URL for GDS Compassionate Engagement in Department of Posts

URL for GDS Compassionate Engagement in Post Offices


Click above link to redirect India Post GDS Engagement under the ground of Compassionate i.e engagement in the place of Deceased GDS

Instructions for the applicants in connection with application for the post of GDS engagement under Compassionate grounds

1. The application has to be filled by the applicant carefully and all the mandatory fields marked are to be entered by the application during online application submission.

2. If any information/documents furnished is found to be false at any stage, application shall be rejected or engagement shall be terminated, if engaged and applicant shall be liable for criminal proceedings.

3. The applicant is advised to keep the following documents handy and readily made available with them while filling up the online application. All the documents shall be self-attested by the applicant along with the date.

4. The online application has 3 sections i.e., Deceased GDS section, Family details section and Applicant details section.

a. Deceased GDS Section: -

 In this section the following list of Documents/Information of deceased GDS required while applying in online (* All the documents should be in JPEG format with Maximum size of 200KB).

Upload FIR and non-traceable report (In case of missing)

Departmental ID card of GDS (In case ID card of GDS is not available, Aadhaar card of Deceased/Missing GDS can be uploaded).

Dearth Certificate of the deceased GDS. 

Family members certificate (Ration card/Family certificate issued by Revenue department).

 The screenshot in respect of the sample GDS section is mentioned below for reference.

Click below link to download applicant instructions for applying GDS engagement under compassionate ground


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