No. 17-31/2016-GDS (Pt. I)
Government of India Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts (GDS Section)
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi - 110 001
Dated 10.10.2024
Office Memorandum
Subject: Limited Transfer Facility (LTF) on request of Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS) - Guidelines.
In supersession of all previous orders/instructions, the guidelines under 'limited transfer facility' for request transfer of Gramin Dak Sevaks were issued vide this office OM of even no. dated 15.07.2021. Subsequently, the transfer process of GDS under LTF was made online in November, 2022 and a schedule of preparatory exercise and an SoP for submission of online applications, activities to be carried out by the Divisional heads/unit heads and complete procedure to be followed in on line transfer was issued vide this office letter of even no. dated 24.02.2023.
The Department had also sought the feed back/suggestions from the Circles for improvement in the process, based on experience of the changes brought out after introduction of the online transfer process. On examining the feedback/suggestions from the Circles, it has been decided to revise the guidelines in suppression of all previous orders/guidelines/directions issued on the subject with regard to the terms and conditions of transfer and SoP to be followed for online transfer:
1. Terms and Conditions for Transfer
(i) The minimum engagement condition for transfer of GDS under LTF is revised from 'one year' to 'TWO YEARS OF CONTINUOUS ENGAGEMENT'. It implies that a GDS should have completed minimum continuous engagement of a period of TWO (2) years from the date of regular engagement as GDS on the last date fixed for submission of online application in a particular cycle will be eligible to seek transfer under the LTF.
(ii)However, this condition of two years of continuous engagement is relaxed till 31.12.2025 for the GDSS engaged prior to 01.07.2024. Such GDS may be considered for transfer if they have one year of continuous engagement. After 31.12.2025, all the GDSS would require to meet the condition of a continuous engagement of TWO (2) years as mentioned in sub clause (i) above.
(iii) The condition for transfer under 'mutual exchange facility' will be ONE (1) year of continuous engagement period. The online request for mutual transfer may be submitted, as and when the schedule of GDS online transfer cycle is issued from time to time.
(iv) The male GDS will be provided Two chances to avail LTF during the entire career. The female GDS will get THREE chances under the facility. However, there will be a 'cooling off' period of one year of continuous engagement between two successive transfers.
(v) The transfer of a GDS is permissible only in the same level of TRCA, as provided in the following table:
b. BPM Level-1 in the same TRCA slab provided that, the GDS has to make accommodation arrangement for managing BO as per standard prescribed for BO and fulfilling the condition of educational qualification, etc. prescribed by the Department from time to time. Before joining as BPM Level 1, he/she has to undergo prescribed training for BPM.
ABPM/Dak Sevak from Postal to RMS and vice-versa in same TRCA slab
BPM/ABPM/Dak Sevak in the same TRCA Dak Sevak in RMS level subject to providing standard
qualification etc.
(vi) The online request for transfer may be submitted, as and when the window for GDS online transfer is made open from time to time. Generally, the schedule for GDS online transfer cycle will be issued on a half yearly basis, immediately before the GDS Online Engagement Cycles so that GDS can avail the transfer facility on maximum number of
vacancies available.
(vii) The GDS may apply for transfer against any or all of the vacant posts of GDS, as per their eligibility, in order of preference, in any one of the Divisions at a time. The transfer will be at the own cost of GDS.
(viii) The transfer applications will be processed after completion all verification formalities, such as, caste, education, antecedent/police verification report etc.. It implies that if as on the last date of submission of online application in a particular cycle the verification report on any of the above account is pending, the application for transfer will be rejected, out rightly.
In case of GDS already transferred to a post on administrative/vigilance grounds as per the OM No. 17-31/2016-GDS dated 21.10.2019, this request will be recommended for transfer, except, in the following cases:
a) Pendency of investigation (on a complaint or otherwise) having vigilance angle.
b) Pendency of Disciplinary proceedings/Criminal proceedings
Currency of a major penalty (other than dismissal/removal/compulsory discharge) in a proceedings initiated on the allegations involving vigilance angle.
(x) Transfer application of GDS who is Put off duty or against whom any disciplinary action, police case or court case is pending or contemplated as on the last date of submission of online application, will not be recommended.
