Postman DEST Result 2024 - Bihar Circle



भारतीय - डाक विभाग Department of Posts, India

चीफ़ पोस्टमास्टर जनरल का कार्यालय, बिहार सर्किल, पटना - 800001 O/o the Chief Postmaster General, Bihar Circle, Patna – 800 001.

1. The Postmaster General, North Region, Muzaffarpur.

2. The Postmaster General, East Region, Bhagalpur.

3. The Chief Postmaster, Patna GPO,Patna.

4. All SSPOs/SPOs/SSRMs/SRMs/Unit Heads in Bihar Circle.

5. All Group Officers of Circle Office, Patna.

No. R&E-AD/CON/MTS/PM-MG/Exam/2024

Dated at Patna the, 14.09.2024

Subject: Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE) from MTS cadre and Competitive Examination from GDS cadre for vacancy year 2024 for promotion/recruitment to the cadre of Postman & Mail Guard held on 25.08.2024- Result for DEST of Bihar Circle.

With reference to the subject cited above, I am directed to circulate the list of candidates who have secured minimum qualifying marks in Paper-I & Paper-II (combined, i.e. total of marks secured in Paper - I and Paper - II) and also secured minimum qualifying marks in Paper – III separately and are eligible for Data Entry Skill Test (DEST).


The following are the qualifying criteria for Paper-IV (Data Entry Skill Test) DEST for Postman/Mail Guard exam as per Dte. letter no. 17-08/2018-SPN-I dated 19.12.2022.




Qualifying criteria

Paper-IV (15 Minutes)

Full Marks



25 Marks


Date of DEST





Provisional list of all the candidates who have secured minimum qualifying marks in Paper-I & Paper-II (combined, i.e. total of marks secured in Paper - I and Paper - II) and also secured minimum qualifying marks in Paper-III separately are eligible for DEST is annexed herewith as annexure I and annexure II for wide circulation and necessary action.

4. Venue and other information related to Data Entry Skill Test (DEST) will be circulated separately.

5. Candidates who secure minimum qualifying standards in DEST, will be eligible for being considered in merit list for selection as Postman/Mail Guard. However, merit list will be prepared only on the basis of total marks secured in Paper - I and Paper - II. Since Paper-III & IV are only qualifying, marks secured in Paper-III & IV will not be added to the marks secured in Paper-I & II to decide the merit.


In case, any mistake is noticed in particulars of the candidates shortlisted for DEST such as Roll No., Name & community etc. then the same may be intimated to this office immediately.


Source: CEPT


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