Suggestions for preventive vigilance policy


Federation of National Postal Organisations global
T-24, Atul Grove Road, New Delhi - 110001
Mobile: 9959538622, email:, 
Web: Sivaji Vasireddy, Secretary General

No. 11-1/Tech/SAP/2024 dated 24-07-2024

The Secretary Posts,
Dak Bhawan,
New Delhi-110001.

Respected Madam,
Sub: - Suggestions for preventive vigilance policy - Reg.

The following suggestions were brought to the notice keeping in view of preventive vigilance measures which will help to reduce frauds in Post offices. The following issues have been raised in the 2022 periodical meeting but there is no progress till date.

Discontinuing the concept of Impression of Date Stamp in Pass Book. Many drastic developments took in place in Banking Procedures of India Post and other Financial Institutions. No other Financial Institutions are following the concept of impression like date stamp in Pass Book. Even the IPPB Transactions have been done in Post Offices without the concept of Pass Book. The Pass Book and impressions in the Pass Book has become the tool for the culprits to fraud, portraying the date stamp impression as authenticity of transaction and deceiving the customers.

Date stamp impressions can be wrongly claimed.

In some fraud cases customers also used to add additional zeros to increase the amount and causing loss for govt exchequer and also increasing share of loss recovery to the official in the name of contributory negligence.

Things are going smoothly based on trust in postal department but nowadays scenarios are changed and even public are involving in defrauding the Government taking the advantage of loopholes in the Rules.

As the system of Banking rapidly changed, authenticity to the Pass Book and impressions in the Pass Book had no meaning in the present trends of Banking that had been practiced in market.Requesting to review the aspects keeping in view of other Financial Institutions and IPPB etc.Otherwise Rules related to fixing responsibility based on the date stamp impression in the name of contributory negligence may be deleted from the departmental volumes.

Hence my Federation requests the authority to pursue above issues on priority and also requested to make necessary modifications/changes in the software/Rules. An early action wills be highly appreciated.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

Copy to:

The DDG FS, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi for information and necessary action

(Vasireddy Sivaji) Secretary General

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