Model representation for appeal on APAR Grading

Thanks to GuruSivam

Sub : Submission of representation against APAR grading for the year ………..-reg

I  submit the following representation against impugned APAR grading for the period from ……………… for due consideration of Benign Director of Postal Services, ………………………..and cause orders

01-02: The APAR for the year 2019-2020 was received by me on ……… and the contents there in were noted, in which numerical grading of “4.6” was awarded.

01-03: With fervent hope of getting justice, I submit this representation as envisaged in Point no.7 of Annexure III of DOPT OM no.21011/1/2005-Estt (A) (Pt-II) dated 23.07.2009 for your benign consideration


02-01: At the outset, I request your good self to endure me to begin with an intra about me and a gist of the erstwhile events till date, which I believe would be of immense help to your good self in comprehending the facts.

02-02: I am a ………… graduate and I put in 5……….years of unblemished service in Postal Assistant cadre.

02-03: I have been awarded numerical grading of …….. for the APAR Period …………. by the same SPOs , ………… Division who evalulated the APAR for the period …….. in the ultimate motive of maligning my service

02-04: I made a representation against APAR ………. to the Erudite Director Postal Services, …………….. and got my numerical grading enhanced to “6.4” . I take the opportunity to thank the Respected Director Postal Services for up gradation of numerical grading in the APAR ………...

02-05: Now for the APAR period 2019-2020 written by the same officer, I was awarded with a numerical grading of”4.6” having remarks as good worker.

 Disparity while inflicting punishments & awarding numerical grading in APAR:-

03-01: I was issued with a rule 16 charge sheet and inflicted with a punishment of reduction of one stage for 6 months alleging failure to dispatch of speed post bag during …….. It is pertinent to mention that another official who is responsible and closed the speed post bag was inflicted with a punishment of reduction of one stage for 3 months.

 03-02: Even my transfer request was not considered by SPOs, Salem West Division in the RT and I was transferred as PA, ……………… SO in the interest of service.

03-03: It is clearly established that SPOs, ………. Division has shown partiality in inflicting punishment to two officials who have done same mistake and all the facts in detail had been depicted in my representation for the APAR ……….

03-04: From the above precedence, it is clearly evident that SPOs, ………. Division has preconceived decision of awarding low benchmarks to me and have vested interest in maligning my career thereby acting in biased manner.

What does APAR guidelines say:-

04-01:The first & foremost objective is to improve the performance of his subordinate in his present job .

04-02: The second objective is to assess the potentialities of the subordinate and prepare him through appropriate feedback & guidance for future possible opportunities in service.

04-03: APAR is not meant to a fault finding process but a development tool

04-04: APAR is an objective assessment of the work and conduct of a government servant. Therefore assume importance not only in the interest of service but also in the interest of the employee.

PART-III of APAR - Assessment of Quality and Functional competency of the official (Numerical grading on 0-1).


Sl. No


Numerical Grading (each quality carries maximum one point)

(i.e 0-1)


Quality of output and able to reduce arrears and outstanding items



Promptness and accuracy in disposal of work with respect to knowledge of Rules/regulations /procedures of the area of function



Co-ordination ability



Attitude to work



Sense of responsibility



Maintenance of discipline



Capacity to work in team sprit as per time lines



Devotion to duty and punctuality



Relations with the public



Ability to maintain calm and composure at times of pressure of work



Overall Grading


My submission on the numerical grading

05-01 : I worked sincerely in SB branch of ……….. SO. Albeit our staff working strength is only 1+1 & 1+2 on all days against sanctioned strength of 1+3, I shoulder the additional work burden cause of staff shortage and help to overcome arrears work. Ergo, numerical grading of “0.6” for “Quality of output and able to reduce arrears and outstanding items” is unsustainable and requires upgradation

05-02: I am in prompt disposal of work and I am working according to rules/regulation/SB orders by saving the SB orders from India post website to local system. I have not either credited any excess cash found in counter under UCR or come across with shortage of cash while tallying counter and it unravels my accuracy in my work during ……….. As such mere numerical grading of “0.5: for “Promptness and accuracy in disposal of work with respect to knowledge of Rules/regulations /procedures of the area of function” is not in justification and it may kindly be enhanced

05-03: I used to work in co-ordination to my co-workers. By co-ordinating the GDS staff under our SO, we have conducted various account opening campaign in order to achieve the target assigned to our office. Hence mere numerical grading of “0.5” for co-ordination ability is not in consonance with that of ground fact and the numerical grading may please be increased.

