No. SG-17/11/2024-SPG-II-DOP
Government of India
Ministry of Communications Department of Posts
(SPG-II Section)
New Delhi, the 21 November, 2024
Subject: Clarification on the consideration of a married daughter for appointment on compassionate grounds - reg.
With reference to the above subject, please find enclosed DoPT ID Note No. 20034/2/2024-Pers. Policy (D-Seniority) dated 24.10.2024 on the subject cited above.
2. It is accordingly requested that the committees constituted for the compassionate appointment shall make an assessment of the applicants i.e. married daughters, to evaluate their claims for the compassionate appointment.
3. This has the approval of competent authority.
Encl: As above.
Signed by Rajpal
Date: 21-11-2024 15:00:00 (Rajpal)
Assistant Director General (SPG)
1. PSO to Secretary (P)/ Sr. PPS 10 DGPS
2. PPS/ PS to Members (PSB)/ Addl. DG (Coordination)
3. All CPMGs
4. Director, RAKNPA/ Directors, all PTCs
5. Sr. DDG (Vigilance) & CVO
6. Addl. DG, APS, Delhi
7. Secretary (PSB)/All DDGS/GMs of Postal/Parcel/PLI Directorate (through India Post website).
8. GM (CEPT), Mysore with a request to upload the order on the India Post Website.
9. PAOS concerned through India Post website
10. Guard file

Department of Personnel & Training Pers. Policy (D-Seniority)
Ref: Department of Posts' e-file No. SG-17/11/2024-SPG-II-DOP.
Department of Posts (DoP) may refer to their note #12 regarding consideration of a married daughter for appointment on compassionate grounds.
It is stated that consolidated instructions/guidelines of Scheme on Compassionate Appointment have been issued vide this Department's OM No. 14014/1/22-Estt. (D) dated 02.08.2022.The objective of the Scheme is to grant appointment on compassionate grounds to a dependent family member of a Government servant dying in harness or who is retired on medical grounds, thereby leaving his family in penury and without any means of livelihood, so as to relieve the family of the deceased Government servant concerned from financial destitution and to help it get over the emergency.
3. As has been quoted by DoP in their referral Note, it has already been clarified that married daughters can also be considered for appointment on compassionate grounds provided they were wholly dependent on the deceased Government servant, at the time of his/her death, or wholly dependent on the Government servant at the time of retirement of the Government servant on medical grounds, and that she must support other dependent members of the family of the deceased/medically retired Government servant.
Thus, it is for the administrative Ministry/Department to verify the above conditions in respect of 'married daughters' who are seeking employment on compassionate grounds, provided they are otherwise eligible for compassionate appointment in terms of this Department's OM dated 2.8.2022. Therefore, based on the relative assessment of the applicants including financial condition of the 'dependent' family members of the deceased Government servant or medically retired Government servant, by the Committee constituted by each Department/Organisation for the purpose of evaluating claims of compassionate appointment, a decision may be taken on offering appointment on compassionate grounds to the most deserving applicant, as per the extant provisions on the Scheme of the Compassionate Appointment.
5. DoP is advised to regulate the claims accordingly.
(R.K. Sinha)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India Telephone No. 23040339
Department of Posts [Shri Rajpal, ADG] New Delhi.
DOP&T I.D. Note No.20034/2/2024-Pers. Policy (D-Seniority) dated 24.10.2024.
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