4. Departmental Promotion
Ø For promotion ( LSG-level 5, HSG-II- level 6 ) up to Pay Level 11 & below as per 7th CPC Pay matrix – APAR grading good ( numerical grading 4.0) is enough
Ø For example if an employee is due for LSG promotion by April 2020, his last 5 preceding year APAR will be taken into account. He should get at least
2014-2015 -- Good--4.0
2015-2016 -- Good--4.0
2016-2017 -- Good--4.0
2017-2018 -- Good--4.0
2018-2019 -- Good--4.0
(Directorate letter no.20-45/2016 SPB - II dated 22.01.2018)
Ø Officials falling in following categories are eligible for appearing in LDCE
1. Government servant having currency of punishment
2. Government servant under suspension
3. Government servant against charge sheet is issued and disciplinary proceedings are pending.
4. Government servant against whom prosecution for a criminal charge is pending
Officials listed in the promotion list having currency of punishment will be promoted after completion of punishment period (Directorate order no.X-7/6/2022-SPN-II dated 17.05.2023)
Ø As per Directorate order no.X-7/6/2022-SPN-II dated 04.03.2024, when Minor penalty-recovery from pay was imposed on the official, promotion will be given only after the pecuniary loss caused to Government was fully recovered.
Article by Shri. Gurusivam
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