Leave Travel Concession
Rule 7 (1) of CCS LTC Rules:
Government servant with 1 year continuous service can avail LTC.
Rule 7, GID (16)
- LTC to be availed during regular or casual leave or special casual leave or vacation not during weekend or other holidays
Rule 7 , can be availed during maternity leave... and during child care leave also Rule 7, GID (16-A)
Rule 15 GID (8) &(9):
- 10 days of earned leave can be encashed subject to a maximum of 60 days during the entire service. This 60 days will not be included while computing leave encashment during retirement (i.e 300 days)
Fresh recruit LTC- for newly recruited comrades:
- LTC minimum service condition is 1 year, from the date of completion of 1 year service this 8 year will be reckoned but on calendar year basis ...
- In this 8 years the official will be allowed to avail hometown Ltc every year in the first three years and all India Ltc in his 4th year then 3 consecutive hometown can be availed again in the 8th year another all india LTC.
- Hometown should be a place other than the headquarters but irrespective of the distance we can use it for availing ltc...
- In this period he cannot carry forward the un availed LTC to the next year...
- On completion of 8 years he will be treated at par with other employees in regular block ltc...
- Home town once declared cannot be changed except under extra ordinary situations that too only once during the entire service....
Official under suspension cannot avail LTC but his family can avail Rule 7, GID(20)
advance up to 90% of reimbursement be granted Rule 15 Gid (5)
intended place of visit to be declared in advance declared place of visit can be changed before commencement of journey with the approval of controlling authority Rule 6
Journey may be performed by any route to the declared place but claim will be restricted to the shortest route rule 13 GID(5)
பணியிடை நீக்கத்தில் உள்ள தோà®´à®°் LTC செல்ல à®®ுடியாது ஆனால் அவருடைய குடுà®®்பம் செல்லலாà®®்
பயணத் தொகையில் 90 சதவீதத்தை à®®ுன்பணமாக பெறலாà®®்...
எங்கு பயணம் செய்ய இருக்கிà®±ோà®®் என்பதை à®®ுன்னதாகவே à®…à®±ிவிக்க வேண்டுà®®் à®…à®±ிவித்த இடத்தை பயணம் துவங்குà®®் à®®ுன் வரை à®®ாà®±்à®±ிக் கொள்ளலாà®®் அதிகாà®°ியின் அனுமதியுடன்
à®…à®±ிவித்த பயண இடத்திà®±்கு எந்த வழியாகவுà®®் செல்லலாà®®் ஆனால் shortest route என்பதனை கணக்கில்கொண்டு reimbursement கொடுக்கப்படுà®®்
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