Clarification regarding Senior/Junior clause for LDCE-AAO

Clarification on Senior/Junior Clause for LDCE-AAO
  • The Directorate revised the cadre management of Postal Assistant and Sorting Assistant, making the Circle the recruiting unit.
  • Divisional Head remains the Appointing/Disciplinary Authority, and PA/SA Cadre continues as a division-level cadre.
  • The maintenance of the Divisional Gradation list of PAS/SAS is still required as per Rule 32-B of Postal Manual Volume IV (Part I).
  • The non-maintenance of the gradation list of PAS by Dharwad division is not in order and appropriate action is requested.
ಮುಖ್ಯ ಪೋಸ್ಟ್ ಮಾಸ್ಟರ್ ಜನರಲ್ ಕಛೇರಿ, ಕರ್ನಾಟಕ ವಲಯ, ಬೆಂಗಳೂರು-೫೬೦೦೦೧ मुख्य पोस्टमास्टर जनरल कार्यालय, कर्नाटक सर्कल, बेंगलूरु - 560001

The Postmaster General
North Karnataka Region
Dharwad-580 001

No.STA/4-4/Misc/Dlgs dated at Bengaluru-560 001, the 5-10-2024

Sub: Clarification regarding Senior/Junior clause for LDCE-AAO-reg. 
Ref: SSPOS, Dharwad letter No. DWD/B-I/Merger/SBCO/Dlgs/2022 dated 15.10.2024.

Kindly refer to SSPOS, Dharwad Division letter cited above on the subject. In this connection, it is to intimate that cadre management of Postal Assistant and Sorting Assistant has been reviewed and revised vide Directorate letter no. X-12/6/2021-SPN-II dated 31- 12-2021. The following are the important points of the said revision.
  • The division was previously the recruiting unit though the recruitment was being done at Circle level. Now, Circle is the recruiting unit and recruitment is being done at Circle level.
  • Divisional Head (SP/SSP/SSRM etc.) is still the Appointing Authority/Disciplinary Authority for the cadre of Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant. This has been reiterated in the said Directorate order.
  • PA/SA Cadre is still the division level cadre unlike other cadres like LSG/HSG II/HSG I. This has not been revised in the said Directorate letter.
  • The maintenance of the Divisional level Gradation list of PAS/SAS has not been discontinued as per the said Directorate letter. Rule 32-B of Postal Manual Volume IV (part I) stipulates maintenance of the Gradation list by the division. The said rule has not been amended.
The limited purpose of maintenance of Circle Gradation list of PAS/SAS has been to determine inter-se seniority of PAS/ SAS during the promotion to the cadre of LSG. This has not been revised by the Directorate letter.

2.The calculation of vacancy and maintenance of reservation register for the cadre of PAS/SAs has been revised by the said Directorate letter. Now, the Circle office will calculate vacancies and maintain reservation register. Circle as a whole shall be the recruiting unit for PAS/SAs, while considering transfer under Rule 38, principles of category and mode of recruitment shall be observed for the circle as a whole and not with respect to individual division/unit. Accordingly, only in the case of Inter Circle transfer, category and mode of recruitment shall be applicable. No such limitations of category/mode of recruitment shall be applicable in the case of Intra Circle transfer.

SSPOS Dharwad in his report addressed to PMG NK Region dated 15-10-2024 has mentioned about merger of PA (SBCO) with PA (Post Office) and referred placing PA(SBCO) in the Circle gradation list of PA (Post Office) after merger. PA(SBCO) has been a Circle cadre from the beginning. Therefore, it cannot be compared with PA (Post office) cadre which is still divisional level cadre.

In view of the above, PAS/SAS are still division level cadre and division is required to maintain divisional gradation list for the cadre of PAS/SAS.
3.The non-maintenance of gradation list of PAS by Dharwad division is not in order.

It is therefore requested to take appropriate action.

This has the approval of Competent Authority.

Assistant Postmaster General (STA) कृते मुख्य पोस्टमास्टर जनरल For Chief Postmaster General
कर्नाटक परिमंडल,बेंगलूरु Karnataka Circle, Bengaluru -560 001

Copy for information and necessary action to:-
1. The Postmaster General, Bengaluru HQ Region, Bengaluru-560 001
2. The Postmaster General, South Karnataka Region, Bengaluru-560 001
3. The GM(PA&F), Karnataka Circle, Bengaluru-560 001 w.r.t letter No. 1026/Admn/Per V/LDCE-2024 dated 18.10.2024.


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