S. No. |
Plant | Description of Plant | Storage Location | Descr. of Storage Loc. | Material Group | Material | Material Description | Base Unit of Measure |
1 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100006 | ACG-28 REGISTER OF CHEQUES | BKS |
2 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100010 | ACG-33 RMS CASH ABSTRACT | NO |
3 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100012 | ACG-35 CASH BOOK OF RMS | BKS |
4 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100014 | ACG-37 - EXTRA DUTY ALLOWANCE BILL | PAD |
5 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100015 | ACG 22-A BO DAILY ACCOUNT | NO |
6 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100019 | ACG-17 Money paymnt Voucher | NO |
7 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100025 | ACG-38 OUT STATION ALLOWANCE BILL | NO |
8 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100027 | CHARGE REPORT | PAD |
9 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100028 | ACG-64 OTA BILLS(WEEK DAYS) | NO |
10 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100029 | ACG-64 (A) OTA BILLS(HOLIDAYS) | NO |
11 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100030 | ACG-85- STAMP BALANCE OF HO&SO | BKS |
12 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100032 | APP-11CONFIDENTIAL REPORT O NON- GEZ OFF | NO |
13 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100039 | EST-36- MEMO OF LEAVE ORDERS | NO |
14 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 115 | 100050 | LAB 54 (S) | NO |
15 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 115 | 100056 | M-1(A) MAIL LIST | NO |
16 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100057 | M-1(A) LARGE MAIL LIST | PAD |
17 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100061 | MO- 2(S) JOURNAL OF MOS ISSUED | NO |
18 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100069 | STOCK BOOK OF IPO | NO |
19 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100075 | MS- 2 L ERROR BOOK | BKS |
20 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100077 | MS-12- NOMINAL ROLL FOR CLERICAL STAFF | BKS |
21 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100078 | MS-58(L) DR OF RECORD CLERK | NO |
22 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100079 | MS-83 DR OF HEAD SORTER | NO |
23 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100080 | MS-84 DAILY REPORT OF MG | NO |
24 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100086 | NC-32 APLN FR CER PO TO PO | PAD |
25 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100087 | NC-34 APLN TFR CER PER TO PER | PAD |
26 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100093 | PA-5 BO JOURNAL | BKS |
27 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100100 | Parcel Abstract | NO |
28 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100101 | RP-9 VP Article Journal | NO |
29 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | ST01 | Stationary Branc | 106 | 100158 | MPCM COMPUTER STICKERS (PKTS) | PKT |
30 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100204 | NC-12 STOCK REGISTER OF NSCS | NO |
31 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100215 | PEN-5 BILL PEN PMT BY A PEN | NO |
32 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100225 | PA-17- P-II SO ACCOUNT | NO |
33 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100226 | PA-17- P-I SO ACCOUNT | NO |
34 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100231 | SR-1 LEAVE APPLICATION | NO |
35 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100232 | S- 37 ATTENDENCE REGR | NO |
36 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100235 | TR-22(A) PAY BILL REGISTER Forms | NO |
37 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100246 | MS-43 MAIL ABT DETL U/U BAG | NO |
38 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100247 | EST-2- STASTICAL STATEMENT OF HO/SO | BKS |
39 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100249 | SB- 62 RGR LED BAL | NO |
40 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100254 | ACG-15 REMITTANCE ADVICE | NO |
41 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100257 | RP-33 (L) | NO |
42 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100266 | SB 85(A) | NO |
43 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100275 | SB -7 (A) PO SB AC CLOSURE FORM | NO |
44 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100283 | DAY BOOK BOOK | NO |
45 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100291 | LI PROPOSAL FORM | NO |
46 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100296 | ASST DAIRY BOOKS | NO |
47 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100299 | Rpli proposal mechamish | NO |
48 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100303 | RP-34 REGISTER ABSTRACT (RMS) | NO |
49 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100306 | RP-55 VP INTIMATION FORMS | NO |
50 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100313 | SB- 6 SPECIMEN SIGNATURE | BKS |
51 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100314 | SB-7 WITHDRAWAL FORM | NO |
52 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100319 | B-46- INTIMATION TO DEPOSITOR BALANCE | PAD |
