Torturing of GDS for non fulfillment of given targets - GDS union

Phone No:-23697701
Central Head Quarters, Padam Nagar, Delhi-110007.
President: B. Venkateshwarlu.
General Secretary: S. S. Mahadevaiah

No. GDS/CHQ/10/2/2024 Date 24-07-2024

The Director General,
Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan,
New Delhi, 110001.

Subject: Excesses being perpetrated by lower-level officers against GDS for non- fulfillment of given targets.

Respected Sir,

In several meetings we had with the administration, we were assured that no victimization would be resorted to for not achieving the allotted targets. On our part, we assured the administration that our members would invest all their energy to achieve the targets allotted to them. We had explained that there were certain targets which were beyond the control of BPMs/ABPMs. The BPMs could only explain the details and benefits of the schemes but could not enforce that the people must invest in the schemes. It is just like the saying that you could take the horse to the pond but you could not make it drink.

We have to bring it to your notice that we are receiving alarming calls from our functionaries at local levels that BPMs are being penalized in circles, especially in Tamil Nadu, M.P, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Rajasthan and Gujarat Circles, for not achieving the allotted target, which is often disproportionate to the local conditions. You may kindly agree that this is atrocious as everything is not within the powers of BPMs. It is very easy for the SPS/ASPS/IPs to issue charge sheets or other orders from their cozy chambers, but very difficult to force people to invest in schemes. We assure that the BPMs do their best and generally succeed, but not always.

We therefore request you to issue advisories to the CPMGS/PMGS, especially those in Tamil Nadu, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Rajasthan and Gujarat Circles, to instruct the local level officers to desist from torturing the poor BPMs/ ABPMs. A line in reply will be highly appreciated.

With high regards,

Copy to: All CWC Members

yours faithfully.
SS Mahadevaiah General Secretary


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