sir,

The undersigned is directed to inform that National Union of RMS & MMS Employees Group-'C' and National Union of RMS and MMS Employees MG and MTS Group 'C' vide III&IV/Agitation-2024 dated 02.12.2024 (copy enclosed) has intimated notice No. NUR- that the associations will jointly organize following phase agitation programme:
(i) 10.12.2024: Circle level Lunch hour demonstration.
(ii) 17.12.2024: Circle level Hunger fast.

2. Agitation programme on 10.12.2024 and 17.12.2024 will be organized in all postal Circles by the Associations. All Postal Circles should ensure that there is no disruption in postal services due to the agitation programme organized by the service association and all types of postal services continue to function uninterrupted.

Encl: As above

Yours faithfully,

(Dinesh kumar)
Section Officer (SR)

(Affiliated to INTUC No. 570-4)
Chambri No. CH17-1-15, Atul Grove Road, New Delhi-110001 E-mail: | Wabalto: www.tnpo org
National Union of RMS & MMS Employoos
Mall Guard & MTS (Group-C) CHQ CHQ-S.D., 8, Dov Nagar, Karol Bagh New Delhi-11005 
Emall Id:

Ref. 1 NUR-III & IV/ Agitation-2024 Dated: 02-12-2024

It is hereby notified that National Union of RMS and MMS Bmployees Union Group C & National Union of RMS and MMS Employees MG and MTS Group C unions have jointly decided to organize phased apitation program to address pressing issues affecting postal services and staff welfare.

1. 10th December 2024; Circle-level lunch hour demonstration.
2. 17th December 2024: Circle-level Hunger fast.
3. Future Actions: Will depend on the official side's approach to resolving the issues listed below.


1. Withdraw the processing of Speed Post and Registered articles at a One hub Orders dated 17.10.2024,

2. Strengthen L-2 Mail Offices: Establish Intra Circle Hub (ICH) and Parcel Hub (PH) operations in all L-2 Mail offices. Enable processing of time-sensitive and district mail locally at L-2 offices to avoid delays caused by back-routing and re-handling. Prevent unnecessary transmission costs by limiting movement between L-I and 1-2 offices.

3. Stop Abolition/Merger/Closure of RMS offices,

4.Reinstate Suspended Transit Sections: Resume operations of all Transit Sections temporarily halted during the COVID-19 period.

M.K.SHARMAN General Secretary RAV


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