Clarification on applicability of “Very Good” benchmark for financial upgradation under MACPS and consideration of “Good” benchmark for the previous years before 25.07.2016

Department of Posts Directorate Letter no.No. 7-8/2016-PCC (Pt.) dated 02/07/2018 regarding Clarification on applicability of “Very Good” benchmark for financial upgradation under MACPS and consideration of “Good” benchmark for the previous years before 25.07.2016

No. 7-8/2016-PCC (Pt.)
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts

Dak Bhawan, Sansan Marg
New Delhi – 110001
Date 02.07.2018

All Heads of Circles

Sub : Clarification on applicability of “Very Good” benchmark for financial upgradation under MACPS and consideration of “Good” benchmark for the previous years before 25.07.2016.

References from various Service Unions and Circles have been received in this Directorate seeking clarification about applicability of “Very Good” benchmark for financial upgradation under MACPS. Being the nodal Department for MACP Scheme, the matter was referred to DOP&T for issue of clarification on following points. The clarification provided by the DoP&T vide Dy. No. 1313564/18/CR dated 15.06.2018 is given against each point for guidance and strict observance :-

(i) Whether grading of “very good” is applicable from 25.7.2016 onwards and for previous period the old grading i.e. “good” be taken into while considering MACPS or the “very good’ gradmg is to be considered for the whole period of 5 years w,e.f. 25.7.2016 as per the DoP&T’s order dated 27/28.09.2016. The DoP&T vide OM dated 28.09.2016 has implemented the recommendation of 7th CPC, accepted by the Government for enhancing benchmark for grant of MACP to “Very Good”. These instructions are applicable w.e.f. 25.07.2016, the date of issue of Government Resolution by D/o Expenditure. Therefore, in cases where MACP falls due on or after 25.07.2O16, the revised benchmark of “Very Good” is to be followed. In other words, the overall grading of the APARs reckonable for grant of MACP should be atleast “Very Good”
(ii) If the whole period of ACR (APAR) to be taken as “very good”, then officials be allowed to represent, if any, in case they have below bench mark than “very good” or the Department may review all cases at
its own
There is no question of allowing second opportunity of representation against the APAR which are post 2009 as there are already disclosed to the employees in APAR process.

 2. All concerned may be informed accordingly.

Asstt. Director General (GDS/PCC


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