05-04: I always have good attitude to work. As I am deployed in SB counter of ……… SO, apart from the counter work I involve myself in canvassing public for new account opening, silent account revival and cross marketing our products like SGB, Media post etc. In our office , with my efforts we have revived good number of silent accounts, procured SBG and opened more no of accounts. As such numerical grading of “0.4” for “Attitude to work” is not accordance with ground reality and the numerical grading in this regard may kindly be enhanced

05-05: Being Counter PA staff, I take the responsibility in achieving the POSB targets assigned to our office. It is pertinent to mention that …………. SO stood second in sub divisional level in Account opening for the financial year 2019-2020. Therefore, numerical grading of “0.4” for “Sense of responsibility” is not in justification and hence it requires upgradation

05-06: Hither to I maintained full discipline with my superiors, higher authorities and also with members of public. It will be appropriate here to mention that I have not come across any adverse report by SPM as well as PM, …………. HPO. Ergo numerical grading of “0.4” for “Maintenance of discipline” is far to the fact and it may kindly be upgraded.

05-07: I worked with team spirit for clearing pending arrears work that may protrude due to shortage of staff caused by sudden illness of colleagues, heavy accumulation of work etc and built camaraderie relation with my co-workers eventually leading way to achievement of goal. Accordingly, numerical grading of “0.5” for “Capacity to work in team sprit as per time lines” is not justifiable and it requires upgradation

05-08: I am fully devoted to my duty as PA, ………… SO and no adverse report was made either by PM, …………. HPO or SPM, ………. SO indicating my punctuality & devotion to duty. I am always punctual in my official attendance. Hence mere grading of “0.3” for “Punctuality & devotion to duty” is not in consonance with the reality and this grading may kindly be ramped up.

05-09: I maintained good relationship with members of public without any public complaint or public grievances. As such numerical grading of “0.5” for “Relations with the public” is nothing but a farce and this numerical grading needs up gradation

05-10: ………….. SO is a erstwhile norm based LSG post office and … BOs attached to it. Even amidst shortage of staff & heavy work load I maintained calm and imbibed the pressure exerted out of heavy work load and peak counter hours. So numerical grading of “0.5” for the “Ability to maintain calm and composure at times of pressure of work” is not justifiable and this may kindly be enhanced.

Probable reasons for discrepany in calibrating numerical grading points:-

06-01: There is no provision of self-appraisal in the APAR to enable the SPOs, ………… Division to assess the actual performance. Ergo the SPOs, …………. Division does not evaluate the correct performance to the minimum in the above said 10 parameters even as a preamble too. The provision of reporting and reviewing officers for one person while writing the APAR is not available in the postal department and the DA is having the sole power vested with regard to writing of APAR. There is a chance of prejudice playing a role at the writing the APAR.

06-02: Guidelines issued by the DOPT is not followed and properly applied by the competent authority Viz., “the Reporting Officer and the appraisee should meet during the year at regular intervals to review the performance and to take necessary corrective steps.” If any corrections required towards the work or attitude or any other area of the officials, it would have been pointed out and a chance for correction should be provided to the official. No such instance has taken place and I was appreciated by the immediate superiors for my honest and dedicated work.

06-03: In accordance with the Rule 174 of Postal Manual Volume III, the entries in the APAR must be based upon established facts and not on mere suspicion. Here in my APAR no material evidence is adduced to support the lower numerical grading points awarded to ten parameters.

Part – IV (General) of APAR

07-01: In the pen picture written by the SPOs, ……….. Division, it is indicated that I am a good worker but awarded with punishment of reduction of one stage for 6 months.

07-02: Regarding my punishment, I submit that the punishment awarded is preconceived one as already submitted in my representation dated …….. on my APAR for the year ……….

07-03: For no mistake on my part, I was awarded with the punishment of reduction of one stage for 6 months.

07-04: SPOs, ………… Division nowhere have challenged my integrity and it is stated to be “nothing adverse came to notice”. I worked with integrity and devotion to duty   

If my APAR was not upgraded to “very good” from “good”, It will have recurring effect by postponing future promotions, MACP and other benefits perennially which will remain as the travesty of justice. 


In view of above submissions, I humbly beseech the Benign and Respected Director of Postal Services, ……….. Region to kindly review the APAR so evaluated by the Superintendent of POs, …………. division and enhance appropriate grade points in order to develop the main objective of the APAR taking into consideration of all the above facts which will be an encouragement in future and submissions and render justice for which act of kindness I will ever remain grateful. I humbly assure that I shall work for higher productivity and outstanding performance in my official work in the years to come 

Once again thanking you in anticipation.

Sanguine of Justice

Many comrades are asking how to represent DPS against the APAR Grading and requested to send some models. The below one was prepared by Com G.Gurusivam, Asst Circle Secretary, Tamilnadu Circle with my guidance. This was well drafted by him. We have identified around 50 comrades like him and they are well-trained in Tamilnadu circle. If you need any of the content of this letter for citing the rules you may please use it in your draft. But please don’t circulate this to all groups without saying courtesy to Gurusivam, Tamilnadu

Please post your comments in the comments box 


Sub : Submission of representation against APAR grading for the year ………..-reg


I  submit the following representation against impugned APAR grading for the period from ……………… for due consideration of Benign Director of Postal Services, ………………………..and cause orders

01-02: The APAR for the year 2019-2020 was received by me on ……… and the contents there in were noted, in which numerical grading of “4.6” was awarded.

