Guidelines for acceptance and booking of postal ballot through Speed Post without charges in r/o General Election 2024 in Jharkhand & Maharashtra,

Most Urgent Election Matter
F. No. 39-01/2019-D
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
Mail Business (Development & Operations) Division

Dak Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001 
Dated: 18th October, 2024
All Chief PMSG/
Addl. DG APS/ Regional PMSG

Subject: General Election to State Legislative Assemblies of Jharkhand & Maharashtra, 2024 and Bye-elections to 48 Assembly constituencies and 2 Parliamentary Constituencies of 15 States -reg. 

The Election Commission of India (ECI) has announced General Election to Legislative Assemblies of Jharkhand & Maharashtra and Bye -elections to 48 Assembly constituencies and 2 Parliamentary Constituencies of 15 States viz. Assam, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Meghalaya, Punjab, Rajasthan, Sikkim, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, West Bengal in the month of November, 2024. The date of counting of votes for the aforesaid elections has been scheduled for 23.11.2024 (Saturday).

2.All the service voters registered in the above-mentioned States/UTs/constituencies shall render their postal ballot through ETPBs at the nearest Post Offices anywhere in the country, for booking under Speed Post without pre-payment of charges at the time of booking. The Speed Post charges will be paid by the Chief Electoral Officer of the concerned State/UTs where the ETPBS are to be delivered.

3. The ETPBS booked up to 22.11.2024 may be accepted for delivery to the respective Returning Officers, as counting of votes is scheduled for 23.11.2024. Postal ballot papers delivered after 08.00 AM on 23.11.2024 will not be counted.

4. In view of the above, it is requested to issue necessary instructions to all the booking offices in your Circle to accept the envelopes containing ETPBS addressed to the Returning Officer of the above- mentioned States/UTs for booking through Speed Post without pre- payment of charges and make all necessary arrangements for their expeditious transmission so that ETPBS could reach at destination i.e. the respective Returning Officers well in time.

The Speed Post containing ETPBs for the above-mentioned elections will be booked under following BNPL Customer Ids of CEOs of the respective election states: -

Sr. No. Customer Name Customer ID
1 CEO Assam 2000009149
2 CEO Bihar 2000009125
3 CEO Chhattisgarh 2000009126
4 CEO Gujarat 2000009128
5 CEO Karnataka 2000009145
6 CEO Kerala 2000009137
7 CEO Madhya Pradesh 2000009138
8 CEO Maharashtra 2000009139
9 CEO Meghalaya 2000009150
10 CEO Punjab 2000009174
11 CEO Rajasthan 2000009175
12 CEO Sikkim 2000009221
13 CEO Uttar Pradesh 6000010419
14 CEO Uttarakhand 2000009178
15 CEO West Bengal 2000009179
16 CEO Jharkhand 2000009182
5.All the Circles are also requested to keep respective BNPL Customer Id / Contract Id updated for hassle free booking of the ETPBS through Speed Post without pre-payment of charges by all the Post Offices across the country and also make all necessary arrangements to ensure timely delivery of ETPBS to the concerned Returning Officers. Special arrangements and all out efforts needs be made for delivery of all the ETPBs before 0800 AM on 23.11.2024.
6.As booking and delivery of Postal Ballot paper is a sovereign function, hence, ETPBS should not be refused for booking by any of the Post Offices, in any case. The cases of refusal to accept ETPBs for booking shall be viewed seriously. Instructions issued vide this office OM of even number dated 01.09.2023 on the above-mentioned subject may be referred to in this regard.
(Amit Kumar) AD (Mail Operations)
Copy to: -

1. The General Manager CEPT, Mysore with a all request to make necessary provisions for booking of ETPBS through Speed Post without pre- payment of charges at the time of booking in non-CSI system including APS. It is also requested that weekly booking and delivery MIS information of ETPBS to MO Division at
2. Secretary,Election Commission Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi-110001 for information.
3. Office Copy.


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