Note: UIDAI is NO longer supporting Windows-7 Operating System as per IT- Policy, Meity Guildelines & Information Security Policy strictly.
Logs location:
C:\UID Authority of India Aadhaar Enrollment Logs Kindly share the screenshot of control panel to check further.
Path: Control Panel\Programs\Programs and Features
Aadhar GPS not connent at XXXXHO
Dear Sir,
Please note that GPS device is essentially an outdoor device. They do not work indoors as they cannot receive satellite signals properly. GPS devices communicate directly with GPS satellites and not with mobile towers. So, to use a GPS device, it has to be placed outside a window or taken outside to the terrace or the road. It will only work under open sky and in clear weather conditions. GPS DEVICE WILL NOT WORK INDOORS.
Note: If issue persists inform to contact GPS vendor.
Click below link to Download Aadhaar related problem in PDF format
Authentication failed UID issue
Tech support Reply
1. Kindly re-onboard the operator once then try to do operator sync to resolve issue.
2. Dear Sir,As per our analysis, there is a bio lock on the mentioned operator's Aadhaar number. Please follow the below steps to disable the bio-lock:
Please contact your concern EA admin to get the latest drivers and update it (uninstall and install the latest drivers). Also, try to connect the device in different port. If the issue persists, please check if the device is working in different computer to know if the hardware is faulty or not, then contact the hardware vendor/EA admin to repair/replace the device
As per attached error screen shot, we seen that the client version 181-1 installed that is revoked from our end. The Client Version 182-1 full installer is present on upload portal, Kindly download with the help of concern EA.
L1 issue--
This is to inform you that Backend Team has fixed this issue, Kindly check once and try to do registration.
Fatal error occurred while creating enrollment
Issue == error occurred while creating enrollment. This enrollment is now invalid and has been deleted
Tech reply-
Please follow the below steps to resolve the mentioned issue:-
1. Open My computer/This PC.
2. Go to drive C.
3. Open Aadhaar folder.
4. Open "Data" folder.
5. Rename the packets-auto folder to packets-auto1.
6. Create a new packets-auto folder.
Please make sure Aadhaar application is closed and all the packets are in uploaded status while performing these steps. if Issue persists kindly send a fresh mail to tech support.
Regarding user authentication failed for Shri../regarding error during login" operator sync. failed due to network error. please try failed to respond."
Tech reply-
Please follow the below mentioned steps:
Step 1: Go to the below link
Step 2: Select 'Lock/unlock Bio-metrics' under 'My Aadhaar' services.
Step 3: Check the box that says 'I Understand that after bio-metric lock enable, I will not perform bio-metric authentication until I unlock Bio-metrics.' and click on 'Lock/unlock Bio-metrics' tab
Step 4: Enter your UID and captcha details as shown in the image there.
Step 5: Then click on 'Send OTP' button. OTP will be generated to the registered mobile number.
Step 6: Enter OTP and then click on 'Submit'.
Step 7: Click on 'Disable Locking Feature'. Then you will get the successfully disabled the locking feature on your UID message on the screen.
After performing the above steps, you will be able to onboard the operator. Tech support mail table
- Issue Description
- Full page Error screenshot attached
- Client version(ECMP/CEL)
- Client Version Full Installer (Path: Control
- Panel Programs\Programs and Features) Operator ID
- Operator/Supervisor Contact number
- Supervisor Contact number
- Operator Mail ID
- Alternative contact number
- REG code(3 digit)
- EA code(4 digit)
- Station ID(5 digit)
- Machine ID
- Whitelisted client or Non- whitelisted client
- Last Operator Sync Date
- Logs
- Belong to which RO
- Windows Version
As per attached error screen shot, we seen that the client version 181-1 installed that is revoked from our end. The Client Version 182-1 full installer is present on upload portal, Kindly download with the help of concern EA.
L1 issue--This is to inform you that Backend Team has fixed this issue, Kindly check once and try to do registration. Fatal error occurred while creating enrollment
Issue == error occurred while creating enrollment. This enrollment is now invalid and has been deleted
Tech reply--Please follow the below steps to resolve the mentioned issue:-
1. Open My computer/This PC.
2. Go to drive C.
3. Open Aadhaar folder.
4. Open "Data" folder.
5. Rename the packets-auto folder to packets-auto1.
6. Create a new packets-auto folder.
Please make sure Aadhaar application is closed and all the packets are in uploaded status while performing these steps. if Issue persists kindly send a fresh mail to tech support.
