Closing of grievances received in India Post Call Centre, Twitter and CCCC - cases pertaining to delay/loss of the articles

No. 14-03/2018-PG 
Government of India Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(PG Division)
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg 
Dated 25/06/2018

Addl. DG APS

Subject: Closing of grievances received in India Post Call Centre, Twitter and CCCC - cases pertaining to delay/loss of the articles.

This is regarding delay in disposal of complaints lodged in India Post Call Center (IPCC), Twitter and Computerized Customer Care Centres (CCCC).

2. While reviewing the pendency at the Directorate, it is seen that complaints regarding delay/loss of articles are kept pending in the Circles due to lack of clarity between Divisions/Circles for "accepting responsibility for loss of bags/ articles" during transit.

3. It may be appreciated that closing of complaints and fixing of responsibility are two different events and need not be aligned with each other. Circles are therefore, requested to dispose of complaints lodged on IPCC, Twitter and CCCC where it is established that bag/article has not reached the addressee/sender i.e., it is either lost or delayed as per service standards specified in the Citizens' Charter and rules on the subject. The complaint may, therefore be closed by informing the complainant about the delay or loss of the article and providing him/her with compensation as per rules on the subject.

4. However, the administrative aspect of follow-up with the concerned Circles must be ensured as per rules on the subject. Fixing of responsibility, recovery of loss, disciplinary action etc. will be followed as per the procedure and guidelines laid in the matter.

5.This issues with the approval of the competent authority.

Copy to
1. CGM Parcel Dtte, CGM BD&M Dtte 2. All DDSG, Dir (Vig)

(Satish Kumar) ADG (PG)


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