53 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100323 | SB-61 Objection Register | NO |
54 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100332 | SB-103 PAY IN SLIP | NO |
55 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100334 | SK-2 INDENT FOR ARTICLES | NO |
56 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 115 | 100336 | RP-54 ACKONOW FOR REGISTERED ARTICLE | NO |
57 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 115 | 100336 | RP-54 ACKONOW FOR REGISTERED ARTICLE | NO |
58 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100345 | RP-58 (L) DELIVERY SLIP (LARGE) | NO |
59 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100347 | PA-17(A) COPY OF SO ACCOUNT(SMR) | NO |
60 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100368 | EST-87 STATIS MEMO OF RMS | NO |
61 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100372 | GEN- 3 PRI (P) DIAREIS | NO |
62 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100373 | GEN- 4 MAIL OVERSEERS DIARY | NO |
63 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100380 | MS-26 TEST CARD | NO |
64 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100381 | M-42 MAIL ABSTRACT TRANSIT SECTION | NO |
65 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100382 | M-43 ML ABST OF DET OF U/U BAG | NO |
66 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100383 | MO- 3 REGR OF MOS & TMOS ISSUED | NO |
67 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100403 | APPLICATION FOR PAMENT OF MATURITY VALUE | EA |
68 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100404 | APPLICATION FOR LOAN ON THE SECURITY OF | EA |
69 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100415 | FORM (B) | EA |
70 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100416 | FORM (C) | EA |
71 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100417 | FORM (D) | EA |
72 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100418 | FORM (E) | EA |
73 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100420 | FORM (G) | EA |
74 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100474 | GROUP-BAPAR FORM | EA |
75 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100484 | FO-9 | EA |
76 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100589 | RLO 10/12 | EA |
77 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100592 | FO.7 | BKS |
78 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100593 | F.10 | BKS |
79 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100595 | FO.6 | BKS |
80 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100596 | FO-1 | EA |
81 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100597 | FO2 | EA |
82 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100598 | F03 | EA |
83 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100599 | F04 | EA |
84 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 100600 | FO5 | EA |
85 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 107 | 100613 | LETTER BOX - C4 | NO |
86 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 107 | 100625 | IRON SAFE | NO |
87 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 107 | 100644 | DRILL KHAKI SACKS - SIZE I | NO |
88 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 107 | 100645 | DRILL KHAKI SACKS - SIZE II | NO |
89 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 107 | 100646 | RED BAGS COTTON | NO |
90 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 107 | 100654 | BRASS WEIGHTS 2 GRAM | NO |
91 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 107 | 100656 | BRASS WEIGHTS 200 GRAMS | NO |
92 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | ST01 | Stationary Branc | 105 | 100718 | STAMP PAD | NO |
93 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | ST01 | Stationary Branc | 105 | 100719 | TAMP PAD INK | EA |
94 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | ST01 | Stationary Branc | 105 | 100724 | ILE BOARDS (PADS) | NO |
95 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | ST01 | Stationary Branc | 105 | 100727 | A4 PAPERS | REM |
96 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 105 | 100746 | FLAT RATE BOX 1 K.G. | NO |
97 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 105 | 100753 | THERMAL PAPER ROLLS | NO |
98 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | ST01 | Stationary Branc | 105 | 100756 | SHARP DIGITAL BP-AT200 TONER CARTRIDGE | EA |
99 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | ST01 | Stationary Branc | 107 | 100758 | Black Sealing Wax | KG |
100 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | ST01 | Stationary Branc | 107 | 100760 | Cotton twine balls | NO |
101 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | ST01 | Stationary Branc | 107 | 100761 | CANDLE WAX (STICK) | NO |
102 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 107 | 100764 | BB Ink Pad | NO |
103 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 107 | 100765 | RUBBER PAD SIZE-I | NO |
104 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 107 | 100766 | UBBER PAD SIZE-II | NO |
105 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 107 | 100767 | SIZE-III_SMALL RUBBER PAD | NO |
106 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | AC01 | Accountable &Pub | 108 | 100778 | BOOK OF POSTAL A/C OFFICE FORM | NO |