1. Open My computer/This PC.
2. Go to drive C.
3. Open Aadhaar folder.
4. Open "Data" folder.
5. Rename the packets-auto folder to packets-auto1.
6. Create a new packets-auto folder.
Please make sure Aadhaar application is closed and all the packets are in uploaded status while performing these steps. if Issue persists kindly send a fresh mail to tech support.
Regarding user authentication failed for Shri. ……………../regarding error during login " operator sync. failed due to network error. please try again. failed to respond."
Tech reply-Please follow the below mentioned steps:
1. Kindly make sure that the windows features required are enabled which is required for the "Telnet" connections with the help of your concern system admin.
2. Make sure that the OUC version is latest
3. Make sure that the Aadhaar services are working fine and it is not corrupted
a. Aadhaar Multi platform service
b. Aadhaar QSSITV service
c. Aadhaar OTA Service
4. Turn off/disable any antivirus and firewall installed.
a. Aadhaar Multi platform service
b. Aadhaar QSSITV service
c. Aadhaar OTA Service
4. Turn off/disable any antivirus and firewall installed.
These are the basic check for the issue. Please check and revert if the issue still persist with the error screenshot shot and the error logs for analysis.
Issue--Registration with CIDR Failed Due to network error please check internet connection and try again for User Sakshi Kathari (Error in Onboarding User) Tech-To fix the mentioned issue, please check the following points and then try Registration.
1. Check if the system time settings is set to internet time and it is synced, else, please set it to internet time and sync it once.
2. Turn off/disable any antivirus and firewall installed.
3. Check the network connection is proper and try with different network. If you are using White-listed client, then try only with white-listed network.
After changing the network, if the issue persists, please revert us with the error logs in PDF Text Format and the fresh clear error screenshot, mention which network was used for Registration
Regarding aadhar Enrollment Client not working/At …………Station ID: …………. Aadhaar Enrollment Client version update v3.3.4.2/182-3, application is not started and getting hanged. After sometime, it automatically gets closed.
Kindly provide solution for the issue, details mentioned below.
Tech first reply---
Kindly restart the services to resolve this issue.
Tech second reply --
Kindly follow the below steps and resolve this issue.
1. Type Services in the Windows search and open the Services page and stop the below services:
- AadhaarMulti platform service
- Aadhaar QSSITV service
2. Go to the below location and rename the file from lvs to lvs.old
C:\UID Authority of India\Aadhaar Enrollment\Data\lvs
3. Then create a new folder in the same location and name it as lvs
4. Restart the services that you have stopped.
5. Open ECA and on-board the operator. Once on-boarding completes, operator will be able to login to the client without any issues.
Note: If issue persists, we recommend you to download the latest client software V3.3.4.2/182-1 freshly and install again to fix the issue. After installation register the client with same station ID then do the onboarding. Don’t de-register the client manually.
Issue---regarding error in opening of aadhaar enrollment client / aadhaar client machine automatically shows error message " the biometric templates have been tempered. please do the onboarding again." Kindly resolve the issue.
Tech support reply
kindly re-onboard the operator once then again try once to proceed login.
Issue "Only one active session allowed per operator" is showing while synchronize user in ECA version
1. Tech support reply—We would like to inform that if the operator is logged in any other system and tries to login in a different machine without logging out from the old/first machine, this error message pops up. We would like to inform that sometimes by any means if the operator is facing this issue then,
he will have log in to the old system and sync and then log out, then he can log in to the new system.
2. Kindly logout the machine in old machine after that sign-out the system then try once to login in other machine. You can take help to IT Team.
Issue---please solve the problem of blocked for enrolment reason there was a change in the machine code this happens when there has been a change in system configuration or when there was some unexpected change of system try the following option the resume enrollment
1. revert to previous configuration and restart the client
2.login to eca and start deregistration of the client followed by re-registration .
Tech support reply--
Kindly restart the services and retry once, If issue still persists restart the system and try.
Issue---on user onboarding iris scanner is not working
Tech reply--Please restart the iris services and retry once to resolve this issue.
Issue-Registration with CIDR failed due to: Network Error. Please check internet connection and try again.
Please follow the below mentioned steps:
1. Kindly make sure that the windows features required are enabled which is required for the "Telnet" connections with the help of your concern system admin.
2. Make sure that the OUC version is latest
3. Make sure that the Aadhaar services are working fine and it is not corrupted
a. Aadhaar Multi platform service
b. Aadhaar QSSITV service
c. Aadhaar OTA Service
4. Turn off/disable any antivirus and firewall installed.
5. Check the network connection is proper and try with different network.
Please check and revert if the issue still persist with the error screenshot shot and
the error logs for analysis.
