Call for willingness to work in PLI directorate on deputation basis

File No. 32-01/2017-LI (Part) 
Government of India
Ministry of Communications 
Department of Posts
Directorate of Postal Life Insurance

Chanakyapuri Post Office Complex
Chanakyapuri, New Delhi-110021 
Dated: 2nd December, 2024

Sub: Calling for willingness to work in PLI Directorate on deputation basis.

Willingness from eligible officials in the cadre of Postal Assistant across Circles is hereby invited for posting in the PLI Directorate on deputation basis. All the willing officials are advised to go through deputation/attachment guidelines contained in the Postal Directorate's OM No. X-07/27/2022-SPN-II dated 16.03.2023 to ensure their eligibility before submitting their willingness. Posting in PLI Directorate shall be governed by the following terms and conditions:-

i. Officials who have successfully completed their probation period shall be eligible to apply for the posting in the PLI Directorate.

ii. The officials will be on deputation for an initial period of 03 years extendable to 02 more years in two stages of one year each.

iii. The officials shall draw the salary and allowances from the PLI Directorate and their service books/leave account shall be maintained in the PLI Directorate.

iv. Service matters such as MACP, Promotion, stepping up of pay etc. of the officials on deputation shall be dealt by their parent Circle/Division/unit only. 

v. Official(s) in LSG Cadre or above are not eligible to apply.
vi. Official(s) on deputation to PLI Directorate shall hold their lien in their parent Circle/Division/unit.

vii. The official will not be eligible to be absorbed against any vacant post in the PLI Directorate under any circumstances.

viii. The officials found unsuitable at any point of time can be sent back to their parent Circle/Division without assigning any reason.

ix. The PLI Directorate will intimate well in advance to the concerned Circle, the name of the official(s) who will be completing their tenure for arranging posting of concerned staff.

x. No deputation allowance shall be granted to the officials while on deputation in PLI Dte. However, other benefits like HRA, Transport Allowance as admissible for Delhi being 'X' city shall be allowed.

xi In case any official is found using political or other influences in any form for securing posting in the PLI Directorate, his/her application would be summarily rejected without notice and appropriate action would be taken for violation of Rule-20 of CCS(Conduct) Rules-1964 as may be deemed fit.

Eligible officials will submit their applications in the proforma as per 'Annexure- A' through proper channel. Applications recommended by the Divisional Head and approved by the CPMG will only be considered. Therefore, applicants are advised not to send advance copy of their applications either through Dak or softcopy through e-mail. Further, applications received without the recommendations of the concerned CPMG will not be considered.

3. Applications duly approved by the CPMG concerned, should reach PLI Directorate on or before 18th December, 2024.

4. This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.

Encl: Proforma application-Annexure-'A'

(Girish Chandra Lakhera)
Dy. Divisional Manager (PLI)

Copy for information to:-

1. All Chief Postmaster General for information and necessary action. It is requested to circulate this OM among all the officials working in the Circle/Region/Division. 

2. General Manager, CEPT, Mysore with a request to place the O.M. on India Post website for information to all concerned.

Click here to download willingness called for in PDF from CEPT


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