(xi) Refusal to accept the approved transfer order will be construed as one chance of Limited Transfer availed by GDS. For the sake clarity, once the GDS submit his/her application online, he/she can withdraw the application during the window period available. Once the transfer is approved and the GDS requests for cancellation of transfer in writing before getting relieved, the request may be considered by the concerned authority. However, in such case one chance would be construed as 'Availed'.
(xii) Upon transfer, the past engagement period will be counted for eligibility for appearing in departmental examinations (for MTS/Postman etc.) as well as for annual increase. GDS will not have any claim to go back to the previous engagement/recruitment Unit/Division after joining to the new post. However, this would not act as a bar for applying afresh to that old post/old unit under the provisions of this OM, which would be subject to number of chances available to the GDS.
(xiii) Upon transfer, the GDS will be ranked junior in the seniority list of the new unit to all the GDSS of that unit who exist in the seniority list on the date on which she/he joins the new unit, except in case of transfer within the same Sub Division/Division/Unit. In this respect, it is clarified that upon being ranked junior most in the seniority list in the new Unit ( i.e, other than in the same engagement / recruitment Sub Division / Unit Division), the GDS would not be considered for appointment as MTS in the seniority
quota ignoring his senior (s), who is/are otherwise not eligible to be considered for appointment as MTS for want of requisite length of service. (xiv) The inter-se seniority of two or more GDS upon transfer to same Sub Division/Division in the same cycle of transfer would be decided on the basis of their date of joining in the Department, i.e., the GDS joining earlier in the Department would rank senior to GDS, who joined later.
2. Order of Priority:
In case of receipt of two or more application for transfer on a same post, the order of priority in which transfer application will be processed in online mode, will be as under:
(i) GDS with PWD (having benchmark disabilities)
(ii) Female GDS - on spouse ground where male spouse is working at the destination station in Central/State Government or their undertaking/PSU/Subordinate organizations etc. (Certificate to this effect will have to be submitted)
(iii) Male GDS- on spouse ground where female spouse is working at the destination_station (having job of non-transferable nature in Central/State Government or their undertaking/PSU/Subordinate organizations etc.) (Certificate to this effect will have to be submitted) (iv) Date of engagement (GDS joining on a prior date will have preference over the GDS joining on a later date)
(v) Female (other than spouse ground)
(vi) Date of birth (older in age to be given preference) and
(vii) Date & time of application (applicant submitting application at a prior date & time will have preference over the applicant who submitted application later)
Note: The preference to transfer on the spouse ground will only be available if the spouse of the GDS is working in Central Government, State Government or in any of its subordinate organization or undertaking of Central/State Government. The GDS seeking transfer on spouse ground, will have to upload the certificate issued by the Employer while submitting application in the enclosed format annexed as Annexure - I or Annexure-Il as the case may be.
3. Manner of Transfer:
(i) The transfer application will be submitted through online mode only, as and when the schedule for GDS online transfer is issued from time to time.
(ii) As far as possible, the online transfer cycle will be initiated before online engagement cycle is initiated. The Department will issue a schedule
activities to be carried out from time to time before issue of a transfer cycle. The Department would be at liberty to change the terms and conditions at any time without assigning any reason for the same.
(iii) The detailed instructions/procedure for submission of transfer applications in online mode for the GDS applicants and activities to be done by Divisional/unit Heads is annexed as Annexure - III.
(iv) Subsequent to release of system-generated list of approved transfers, the transfer orders at Circle/Region/Divisional level will be issued by the respective authorities competent to transfer GDS. Any decision, not involving any policy issue, will be taken by the Head of Region or Head of Circle, as the case may be. Technical issues will be taken directly by the concerned Circle with the CEPT. Decision on any policy issue may be referred to this office.
4. Hindi version of this O.M. will follow.
Signed by Ravi Pahwa
Date: 10-10-2024 18:38:27
(Ravi Pahwa)
Assistant Director General (GDS/PCC/PAP) Tel. No. 011 - 23096629 Email: adggds426@gmail.com
All the Chief Postmasters General / Post Masters General

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