107 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | ST01 | Stationary Branc | 108 | 100803 | FIRST NOTE SHEETS | NO |
108 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | AC01 | Accountable &Pub | 108 | 100817 | HAND BOOK FOREIGN POSTAL OPERATIONS | NO |
109 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 108 | 100819 | LI-7 PLI PREM PASS BOOK | NO |
110 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 115 | 100820 | LI-7(A) PLI PREMIUM RECEIPT BOOKS | NO |
111 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 108 | 100822 | LI-101 LOAN REPAYMENT REPT BOOK | NO |
112 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 108 | 100828 | MO- 8 (A) SERVICE MO FORM | NO |
113 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 108 | 100838 | MS(8L) Order book | NO |
114 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 108 | 100847 | MSY-5 RGR OF LEGER BAL | NO |
115 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 108 | 100848 | MULTI COLR POLY COVR/PLI POL DOC | NO |
116 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | AC01 | Accountable &Pub | 108 | 100849 | NAGARI PRIMARY | NO |
117 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | AC01 | Accountable &Pub | 108 | 100850 | NS-4A(D)- PR ISSUE (HO) | NO |
118 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | AC01 | Accountable &Pub | 108 | 100854 | P&T MAN VOL.I P-II (RS.5.25) | NO |
119 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | AC01 | Accountable &Pub | 108 | 100855 | P&T MAN VOL.III RS.20/- | NO |
120 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | AC01 | Accountable &Pub | 108 | 100856 | P&T MAN VOL.IV P-II | NO |
121 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | AC01 | Accountable &Pub | 108 | 100857 | 3004MAN VOL.IV P-II (A) | NO |
122 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | AC01 | Accountable &Pub | 108 | 100859 | P&T MAN VOL.VI P-I TEL | NO |
123 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | AC01 | Accountable &Pub | 108 | 100860 | P&T MAN VOL.VI P-II RS.10.50 | NO |
124 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | AC01 | Accountable &Pub | 108 | 100861 | P&T MAN VOL.VI P-III RS.8.70 | NO |
125 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | AC01 | Accountable &Pub | 108 | 100862 | P&T MAN VOL.X | NO |
126 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | AC01 | Accountable &Pub | 108 | 100863 | P&T MAN VOL.XI P-III APP-I,II,III | NO |
127 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | AC01 | Accountable &Pub | 108 | 100864 | P&T MAN VOL.XI P-IV | NO |
128 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | AC01 | Accountable &Pub | 108 | 100865 | P&T MAN VOL.XI P-I & II | NO |
129 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | AC01 | Accountable &Pub | 108 | 100866 | P&T MAN VOL.I P-II L/E | NO |
130 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | AC01 | Accountable &Pub | 108 | 100867 | POSTAL MANUAL VOL II RS.280 | NO |
131 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 107 | 100870 | PLI WINDOW COVERS(UN REGD) | NO |
132 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 107 | 100871 | PLI FILE COVER | NO |
133 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 107 | 100876 | PLI PASS BOOKS (LI-7) | NO |
134 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 107 | 100880 | PREMIUM EXECUTIVE TABLE for EDBOs | NO |
135 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 107 | 100881 | FIRE EXTINGUISHERS | NO |
136 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 107 | 100883 | PB CABINET | NO |
137 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 107 | 100884 | 48 PORT JUNIPER SWITCH | NO |
138 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 107 | 100885 | SPARE PARTS MICA FIL W/CORD | NO |
139 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 107 | 100886 | 1/2 LITRE_BLACK INK TIN | EA |
140 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 107 | 100887 | GODREJ NAVTAL LOCKS (B) 5 L | NO |
141 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 107 | 100888 | GODRAJ NOVTAL LOCKS (B) 7 L | NO |
142 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 107 | 100889 | GODRAJ NAVTAL LOCK (B) 8 L | NO |
143 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 107 | 100890 | TELEPHONE CARDS | EA |
144 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 107 | 100921 | RMS LEATHER PORTIFOLIO | NO |
145 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 107 | 100925 | PLI LOAN REPAYMENT PASS BOOKS | BKS |
146 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 108 | 100947 | AR BOOKS OF 1000 DN | NO |
147 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 108 | 100949 | AAS-11(C )-AA RECEIPT BOOKS 5000 DN | NO |
148 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 108 | 100950 | ACG-2 (Treasury Cash Book) | NO |
149 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 108 | 100953 | w1a3 | NO |
150 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 108 | 100954 | ACG-11(A)- MONEY RECEIPTD TREASURY/ BANK | NO |
151 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 108 | 100955 | ACG12 VR/ MONEY DRAWN BY BANK | NO |
