Requirement of Biometric Devices for the e-KYC implementation at Departmental Post Offices
(Technology Division)
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi - 110 001
* The Department of Posts vide in its Directorate Letter no.Tgy/2/2024-Technology-DOP dated 19/0/2024, plans to implement e-KYC using biometric devices in departmental post offices by September 30, 2024.
*Ultimate aims of the project is to get the KYC information of the customer may be obtained from UIDAI Server so as creation of CIF in Post offices will be simplified.
No. Tgy/2/2024-Technology-DOP
Government of India Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
Dated 19.09.2024
To,All CPMsG
(Technology Division)
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi - 110 001
Subject: Requirement of Biometric devices for the e-KYC implementation at departmental post offices.
Respected Madam / Sir,

Respected Madam / Sir,
A kind reference is invited to FS Division's email dated- 02-09-2024 alongwith Director (CBS) 's letter dated 31.08.2024 (copy enclosed) regarding the requirement of Biometric device for e-Kyc implementation in Post Offices.
2. It is to intimate that e-kyc is to go live on 30th September, 2024. The availability of biometric devices is of paramount importance for implementing the same.
3. In this regard, it is kindly requested to procure Biometric devices for each post office from the funds allotted to Circles under Field infra. Hardware Specifications details are as follows:
Inbuilt template
- Scanner and Supplier - STQC Certified extractor software / SDK (mandatorily with license)
- Device Security implementation Level 1 (L1) compliance as per latest technical specification of UIDAI and all other norms of UIDAI (refer UIDAI website for details)
- Integrated USB 2.0/ 3.0 (Std USB-type-A to laptops / desktop computers)
- Minimum 500 dpi / 256 Grey level
- STQC / UIDAI Certified Sensor (attaching the latest UIDAI certified entities)
4. List of UIDAI Certified Biometric Authentication Fingerprint L1 Registered Devices is enclosed herewith.
Hence, it is kindly requested to ensure that procurement of biometric device should be done at the earliest before 30th September to implement e-Kyc.
This issues with the approval of Competent Authority.
Encl: As above
Signed by Manoj Pragada
Date: 27-09-2024 16:59:50
ADG (Tech)
Copy to
DDG (FS), Dak Bhawan.

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