Clarification on AAO Examination 2024

Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Telecommunications
Office of the Controller General of Communication Accounts

The State Nodal Officers (SNOs)

Subject: AAO Limited Departmental Competitive Examination-2024 Clarifications- Reg.

to Various references have been received from SNOS regarding different aspects of examination process in recent past. Same have been compiled and are clarified herewith:

1. Regarding No. 3-37/2022-PACE/LDCE AAO/11013-11062 dated 22.2.2022 issued by PA Wing of DOP:

a. In which vacancy-years the relaxation will be given?

b. Will this relaxation also affect those applicants who seek relaxation under Note below Column 11 of AAO RR 2018 i.e. will the period of short service now be 1 year and 9 months?

The said Note states, "Where juniors who have completed their qualifying or eligibility service are being considered for promotion, their seniors would also be considered provided they are not short of the requisite qualifying or eligibility service by more than half of such qualifying or eligibility service, or two years, whichever is less, and have successfully completed their probation period for promotion to the next higher grade along with their juniors who have already completed such qualifying or eligibility service".


a. Relaxation will be provided for 2023 vacancy year only.

b. No. These two issues are completely different issues. Note below Column 11 of AAO RR 2018 allows opportunity to candidates whose juniors have been allowed to appear in the examination.

2. Eligibility of PA/SA and LSG cadre officials are to be assessed with respect to Circle Gradation List or Divisional Gradation List?


As PA/SA are Divisional Cadres, the eligibility should be assessed with respect to Gradation list of the respective Divisions of the applicants. Similarly, as LSG

is a Circle Cadre, the eligibility of applicants who are already in LSG may be assessed with respect to Circle Gradation list.

3. In respect of candidates (seniors) applying for AAO LDCE Exam with respect to Column 11 of RR, whether the eligibility of the Junior for appearing in the exam is sufficient or else the Junior have to appear in the exam for Seniors to become eligible to appear in the exam?


In this regard, FAQ 8 and 9 of Annexure M to Guidelines to SNOS may be referred to. Availability of eligible junior (as per AAO RR and AAO LDCE Examination Notification dated 19.09.2024) in the same Gradation list is the only condition required for extending benefit to 'Senior' under note in column 11 of AAO RR.

4. In many cases, the first page of Service Book of the candidates has PU/Pre- degree/Plus 2 qualifications only as that was the criteria for PAs. Candidates have attached copy of the degree certificate only with the application which is not verified through the concerned institution. In such cases whether the application of candidate can be accepted pending verification of educational bqualification?


Following action may be taken in respect of such applicants:

a. The Divisional Heads have to enter Yes or No as the case may be in the column 'Whether Graduation Verified from the Service Record' in Annexure


b. The CLCC may consider such applicants as provisionally eligible, provided they fulfil other conditions as per AAO RR and AAO LDCE Examination bts Notification dated 19.09.2024. A column 'Graduation Verified by DH' has been inserted in Annexure-C with the response Yes or No, as the case may be. Revised Annexure-C is enclosed along with this document and SNOS are advised to send this revised Annexure-C by 18.11.2024 to Mass Examination Committee.

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c. Meanwhile, SNOS may ask the respective DH of such applicants to get the degree certificate verified as early as possible.

5. Regarding, those applicants who have marked "YES" at Sl No 10(a) of application form regarding claiming eligibility vis-a-vis Note under Col 11 of RRS. Following course of action is advised:

a. It is the responsibility of CLCCS to obtain relevant information about Eligible Juniors. Availability of Eligible Junior (as per RR) in the same

Gradation List is the only condition required for extending benefit to Senior under Note in Column 11 of AAO RR.

b. CLCC should approach DH to look into possibility of any Rule 38 transferee below otherwise ineligible applicant(s)

c. CLCC can use Annexure N (copy attached) to collect verified information from DH in all such cases.

d. If required, the applicants should also be approached telephonically and via email to enquire about their eligible junior. They should be asked to send information by email/fax within a time frame. This correspondence may be suitably preserved. The information provided by such applicants is to be cross-checked with relevant gradation list/Annexure N.

e. It may be kept in mind that this is a parallel process and will not impact any of the last dates.

f. It may be ensured that eligibility of applicant is ascertained for each vacancy year separately as per length of service/educational qualification/position in gradation list of the applicant as on the crucial cut-off date for each respective year.

6. EC also noted concerns of few SNOS regarding eligibility of the applicant who had joined DOP/DOT after technically resigning from other Govt Dept and his/her previous service is being counted for pensionary benefits.


In this regard, it is clarified that any period which is counted for calculation of qualifying service for purpose of pensionary benefits, should be considered for calculation of qualifying service for purpose of ascertaining eligibility of applicant.

7. As per Note below Point-2 of Col-11 of Recruitment Rules of AAO "Where juniors who have completed their qualifying or eligibility service are being considered for promotion, their seniors would also be considered provided they are not short of the requisite qualifying or eligibility service by more than half of such qualifying or eligibility service, or two years, whichever is less, and have successfully completed their probation period for promotion to the next higher grade along with their juniors who have already completed such qualifying or eligibility service".


In this regard, it is clarified that where a junior is completing requisite qualifying or eligibility service as on crucial date, the senior is eligible for relaxation of half of qualifying or eligible service period or two years, whichever is less. For example, in Postal Assistant cadre, requisite qualifying / eligibilityservice period is 9 years, therefore any senior claiming eligibility with his junior should have completed at least 7 years of qualifying service as on crucial date (and be Graduate, completed probation etc.).

8. Scrutiny of Application Forms.
The State Nodal Officers will make arrangement for thorough scrutiny of Application Forms in respect of following items:
  • All items have been filled.
  • The photographs are as specified in the Application Form.
  • Both the photographs have been attested by the Controlling Authority. In case, one photo is attested and other is not, but is identical, the application form may be accepted. Unattested photo may be attested by a STS or higher-level officer of the office of SNO and suitable record may be kept.
  • Applicant has signed in the assigned places (5 places).
  • Verification from service book/other records is done by respective DDO/Head of Office and countersigned by Head of Postal Division/Head of Unit.
9. Rejection of Application Forms.
a. The application forms may be summarily rejected if they are received after last date of submission at respective designated office(s). The State Nodal Officer should retain such forms for future reference. The rejected application forms should not be included in the Annexure C. The applicants may be intimated about rejection of his/her application along with copy of his/her application and the reason for rejection. Original copy of the application may be retained by State Nodal Officer for future reference.
b. It may be ensured that no application form is rejected for want of 8(e). SNOS will get the shortcomings in verification of entries completed from respective DHS.
c. A detailed list of probable queries regarding the filled-up application forms and whether they should be accepted or rejected is annexed.
10. It may also be kept in mind that no application is rejected by SNO for any administrative delay not attributable to the applicant.

11. Whether DoP Letter No. 1-1/2016-SPN-II dated 20.08.2024 is applicable to AAO LDCE 2024?

No, the above letter is not applicable to AAO LDCE 2024.
12. Whether the SNO is required to respond to queries received directly from applicants?
Queries of general nature or those which can be answered on basis of Guidelines/Notification etc. may be dealt with by SNO. Other queries may be consolidated and sent to Examination Committee.
13. Several queries from SNOS have been received by the Examination Committee till date. A compilation of these queries along with the suggested action is also being enclosed as Annexure-O.
This issues with the approval of the Chairman, Examination Committee for AAO LDCE 2024.
iii) Annexure-O
1. All members of the Examination Committee
2. Convenor, Apex Committee
Examination Committee AAO LDCE 2024
New Delhi


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