Leave Reserve utilisation of | Rulings relating to LR PA in Department of Posts

Reference to S.No.8 of the Statement.

Copy of letter No.30-3/72-PE.I (Pt) dated 21.2.19744

Sub: Leave Reserve utilisation of.

It has been brought to the notice of the Directorate that Leave Feserve Staff are being utilized in some units in regular vacancies on account of shortage of staff and thereby leave is being refused in some genuine cases.

It may be mentibned that the Terve Reserve Staff re rimarily meant for the purpose of being utilized aginst le ve vacancies. In this connection, attention is invited to Rules 12/1, 18/2, 249, 307/1 and 426-A of P&T Manual, Vol. IV. owever, it has also to be borne in mind that leave cannot be claimed as a matter of right and the autho-. rities concerned can refuse and revoke leave of any description due to administrative exigencies as provided in F..67.

In view of the position indicated above, it is desirable that the authorities concerned ensure that as far as possible and subject to exigencies of service, leave is not used in cases where the leave reserve is not already fly utilise for grant of leave (with or without Medical Certificate to officials or for filling up vacancies caused by suspension of officials.

(DG (P) No. 137-10/98-SPB.II dated...04.1998
It has been brought to the notice of the Directorate that Leave Reserve staff are being utilize some units in regular vacancies on account of shortage of staff and thereby leave is being used in some genuine cases.

It may be mentioned that the Leave Reserve staff are primarily mean for the purpose of being utilized against leave vacancies. In this connection, attention is invited to Rules 18/1, 18/2, 249 7/1 as 426-A of P&T Manual, Vol. IV. However, it has also to be borne in mind that leave cannot be imed as a matter of right and the authorities concerned can refuse and revoke leave of any scription due to administrative exigencies as provided in F.R. 67.

In view of the position indicated above, it is desirable that the authorities concerned ensure at as far as possible and subject to exigencies of service, leave is not refused in cases where the ave reserve is not already fully utilized for grant of leave (with or without Medical Certificate) to ficials or for filling up vacancies caused suspension of officials.
(DG (P&T) No.30-3/72-PE.I (Pt) dated 21.2.1974)
4. Continuance of the existing leave reserve scheme in respect of operative cadres. It continuation of DG P&T New Delhi No 30-1/73-PE-I dated 31 3 75 forwarded vide this office
It has been brought to the notice of the Directorate that Leave Reserve staff are being utilized is some units in regular vacancies on account of shortage of staff and thereby leave is bein refused in some genuine cases.

It may be mentioned that the Leave Reserve staff are primarily mean for the purpose of bein utilized against leave vacancies. In this connection, attention is invited to Rules 18/1, 18/2, 24 307/1 as 426-A of P&T Manual, Vol. IV. However, it has also to be borne in mind that leave cannot b claimed as a matter of right and the authorities concerned can refuse and revoke leave of an description due to administrative exigencies as provided in F.R. 67.

In view of the position indicated above, it is desirable that the authorities concerned ensure that as far as possible and subject to exigencies of service, leave is not refused in cases where the leave reserve is not already fully utilized for grant of leave (with or without Medical Certificate) t officials or for filling up vacancies caused suspension of officials.

(DG (P&T) No.30-3/72-PE.I (Pt) dated 21.2.1974

24.8.1955 on the subject is forwarded herewith for information and guidance.
The review of the L.R. strength of Class III Postman and Class IV under your jurisdiction may also be conducted and results reported to this office immediately at any rate no later than 30th August 75.
(CPMG Karnataka, No. ESA/1-3/Rigs dated 16.8.1975)
65. Continuation of the leave reserve scheme for temporary Ministerial establishments in the Secretariat and attached and subordinate offices of the Scheme.
The undersigned is directed to refer to the Finance Department Office Memorandum No.F.12(5)-WII/45 dated 14th June, 1955, sanctioning a scheme of leave reserve for the temporary ministerial staff in offices which recruit their staff through the Central Recruiting Agency, namely, the Union Public Service Commission, and subsequent office Memoranda ending with this Ministry's Memorandum No.8/10-Ell/54 dated the 8th June 1955 continuing this scheme from time to time with light modifications. Apart from this scheme of leave reserve for temporary establishments permanent leave reserves have been created in the various Ministries and offices at percentages based on ad-hoc requirements. The Government of India have since reviewed the position as a whole, particularly in the light of the present conditions of recruitment and the quantum of leave now admissible to permanent and temporary employees and the sanction of the President is hereby conveyed, in supersession of all existing orders on the subject, to the following revised leave reserve scheme. This scheme will apply to all Ministries and their attached and subordinate offices and will cover (i) all Ministerial establishments, (ii) other non-Ministerial class III cadres and (iii) class IV establishments.
The leave reserve will be calculated separately for permanent and temporary posts on the basis of 10% of the posts in each category, so far as Ministerial and non-Ministerial Class III posts are concerned.

In this connection your kind attention is invited to is rules 249 to 252 of P&T Manual Vol.IV und arrange to have a proper distribution in HOs/important 50s of staff in your division/ Unit for all vacancies caused by the absence on leave for all classes of fs officials mentioned in the rules abid. The Head of the Division/Unit should check and ensure that leave reserve reserve Staff. so provided are properly located so that they can easily relieve the officials from a group of offices when required and at other times they are utilised in bigger offices. As far as possible the Heads of Provisions Unit have to distributed B.R.staff in Head Post Offices and bir LSG sub offices fixing number of LR attached.

You are also instructed that as far as possible the leave reserve Staff so provided in the Divisions/Units may be utilised in al. the eave vacancies occurred in the Division/ Units.

CP Co. Staff/30-C/MPS/4/92 atd.20-11-08.

Postmaster General,
Southern Region,
Southern Region.
Madurai 625 002.
STA/102-2/2001 dated at Madurai 625 002 the 15-05-2002.
Sub: Shifting of LRPAs from Divisional Offices - reg.
This is regarding shifting of LRPAs from Divisional Offices. The Service Unions during an informal meeting with the Chief PMG suggested that LRPAs should not be posted to Divisional Offices. The Chief PMG has agreed to the suggestion.
I am directed to inform you that the PMG, Southern Region, Madurai has ordered that LRPAs should not be posted to Divisional Offices but should be kept attached to HPOs/large POs where from they can be deputed.
Instructions issued should be adhered to strictly. Please
acknowledge the receipt.
Asst.Postmaster General(Staff),
O/o the Postmaster General,
Southern Region, TN.


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