152 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 108 | 100956 | ACG-13(QD)-TREASURY RECEIPT (CHEQUES)SO | NO |
153 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 108 | 100957 | ACG13 (T) | NO |
154 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS02 | Form Sec 2 & Art | 108 | 100960 | ACG-67- MONEY RECEIPT BOOK | NO |
155 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 108 | 100979 | RPLI FILE COVRS | NO |
156 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | AC01 | Accountable &Pub | 108 | 101053 | PO SB MANUAL VOL.1 RS270 | BKS |
157 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | AC01 | Accountable &Pub | 108 | 101055 | HAND BOOK SMALL SAVING SCHEMES | BKS |
158 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 108 | 101103 | SB-5 SB PASS BOOKS | NO |
159 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 108 | 101111 | SB-(26T) RECEIPT BOOK | NO |
160 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 108 | 101112 | SB-28(D)-RECEIPT FOR DEPOSITOR PASS BOOK | NO |
161 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 108 | 101142 | PLI-7 RPLI PASS BOOK | NO |
162 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 108 | 101162 | RP-51 SOPD | NO |
163 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 101 | 101198 | EBT_SPEED POST BAG LABLEL | NO |
164 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 115 | 101228 | regd artical barcode | NO |
165 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 101 | 101235 | RBT_REGISTERED BAG LABLES_RBN | EA |
166 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 101 | 101236 | EPP BARCODE BAG LABELS | EA |
167 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 101 | 101241 | LBT_ TAG LABEL FOR RMS OFFICES | PKT |
168 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS02 | Form Sec 2 & Art | 104 | 101245 | UMBRELLAS | NO |
169 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS02 | Form Sec 2 & Art | 104 | 101246 | FP CHAPPALS - GENTS SIZE 6 | PAA |
170 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS02 | Form Sec 2 & Art | 104 | 101247 | FP CHAPPALS - GENTS SIZE 7 | PAA |
171 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS02 | Form Sec 2 & Art | 104 | 101248 | FP CHAPPALS - GENTS SIZE 8 | PAA |
172 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS02 | Form Sec 2 & Art | 104 | 101249 | FP CHAPPALS - GENTS SIZE 9 | PAA |
173 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS02 | Form Sec 2 & Art | 104 | 101250 | FP CHAPPALS - GENTS SIZE 10 | PAA |
174 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS02 | Form Sec 2 & Art | 104 | 101251 | FP CHAPPALS - GENTS SIZE 11 | PAA |
175 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS02 | Form Sec 2 & Art | 104 | 101252 | FP CHAPPALS - GENTS SIZE 12 | PAA |
176 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS02 | Form Sec 2 & Art | 104 | 101253 | LADIES CHAPPALS SIZE 5 | PAA |
177 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS02 | Form Sec 2 & Art | 104 | 101254 | LADIES CHAPPALS SIZE 6 | PAA |
178 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS02 | Form Sec 2 & Art | 104 | 101255 | LADIES CHAPPALS SIZE 7 | PAA |
179 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS02 | Form Sec 2 & Art | 104 | 101256 | LADIES CHAPPALS SIZE 8 | PAA |
180 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS02 | Form Sec 2 & Art | 104 | 101257 | LADIES CHAPPALS SIZE 9 | PAA |
181 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS02 | Form Sec 2 & Art | 104 | 101258 | LADIES CHAPPALS SIZE 10 | PAA |
182 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS02 | Form Sec 2 & Art | 104 | 101259 | LADIES CHAPPALS SIZE 11 | PAA |
183 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS02 | Form Sec 2 & Art | 104 | 101260 | LADIES CHAPPALS SIZE 12 | PAA |
184 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS02 | Form Sec 2 & Art | 104 | 101261 | WATER PROOF COATS Sizewise-48" | NO |
185 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS02 | Form Sec 2 & Art | 104 | 101262 | DUSTER CLOTH PIECES | NO |
186 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS02 | Form Sec 2 & Art | 104 | 101263 | NAVY BLUE CLOTH | M |
187 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS02 | Form Sec 2 & Art | 104 | 101264 | WHITE POLYSTER CLOTH | M |
188 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS02 | Form Sec 2 & Art | 104 | 101265 | HAVER SACKS | NO |
189 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS02 | Form Sec 2 & Art | 104 | 101266 | GENTS BLUE WOOLEN JERSEY SIZE 75 CM | NO |
190 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS02 | Form Sec 2 & Art | 104 | 101267 | GENTS BLUE WOOLEN JERSEY SIZE 80 CM | NO |
191 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS02 | Form Sec 2 & Art | 104 | 101268 | GENTS BLUE WOOLEN JERSEY SIZE 85 CM | NO |
192 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS02 | Form Sec 2 & Art | 104 | 101269 | GENTS BLUE WOOLEN JERSEY SIZE 90 CM | NO |
193 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 108 | 101334 | AGENT RECEIPT BOOK 10000DN | NO |
194 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 101373 | CNN 22 & 23 | NO |
195 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 101 | 101387 | EPP BARCODE STICKERS | NO |