Issue-- A की आधार आईडी से लॉगिन नही हो रहा है, जबगक Bकी आधार आईडी से वो मशीन लॉगिन हो जा रही है।श्रीमान्
जी गवगित हो गक उनकी आधार आईडी ए
Tech support reply--Kindly select ECMP client and proceed operator sync, don't click UCL client.
Issue--Your Client is blocked for Enrollment
Tech support reply Kindly restart the services and retry once, If issue still persists restart the system and try.
Issue-Regarding Error - "Partially enrolled" is showing while operator enroll user in ECA version 182-3
Tech reply-Kindly follow the below steps and resolve this issue.
1. Type Services in the Windows search and open the Services page and stop the below services:
C:\UID Authority of India\Aadhaar Enrollment\Data\lvs
3. Then create a new folder in the same location and name it as lvs
4. Restart the services that you have stopped.
5. Open ECA and on-board the operator. Once on-boarding completes, operator will be able to login to the client without any issues.
Note: If issue persists, we recommend you to download the latest client software V3.3.4.2/182-1 freshly and install again to fix the issue.After installation register the client with same station ID then do the onboarding. Don’t de-register the client manually
1. Type Services in the Windows search and open the Services page and stop the below services:
- AadhaarMulti platform service
- Aadhaar QSSITV service
C:\UID Authority of India\Aadhaar Enrollment\Data\lvs
3. Then create a new folder in the same location and name it as lvs
4. Restart the services that you have stopped.
5. Open ECA and on-board the operator. Once on-boarding completes, operator will be able to login to the client without any issues.
Note: If issue persists, we recommend you to download the latest client software V3.3.4.2/182-1 freshly and install again to fix the issue.After installation register the client with same station ID then do the onboarding. Don’t de-register the client manually
Tech Reply---Kindly re-start the Machine and wait to upgrade the client from 182-1 to 182-3 then try to do operator sync.
Issue--Report not showing issue in aadhar software. please guide us.
Tech---Please find below steps to resolve EOD report not generating issue.
1. Stop all Aadhaar services
2. Rename packets-auto folder as packets-old (Path: UID Authority of India\Aadhaar Enrolment Client\data)
3. Create new packets-auto folder
4. Copy last 10 days packets from packets-old folder to new packets-auto folder
5. If still few un-uploaded packets exists in old folder, copy to new folder
6. Start all Aadhaar services
Please try generating the report
1. Stop all Aadhaar services
2. Rename packets-auto folder as packets-old (Path: UID Authority of India\Aadhaar Enrolment Client\data)
3. Create new packets-auto folder
4. Copy last 10 days packets from packets-old folder to new packets-auto folder
5. If still few un-uploaded packets exists in old folder, copy to new folder
6. Start all Aadhaar services
Please try generating the report
Tech--Please follow the below mentioned steps:
1. Kindly make sure that the windows features required are enabled which is required for the "Telnet" connections with the help of your concern system admin.
2. Make sure that the OUC version is latest
3. Make sure that the Aadhaar services are working fine and it is not corrupted
a. Aadhaar Multi platform service
b. Aadhaar QSSITV service
c. Aadhaar OTA Service
4. Turn off/disable any antivirus and firewall installed.
These are the basic check for the issue. Please check and revert if the issue still persist with the error screenshot shot and the error logs for analysis.
Issue--while L1 Registration "Registration with CIDR failed to Network error.
Please check internet Connection and try again"
Tech---As per the Remote session, we performed troubleshooting steps and issue has been resolved so we are closing this case from our end.
Note: If you facing any issue in future, send fresh e-mail to us. don't use same case number.
Troubleshooting Steps.
- Open EA portal:
- Click on lock icon
- Click on view certificate
- Click on copy to file
- Then click on next and provide file name
Then provide save location on desktop
1. Download and Extract the attached Security Certificate UIDAI EA file to the PC with the issue.
2. Double click to open Security Certificate UIDAI EA Portal.cer file.
3. Certificate Information screen will be opened. Click 'Install Certificate'.
3. Select 'Local Machine' and click Next.
4. Select 'Place all certificates in the following store' and click 'Browse'.
5. Tick 'Show physical stores' checkbox.
6. In the folder tree displayed, select 'Third-Party' under 'Trusted Root Certification Authorities' and click 'Next'.
7. Click 'Finish' to complete installation and click 'OK'. Now register the ECA client again and check whether the issue has been resolved.
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