Final Answer Keys of Paper I, Paper-II a Paper-Ill (MCQ part) from eligible GDS to Postman / Mail Guard and MTS - Karnataka Circle
à¤ारतीय डाक à¤ारतीय डाक विà¤ाग/DEPARTMENT OF POSTS मुख्य पोस्टमास्टर जनरल कार्यालय, कर्नाटक परिमंडल, बैंगलूरु 560 001 O/o the Chief Postmaster General, Karnataka Circle, Bengaluru-560 001
1. The Postmaster General, North Karnataka Region, Dharwad-580 001
2. The Postmaster General, South Karnataka Region, Bengaluru-560 001
3. The Postmaster General, Bengaluru HQ Region, Bengaluru-560 001
4. The General Manager (PA&F), GPO Bldg, Bengaluru - 560 001
5. The Officer in Charge, P&T Admin Cell, APS Wing, Brig of the Guards, Regimental Centre, C/O 56 APO, PIN-900746 No. R&E/1-7/2024 dated at Bengaluru 560 001 the 02.09.2024
Sub: Display of Final Answer Keys in respect of Limited Departmental Competitive Examination/Competitive Examination for appointment to the cadre of Postman / Mail Guard and MTS from amongst eligible MTS & GDS for the vacancy year 2024 (01-01-2024 to 31-12-2024) held on 25-08-2024 Regarding.
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