Prioritizing grievance handling and strict adherence to revised SLAs for grievance resolution

File No. 006/4/2023-PG-DOP 
Government of India 
Ministry of Communications 
Department of Posts
(CS, QA &I Division)
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi-110001, Dated: 03.10.2024

1.All Chief Postmasters General
2.Addl. DG, APS

Subject:- Prioritizing grievance handling and strict adherence to revised SLAs for grievance resolution.


As you are aware, Hon'ble MoC & DONER, during various review meetings with officers in the Directorate, has underlined the importance of customer service, customer grievance resolution with consent of the customer and adherence to SLAs for grievance resolution for each type of complaint strictly. He has advised to prioritise quality and prompt handling of grievances among other operational activity for each staff in the operational value chain through due sensitization and training.

2. A presentation on the efforts being made for improved grievance redressal was made to Hon'ble MoC on 03.10.2024. Certain changes in the system to facilitate interactive grievance resolution and closure of complaints by the customer would be made by the System Integrator in the next few weeks.

3.In the meanwhile the following steps may kindly be taken to step up awareness, ownership and quality of grievance resolution at all levels based on current roles and responsibilities:

Ensure resolution of all long pending grievances as per available guidelines and instructions. (The pendency in the system, despite repeated requests from this office are very high. The pendency of inward and outward complaints is enclosed for reference.)

The SLAS worked out through the iterative process adopted in the last three months are enclosed herewith. This needs to be implemented with all out efforts by all concerned starting this month. Offices that receive higher number of complaints should check for replies several times during the day so that stages of complaint handling and information flow are covered quickly and SLAS can be adhered to. Weekly review of performance of the circles will be carried out by Directorate through VCs this month. Hon'ble Minister will also review circle performance weekly. Detail of Circle-wise Average Resolution Time of complaint closed and time taken for resolution during the month of September is enclosed for reference. With due prioritization, this performance can be improved and the new SLAS can be met. All are requested to take action in this direction.

Bottlenecks may be identified and corrective action be taken as required. Monitoring mechanism at the Circle, Regional, Divisional, Head Post Offices and other big offices may be strengthened with deployment of suitable

4. Hon'ble MoC has directed to resolve the complaints within SLAs and bring down the average resolution time to 2 days. Hence, there is a need to prioritize the handling of grievance throughout the network. All offices should check the pendency and receipts in CRM application frequently and update the reply instantly on receipt of complaint in their login. In case of final reply to the complainant, contact may also made with complainant to ensure quality of resolution. The template of replies may also be refined and a good library of polite and standard replies maybe built as we move forward.

This issues with the approval of the competent authority.

Encls:- As above
(Rupesh Pal)
Asstt. Director General (CS)


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