No. 1-8/2023-PCC Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi - 110001
To,All Chief Postmasters General / Postmasters General. CGM, BD Directorate / Parcel Directorate / PLI Directorate. Director, RAKNPA / GM, CEPT / Directors of All PTCs
Addl. Director General, Army Postal Service, R.K.Puram, New Delhi. Sr. DDG (PAF) / DDG (P) Dak Bhawan.
All General Managers (Finance) / Directors Postal Accounts / DDAP.
Subject: Clarification on change of date of next increment (DNI) in terms of Rule- 10 of CCS (RP) Rules, 2016 - reg.
2.This office had received a reference seeking clarification on the following issue:
"Whether or not the Date of Next Increment (DNI) will be changed in terms of Rule 10 of CCS (RP) Rules, 2016 in respect of those employees who are promoted on regular basis on the posts carrying higher pay scales / granted non functional scale in the higher pay level subsequent to availing financial upgradation under MACP scheme in lieu of that regular promotion/non-functional scale."
The matter has been examined in consultation with the nodal departments, i.e, Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance and Department of Personnel and Training. The DoE vide ID Note No.03-27/2020-E.III(Part-II) dated 13.08.2024 has clarified that the DOE OM dated 28.11.2019 (regarding date of next increment in 7th CPC regime-clarification) is applicable in respect of those cases only where at the time of regular promotion / grant of non functional scale the pay is fixed in terms of Rule 13 of CCS (RP) Rules, 2016.
3.Further, the DoP&T vide ID Note No.35034/08/2024-P.P. D(MACP) dated 14.10.2024 has clarified that the increment granted on promotion and MACP is covered under the same Rule, viz., FR 22(1)(a)(1). Therefore, grant of increment benefit twice, i.e., on grant of MACP and promotion/NFSG, both would place the seniors at a disadvantageous position and create pay anomaly. It is mentioned that D/o Expenditure's OM dated 31.07.2018 and 28.11.2019 issued with reference to 'next increment' will not apply where the 'placement' has been done in light of DoP&T OM dated 04.07.2017.
4.As such, it is clarified that, the date of next increment DNI) will not be 08.12.2022 Opted for pay 2nd regular promotion. Pay fixation w.e.f. fixation with increment under FR-22(1) DNI, 01.01.2023 i.e. (a)(1). Rule-13 of the RP Rules, 2016 will be applied. Thus, DNI shall be changed to following 1st July in terms of Rule-10 of the RP Rules. The next annual increment shall be admissible on 01.07.2023, if otherwise fulfills conditions changed if promotion/non functional scale is granted in the higher pay level subsequent to availing of financial upgradation under MACP scheme. The matter is further clarified with the help of following illustrations:
SL | Event | Date | Option | Remarks |
1 | Postal Assistant | 25.03.2010 | - | Initial appointment in GP 2400/Level-4. |
2 | 1st MACP in (Level- 5) | 25.03.2020 | Opted for pay fixation w.e.f. DNI 01.07.2020 | Pay fixation with increment (Rule 13 of CCS (RP) Rules) w.e.f. 01.07.2020. DNI will be changed to 1st January in terms of Rule 10 of the CCS (RP) Rules, 2016. |
3 (i) | Assistant Accounts Officer (Level-8) | 08.12.2022 | If, opted for pay fixation w.e.f. date of promotion | Regular promotion after availing 1st MACP. Pay fixation without increment (Rule-13 of the RP Rules, 2016 was not applied) in terms of para- 4(iii) of the consolidated guidelines- 2019 on MACP scheme read with DoPT OM dated 04.07.2017. Thus, DNI shall remain the same, however, since he/she did not complete 6 months in Level-8 as on 01.01.2023, the next annual increment shall be admissible on 01.01.2024. |
3 (ii) | Assistant Accounts Officer (Level-8) | 08.12.2022 | If, opted for pay fixation w.e.f. DNI i.e. 01.01.2023 in terms of para 4(iii) of MACPS. | Regular promotion after availing 1st MACP. Pay fixation without increment (simple placement) in terms of para 4(iii) ibid. Thus, DNI shall remain the same (1st January) as per Rule-10 of CCS (RP) Rules, 2016. The next annual increment shall be admissible on 01.01.2024. |
SL | Event | Date | Option | Remarks |
1 | Postal Assistant | 25.03.2010 | - | Initial appointment in GP 2400/Level- 4. |
2 | 1st MACP in (Level-5) | 25.03.2020 | Opted for pay fixation w.e.f. DNI 01.07.2020 | Pay fixation with increment (Rule 13 of CCS (RP) Rules) w.e.f. 01.07.2020. DNI will be changed to 1st January. |
3 | LSG (Level- 5) | 01.01.2021 | - | 1st Regular promotion after availing 1st MACP. No pay fixation in terms of para-4 of the MACP Scheme. No change in DNI. |
4 | AAO (Level-8) Or Inspector Posts (L-7) | 08.12.2022 | Opted for pay fixation w.e.f. DNI, i.e. 01.01.2023 | 2nd regular promotion. Pay fixation with increment under FR-22(I) (a) (1). Rule-13 of the RP Rules, 2016 will be applied. Thus, DNI shall be changed to following 1st July in terms of Rule-10 of the RP Rules. The next annual increment shall be admissible on 01.07.2023, if otherwise fulfills conditions. |
5.The pay fixation carried out in past which is not in accordance with these instructions, may be reviewed and over payments, if any, may be recovered from concerned employees. This disposes off the clarification sought by PA Wing of Directorate vide their File No. 38 (3)/2010 PA Admn.I dated 26.07.2023.
This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.
Yours faithfully, Signed by Ravi Pahwa
Patapa2024 17:46:58 ADG (GDS/PCC) Tel. 011-23096629
Copy to:-
1. CGM, CEPT for uploading the order on the under Establishment Subject.
2. Guard File.
3. India Post website
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