01-03: With fervent hope of getting justice, I submit this representation as envisaged in Point no.7 of Annexure III of DOPT OM no.21011/1/2005-Estt (A) (Pt-II) dated 23.07.2009 for your benign consideration


02-01: At the outset, I request your good self to endure me to begin with an intra about me and a gist of the erstwhile events till date, which I believe would be of immense help to your good self in comprehending the facts.

02-02: I am a ………… graduate and I put in 5……….years of unblemished service in Postal Assistant cadre.

02-03: I have been awarded numerical grading of …….. for the APAR Period …………. by the same SPOs , ………… Division who evalulated the APAR for the period …….. in the ultimate motive of maligning my service

02-04: I made a representation against APAR ………. to the Erudite Director Postal Services, …………….. and got my numerical grading enhanced to “6.4” . I take the opportunity to thank the Respected Director Postal Services for up gradation of numerical grading in the APAR ………...

02-05: Now for the APAR period 2019-2020 written by the same officer, I was awarded with a numerical grading of”4.6” having remarks as good worker.

 Disparity while inflicting punishments & awarding numerical grading in APAR:-

03-01: I was issued with a rule 16 charge sheet and inflicted with a punishment of reduction of one stage for 6 months alleging failure to dispatch of speed post bag during …….. It is pertinent to mention that another official who is responsible and closed the speed post bag was inflicted with a punishment of reduction of one stage for 3 months.

 03-02: Even my transfer request was not considered by SPOs, Salem West Division in the RT and I was transferred as PA, ……………… SO in the interest of service.

03-03: It is clearly established that SPOs, ………. Division has shown partiality in inflicting punishment to two officials who have done same mistake and all the facts in detail had been depicted in my representation for the APAR ……….

03-04: From the above precedence, it is clearly evident that SPOs, ………. Division has preconceived decision of awarding low benchmarks to me and have vested interest in maligning my career thereby acting in biased manner.

What does APAR guidelines say:-

04-01:The first & foremost objective is to improve the performance of his subordinate in his present job .

04-02: The second objective is to assess the potentialities of the subordinate and prepare him through appropriate feedback & guidance for future possible opportunities in service.

04-03: APAR is not meant to a fault finding process but a development tool

04-04: APAR is an objective assessment of the work and conduct of a government servant. Therefore assume importance not only in the interest of service but also in the interest of the employee.

PART-III of APAR - Assessment of Quality and Functional competency of the official (Numerical grading on 0-1).


Sl. No


Numerical Grading (each quality carries maximum one point)

(i.e 0-1)


Quality of output and able to reduce arrears and outstanding items



Promptness and accuracy in disposal of work with respect to knowledge of Rules/regulations /procedures of the area of function



Co-ordination ability



Attitude to work



Sense of responsibility



Maintenance of discipline



Capacity to work in team sprit as per time lines



Devotion to duty and punctuality



Relations with the public



Ability to maintain calm and composure at times of pressure of work



Overall Grading


My submission on the numerical grading

05-01 : I worked sincerely in SB branch of ……….. SO. Albeit our staff working strength is only 1+1 & 1+2 on all days against sanctioned strength of 1+3, I shoulder the additional work burden cause of staff shortage and help to overcome arrears work. Ergo, numerical grading of “0.6” for “Quality of output and able to reduce arrears and outstanding items” is unsustainable and requires upgradation

05-02: I am in prompt disposal of work and I am working according to rules/regulation/SB orders by saving the SB orders from India post website to local system. I have not either credited any excess cash found in counter under UCR or come across with shortage of cash while tallying counter and it unravels my accuracy in my work during ……….. As such mere numerical grading of “0.5: for “Promptness and accuracy in disposal of work with respect to knowledge of Rules/regulations /procedures of the area of function” is not in justification and it may kindly be enhanced

05-03: I used to work in co-ordination to my co-workers. By co-ordinating the GDS staff under our SO, we have conducted various account opening campaign in order to achieve the target assigned to our office. Hence mere numerical grading of “0.5” for co-ordination ability is not in consonance with that of ground fact and the numerical grading may please be increased.