196 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 101 | 101413 | LBK LABELS | EA |
197 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 105 | 101414 | LEATHER CASH BAF(M) | NO |
198 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 105 | 101415 | LEATHER CASH BAG SIZE-II | NO |
199 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 105 | 101426 | LOYALTY CARD OF IMTS | NO |
200 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 101 | 101454 | parcel bag labels | EA |
201 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 101 | 101455 | PARCEL BARCODE STICKERS | NO |
202 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 101531 | speed post envelope | NO |
203 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 105 | 101533 | TAG LABELS COLOUR | NO |
204 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 101539 | TRM FORM- WUMT | BKS |
205 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 108 | 101559 | S-8(S) ORDER BOOK SMALL | NO |
206 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | ST01 | Stationary Branc | 105 | 101617 | POKERS | NO |
207 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 102014 | KYC | NO |
208 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 108 | 102111 | SC / TD Passbook SB5(A) | NO |
209 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 102 | 102126 | AAR FOR Rs.5000/- DN. | NO |
210 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 102135 | ACG 2 (Treasurer cash book) | NO |
211 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 102156 | PLI Revival Form | NO |
212 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 102159 | MO_Combined MO form_English | NO |
213 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 102177 | GPF 21 ( GPF Withdrawal Form) | NO |
214 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | ST01 | Stationary Branc | 101 | 102184 | 1 Qr REGISTER | NO |
215 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | ST01 | Stationary Branc | 101 | 102187 | 3 Qr blank register | NO |
216 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | ST01 | Stationary Branc | 101 | 102191 | 2 Qr Roll register | NO |
217 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | ST01 | Stationary Branc | 101 | 102200 | Computer Paper 15x12x1 | NO |
218 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 102 | 102242 | PLI-2 | NO |
219 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | AC01 | Accountable &Pub | 108 | 102246 | MAHARASHTRA PINCODE DIRECTORY- 2000 | BKS |
220 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | AC01 | Accountable &Pub | 108 | 102247 | MANUAL OF APPOINTMENT & ALLOWANCES | BKS |
221 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | AC01 | Accountable &Pub | 108 | 102258 | FHB VOL- IV | BKS |
222 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | AC01 | Accountable &Pub | 108 | 102259 | BPM INSTRUCTION BOOK | BKS |
223 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | AC01 | Accountable &Pub | 108 | 102262 | APPENDIX - V VOL - I PT-I - 1994 | BKS |
224 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | AC01 | Accountable &Pub | 108 | 102263 | APPENDIX - V POSTAL ACCOUNTS MANUAL-2000 | BKS |
225 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | AC01 | Accountable &Pub | 108 | 102264 | APPEDIX OF PO GUIDE PT-II | BKS |
226 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | ST01 | Stationary Branc | 101 | 102364 | Computer Paper 10 x12 xIII | NO |
227 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 102398 | SC-8(A) CLOTH COVER | NO |
228 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 102 | 102422 | INTERNATION TRACKED PK BARCODE STICKER D | NO |
229 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 105 | 102466 | MEDIUM CORR. Box 336x320x52 up to 2 KG | NO |
230 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 105 | 102473 | BOPP Self Adhesive Tapes for PPU units | NO |
231 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 102515 | PLI MACAMISH SANTHOSH (EA) | NO |
232 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 102516 | PLI MACAMISH SUMANGALA (AEA) | NO |
233 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 102517 | PLI MACCAMISH SUVIDHA (CWLA) | NO |
234 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 102518 | PLI MACCAMISH SURASHA (WLA) | NO |
235 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 102519 | PLI MACCAMISH UGAL SURAKSHA (JLEA) | NO |
236 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 102587 | PROOF OF DELIVERY | NO |
237 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | AC01 | Accountable &Pub | 108 | 102697 | ALL INDIA PINCODE DIRECTORY 1985 | NO |
238 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | AC01 | Accountable &Pub | 108 | 102699 | N K REGION PINCODE DIRECTORY 1994 | NO |
239 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | AC01 | Accountable &Pub | 108 | 102700 | POSTAL ACCOUNT MANUAL I CORR UP TO 31/7/ | NO |
240 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | AC01 | Accountable &Pub | 108 | 102701 | POSTAL GEOGRAPHY | NO |
241 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | AC01 | Accountable &Pub | 108 | 102702 | UPDATED PO SB MANUAL VOL I | NO |
