Finalce Timedout htm for Post Office Finacle

 Please copy below content and save as FinacleTimedOut.htm

<p>How to prevent <b>"Your session has timed out; You will be logged out."</b> issue in finacle:</p>
<li>Step 1: Enable favourites bar if not already enabled ( In View -> Toolbars -> tick "Favourites bar")</li>
<li>Step 2:
Drag n Drop the following link to your favourites bar.<br>OR<br/>Right click on the following link -> Add to favourites -> In create in field select Favourites bar-> click Add<br/><i>(Click yes on the "Do you want to add this bookmarklet" prompt)</i></li>
<a href="javascript:try{if(window.haha== undefined){window.clearTimeout(window.frames[0].timerID);window.frames[0].clearTimeout(window.frames[0].timerID);window.frames[0].checkInterval=28800000;window.frames[0].allowedDeskTopIdleTime=28800000;window.frames[0].isIdle=function(){return;};hihi=function (frs){try{if(frs== undefined){frs=window.frames;}if (frs.length!=undefined){var noOfFrames = frs.length;}else{var noOfFrames = 0;}for(var i = 0; i < noOfFrames; i++){currentFrame =frs[i];if (currentFrame.USER_TIME_OUT!= undefined ){currentFrame.USER_TIME_OUT=28800000;}if (currentFrame.logoutFiredAlready!= undefined ){currentFrame.logoutFiredAlready=true;}if (currentFrame.frames!= undefined ){hihi(currentFrame.frames);}}}catch(err){return ;}};window.setInterval('hihi()', 60000);window.haha='huhu';alert('Success!! YOU ('+window.frames[0].userID+') WONT BE LOGGED OUT OF FINACLE AUTOMATICALLY!!!');}else{alert('You already cliked this dear <3 !!!');}}catch(err){alert('Error!!!');}">Finacle TimeOut Fix! </a>
<li>Step 3:
Everyime after logging into finacle, click the <b>Finacle TimeOut Fix!</b> bookmarklet.</li>
<li>Step 4: Thats It!!!!</li>
<i>Disclaimer:</i><ul><li><i> 1. This bookmarklet is intended for educational/training purpose only. The author shall not be responsible for any misuse/damage casused by the use of this bookmarklet.</i></li><li><i> 2. Finacle is a registered trademark of Infosys Limited and/or its affiliates.</i></li></ul>
How to prevent "Your session has timed out; You will be logged out." issue in finacle:

Step 1: Enable favourites bar if not already enabled ( In View -> Toolbars -> tick "Favourites bar")

Step 2: Drag n Drop the following link to your favourites bar.


Right click on the following link -> Add to favourites -> In create in field select Favourites bar-> click Add

(Click yes on the "Do you want to add this bookmarklet" prompt)

Finacle TimeOut Fix!

Step 3: Everyime after logging into finacle, click the Finacle TimeOut Fix! bookmarklet.

Step 4: Thats It!!!!

1. This bookmarklet is intended for educational/training purpose only. The author shall not be responsible for any misuse/damage casused by the use of this bookmarklet.

2. Finacle is a registered trademark of Infosys Limited and/or its affiliates. 

 Click below link to download FinacleTimedout



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