Business hours of Post Office - Section 13 of the Post Office Act, 2023


3. Business hours.- (1) The business hours in a post office, during which business is transacted with the public, shall generally be as under on normal weekdays, which are not holidays for the Post Office or the Government holidays, namely: -
(2) Branch post offices shall be kept open for a maximum period of five hours in a day. 4. (1) The Circle Head, Regional Head and Divisional Head are empowered to specify the period of each of the post offices under their jurisdiction, during which business is transacted with the public or customer and the time at which items are delivered and dispatched, keeping in view, the maximum working hours, business hours, local convenience and the arrival and departure timings of the items and working of the post office counters.

(2) The Circle Head or Regional Head may, if it is necessary or expedient to meet the requirement of the public, or in any special circumstances, specify-

(a) the business hours and the days other than the working days including Sundays and holidays, during which the post offices shall be opened for business;

(b) the kind of transactions available during such business hours; and

(c) the maximum number of items that may be tendered for booking during business hours to meet the rush of work in a post office and to ensure the equitable availability of facilities to the public.

5. Payment of postage and other sums chargeable on items.- (1) Postage shall generally be paid by modes mentioned in rule 9.


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