Standard delivery remarks for Postal Articles in Post Offices


S. No. Remarks Explanation Disposal
1. Refused Addressee refused to accept the article. Addressee is present but does not take delivery of the article on one pretext or other Returned to sender/RLO immediately
2. Not Known Address is located but no such addressee lives there or not known to the locality Kept in deposit for 7 days and if nobody claims, returned to sender/RLO
3. Left India Addressee is known not to be in India and has left no instruction at the Post Office as to the redirection of his correspondence Returned to sender/RLO immediately
4. Left In all other cases where the addressee has gone away without leaving an instruction as to disposal of correspondence and no reliable information is available about his new address Kept in deposit for 7 days and if nobody claims, Returned to sender/RLO
5. Insufficient Address Address given on the articles is not complete - like Name of street, house number, locality etc are not given Returned to sender/RLO immediately
6. Unclaimed Intimation was served-but the article was not taken delivery by the addressee within the prescribed time Returned to sender/RLO immediately
7. Deceased Addressee has expired Returned to sender/RLO immediately. Postmaster can order delivery to near relative if applied if there is no doubt or cross claim, at his discretion.
8. Redirection Based on the addressee's instruction Redirected on the same day
9. Intimation In case of absence of the addressee and door locked Kept in deposit for 7 days


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