Compilation of Amendments in General Financial Rules (GFR), 2017 upto 31.07.2024

Compilation of Amendments in General Financial Rules (GFR), 2017 upto 31.07.2024

File No F. No. 6-4/2024-FA(P)
Subject Compilation of Amendments in General Financial Rules, 2017 upto 31st July, 2024 - regarding.
Dated  03.09.2024
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F. No. 6-4/2024-FA(P) Government of India 
Ministry of Communications Department of Posts 
(Integrated Finance Wing)
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi 
Dated 3rd September, 2024

Subject: Compilation of Amendments in General Financial Rules, 2017 upto 31st July, 2024 - regarding.

The undersigned is directed to convey that D/o Expenditure on 07.08.2024 has issued the General Financial Rules, 2017 incorporating all changes/ amendments in the GFR, 2017 upto 31st July, 2024. The same is available on the website of the Department of Expenditure in public domain at

2.Key modifications in GFR, 2017, specifically monetary limits for procurement of goods, consultancy services and non-consultancy services are mentioned below:

(a) Rule 149 (Government-e-Marketplace) GeM Portal shall be utilized by the Government buyers for direct on-line purchases as under:

(i) Upto Rs. 50,000/- through any of the available suppliers on GeM, meeting the requisite quality, specification and delivery period. (ii) Above Rs. 50,000/- and up to Rs. 10,00,000/- through the GeM Seller having lowest price amongst the available sellers, of at least three different manufactures, on GeM, meeting the requisite quality, specification and delivery period.

(iii) Above Rs. 10,00,000/- though the supplier having lowest price meeting the requisite quality, specification and delivery period after mandatorily obtaining bids, using online bidding or reverse auction tool provided on GeM.

(b) Rule 154 (Purchase of goods without quotation) - Purchase of goods upto the value of Rs.50,000/- only on each occasion may be made without inviting quotation or bids on the basis of a certificate to be recorded by the competent authority.

(c) Rule 155 (Purchase of goods by Purchase Committee) - In case a certain item is not available on the GeM portal, purchase of goods costing above Rs.50,000/- and upto Rs. 5,00,000/- on each occasion may be made on the recommendations of a duly constituted Local Purchase Committee consisting of three members of an appropriate level as decided by the Head of the Department.
(d) Rule 161 (Advertised Tender Enquiry) - Invitation to tenders by advertisement should be used for procurement of goods of estimated value of Rs. 50 Lakhs and above.

(e) Rule 162 (Limited Tender Enquiry) - This method may be adopted when estimated value of goods to be procured is upto Rs. 50 Lakhs.

(f) Rule 183 (Identification of likely sources) - Limits for procurement of consultancy services are as under:

(i) Where the estimated cost of the consulting service is upto Rs. 50 Lakhs, preparation of a long list of potential consultants may be done on the basis of formal/ informal enquiries.

(ii) Where the estimated cost of the consulting services is above Rs. 50 Lakhs, an EOI from consultants should be published on GeM as well as on GeM-CPPP and website of the Department.

(g) Rule 201 (Invitation of Bids) - limits for procurement of non-consulting service are as under:

(i) For estimated value of the non-consulting service upto Rs. 50 Lakhs or less - The Ministry or Department should scrutinize the preliminary list of likely contractors as identified as per Rule 199 of GFR, decide the prima facie Eligible and capable contractors and issue limited tender enquiry to them asking for their offers by a specified date and time etc. as per standard practice. The number of the contractors so identified for issuing limited tender enquiry should be more than three.

(ii) For estimated value of the non-consulting service above Rs.50 Lakhs - The Ministry or Department should issue advertisement in such cases on GeM as well as on GeM-CPPP. An organization having its own website should also publish all its advertised tender enquiries on the website. The advertisements for invitation of tenders should give the complete web address from where the bidding documents can be downloaded.

Apart from the above modifications in the rules, there are various other amendments which have been incorporated in the compiled version of GFR, 2017 issued by DOE on 07.08.2024. Moreover, recently D/o Expenditure has also issued second edition of Manual of Procurement of Goods, 2024 on 16.08.2024, which is available on the website of D/o Expenditure in public domain at
4.All the concerned authorities are requested to refer to the aforementioned latest version of the GFR, 2017 and Second Edition of Manual of Procurement of Goods, 2024 in all matters relating to these rules.

5.This issues with the approval of AS&FA.

1. All Members of PSB, Addl. DG (Coord.)
2. All Senior DDSGs/DDSG in Postal Directorate
4. All Chief PMSG
5. Director, RAKNPA
6. Principal Director (F&C Audit)
7. Secretary (PSB), All PMSG, All GMs (PAF)/GM CEPT
8. All DsA(P)
9. Director (Budget)/T&C/IA/Accounts/PA (Admn.)/F-PMU 10. SO(C&A/PB) & DDO, Department of Posts
11. SO (Admn.) for uploading in eoffice
12. Office Copy/Guard File

Copy for information to:
1. PSO/Sr. PPS to Secretary (Posts)/ DG (Posts) 2. Sr. PPS to AS&FA/

(Anurag Srivastava) Director (FA)
Tel: +91-11-23096025


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