05-04: I always have good attitude to work. As I am deployed in SB counter of ……… SO, apart from the counter work I involve myself in canvassing public for new account opening, silent account revival and cross marketing our products like SGB, Media post etc. In our office , with my efforts we have revived good number of silent accounts, procured SBG and opened more no of accounts. As such numerical grading of “0.4” for “Attitude to work” is not accordance with ground reality and the numerical grading in this regard may kindly be enhanced

05-05: Being Counter PA staff, I take the responsibility in achieving the POSB targets assigned to our office. It is pertinent to mention that …………. SO stood second in sub divisional level in Account opening for the financial year 2019-2020. Therefore, numerical grading of “0.4” for “Sense of responsibility” is not in justification and hence it requires upgradation

05-06: Hither to I maintained full discipline with my superiors, higher authorities and also with members of public. It will be appropriate here to mention that I have not come across any adverse report by SPM as well as PM, …………. HPO. Ergo numerical grading of “0.4” for “Maintenance of discipline” is far to the fact and it may kindly be upgraded.

05-07: I worked with team spirit for clearing pending arrears work that may protrude due to shortage of staff caused by sudden illness of colleagues, heavy accumulation of work etc and built camaraderie relation with my co-workers eventually leading way to achievement of goal. Accordingly, numerical grading of “0.5” for “Capacity to work in team sprit as per time lines” is not justifiable and it requires upgradation

05-08: I am fully devoted to my duty as PA, ………… SO and no adverse report was made either by PM, …………. HPO or SPM, ………. SO indicating my punctuality & devotion to duty. I am always punctual in my official attendance. Hence mere grading of “0.3” for “Punctuality & devotion to duty” is not in consonance with the reality and this grading may kindly be ramped up.

05-09: I maintained good relationship with members of public without any public complaint or public grievances. As such numerical grading of “0.5” for “Relations with the public” is nothing but a farce and this numerical grading needs up gradation

05-10: ………….. SO is a erstwhile norm based LSG post office and … BOs attached to it. Even amidst shortage of staff & heavy work load I maintained calm and imbibed the pressure exerted out of heavy work load and peak counter hours. So numerical grading of “0.5” for the “Ability to maintain calm and composure at times of pressure of work” is not justifiable and this may kindly be enhanced.

Probable reasons for discrepany in calibrating numerical grading points:-

06-01: There is no provision of self-appraisal in the APAR to enable the SPOs, ………… Division to assess the actual performance. Ergo the SPOs, …………. Division does not evaluate the correct performance to the minimum in the above said 10 parameters even as a preamble too. The provision of reporting and reviewing officers for one person while writing the APAR is not available in the postal department and the DA is having the sole power vested with regard to writing of APAR. There is a chance of prejudice playing a role at the writing the APAR.

06-02: Guidelines issued by the DOPT is not followed and properly applied by the competent authority Viz., “the Reporting Officer and the appraisee should meet during the year at regular intervals to review the performance and to take necessary corrective steps.” If any corrections required towards the work or attitude or any other area of the officials, it would have been pointed out and a chance for correction should be provided to the official. No such instance has taken place and I was appreciated by the immediate superiors for my honest and dedicated work.

06-03: In accordance with the Rule 174 of Postal Manual Volume III, the entries in the APAR must be based upon established facts and not on mere suspicion. Here in my APAR no material evidence is adduced to support the lower numerical grading points awarded to ten parameters.

Part – IV (General) of APAR

07-01: In the pen picture written by the SPOs, ……….. Division, it is indicated that I am a good worker but awarded with punishment of reduction of one stage for 6 months.

07-02: Regarding my punishment, I submit that the punishment awarded is preconceived one as already submitted in my representation dated …….. on my APAR for the year ……….

07-03: For no mistake on my part, I was awarded with the punishment of reduction of one stage for 6 months.

07-04: SPOs, ………… Division nowhere have challenged my integrity and it is stated to be “nothing adverse came to notice”. I worked with integrity and devotion to duty   

If my APAR was not upgraded to “very good” from “good”, It will have recurring effect by postponing future promotions, MACP and other benefits perennially which will remain as the travesty of justice. 


In view of above submissions, I humbly beseech the Benign and Respected Director of Postal Services, ……….. Region to kindly review the APAR so evaluated by the Superintendent of POs, …………. division and enhance appropriate grade points in order to develop the main objective of the APAR taking into consideration of all the above facts which will be an encouragement in future and submissions and render justice for which act of kindness I will ever remain grateful. I humbly assure that I shall work for higher productivity and outstanding performance in my official work in the years to come 

Once again thanking you in anticipation.

Sanguine of Justice

Many comrades are asking how to represent DPS against the APAR Grading and requested to send some models. The below one was prepared by Com G.Gurusivam, Asst Circle Secretary, Tamilnadu Circle with my guidance. This was well drafted by him. We have identified around 50 comrades like him and they are well-trained in Tamilnadu circle. If you need any of the content of this letter for citing the rules you may please use it in your draft. But please don’t circulate this to all groups without saying courtesy to Gurusivam, Tamilnadu

Please post your comments in the comments box 

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