242 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | AC01 | Accountable &Pub | 108 | 102703 | UPDATED PO SB MANUAL VOL II | NO |
243 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 107 | 102705 | BRASS WEIGHTS 1 GRAM | NO |
244 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 107 | 102706 | BRASS WEIGHTS 20 GMS | NO |
245 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 107 | 102710 | ELECTRIC WAX HEATER COIL | NO |
246 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 107 | 102713 | LB PLATES C-7 (7.5 X 8.5) CMS | NO |
247 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 107 | 102714 | LB PLATES TV TYPE 5.7 X 6.2 CMS | NO |
248 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 107 | 102715 | METAL TOKEN | NO |
249 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | ST01 | Stationary Branc | 105 | 102798 | S-97 Legal Cell file covers | NO |
250 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | ST01 | Stationary Branc | 105 | 102799 | WALL Letter Box plates_BRASS | NO |
251 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 105 | 102800 | Postman Bags_PROJECT ARROW | NO |
252 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | ST01 | Stationary Branc | 105 | 102801 | Roto Seals | NO |
253 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | AC01 | Accountable &Pub | 108 | 102813 | Foreign Postal Rule 1980 | BKS |
254 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | ST01 | Stationary Branc | 101 | 102822 | e-Mitra Receipt | NO |
255 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 101 | 102824 | RPLI Folder (Folio Cover) | NO |
256 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 101 | 102848 | 790 BK INK COLOR INK BOTTLES | L |
257 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | ST01 | Stationary Branc | 101 | 102850 | File Cover | NO |
258 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | ST01 | Stationary Branc | 105 | 102883 | Answer Book 16 Leaves 32 Pages | NO |
259 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | ST01 | Stationary Branc | 105 | 102884 | Answer Book 8 Leaves 16 Pages | NO |
260 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | ST01 | Stationary Branc | 105 | 102885 | Answer Book 4 Leaves 8 pages | NO |
261 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 102894 | M-30 Assistant Diary | NO |
262 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 102 | 102929 | COD PARCEL BARCODE YA SERIES | NO |
263 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 102971 | APAR Group C | NO |
264 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 102972 | Cheque return Memo. | NO |
265 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 102975 | Corr-22 | NO |
266 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 102976 | Corr-7 | NO |
267 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 102978 | Flat Rate Parcel intimation | NO |
268 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 102979 | Flate Rate Parcel Delivery slip | NO |
269 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 102980 | Flate Rate Parcel Desptach List | NO |
270 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 102981 | Flate Rate parcel Main fast | NO |
271 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 102982 | Li-102 Loan ledger account | NO |
272 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 102986 | PLI Pre Table | NO |
273 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 102987 | RPLI Broucher | NO |
274 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 102988 | PA-4 | NO |
275 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 102989 | Speed Post Delivery slip /Bill | NO |
276 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 102990 | Speed Post Abstract | NO |
277 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 102991 | Quarry form | NO |
278 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 101 | 103070 | SP BAR CODE STICKER SINGLE | NO |
279 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 103426 | ACCOUNT OPENING FORM SB-03_ENGLISH | NO |
280 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | ST01 | Stationary Branc | 101 | 104750 | self locking plastic seal | EA |
281 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 104937 | SB 7B_APPLICATION FOR PREMATURE CLOSURE | NO |
282 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | FS01 | Form Section 1 | 102 | 104947 | SB 7C_APPLICATION FOR LOAN | NO |
283 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | ST01 | Stationary Branc | 105 | 105121 | CONTAINER / BULLET/ BOLT SEAL | NO |
284 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 105 | 105250 | Yellow labels for Air parcel Bag | NO |
285 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 105 | 105291 | Parcel Packaging Box 5 Kg | NO |
286 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 105 | 105319 | Blank label (Blue) for parcel Bag | NO |
287 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 105 | 105320 | Blank label (Red) for unregd Bag | NO |
288 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 105 | 105321 | Blank label (Orange) for Speed Post Bag | NO |
289 | R0P2 | PSD Jaipur | GS01 | General St. Loc | 105 | 105322 | Blank label (Green) for Registered Bag | NO |
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