भारतीय डाक विभाग / Department of Posts
Office of the Chief Postmaster General, Tamilnadu Circle, Chennai 600 002
मुख्य पोस्टमास्टर जनरल का कार्यालय, तमिलनाडु परिमंडल, चेन्नई 600002
India Post
Shri/Smt. R.Pandiyan
Retd APM Tiruvannamalai HO
No.71, Arasamara Street, Agaram Village, Vettavalam Post- 606754
STA/29-153/PA/2024 dated at Chennai-02 the 11.07.2024
Sub: Request for extension of RTP benefits--reg.
With reference to your representation dated 19.06.2024 in connection with regularization of RTP Service in accordance with Hon'ble CAT Hyderabad Bench order in OA 779/2013 & 780/2013, I am directed to inform that, as per Postal Directorate's guidelines, implementation of common order dated 27.02.2023 of Hon'ble High Court of Telangana State at Hyderabad in WP No.17400/2016 & 17425/2016 shall be only for the applicants in OA 779/2013 and 780/2013.
Further, the Hon'ble High Court of Madras vide order dated 24.01.2023 in WP No.13633 of 2020 and 1540,188 & 289 of 2021 has allowed the WP filed by the Department stating that such a massive exercise of searching the records and arriving at even the minute details like break in service etc., is just next to impossible that too when the demands of the respondents are totally unethical and unreasonable.
Hence, your request to regularize the RTP Services in accordance with Hon'ble CAT Hyderabad Bench order in OA 779/2013 & 780/2013 could not be considered.
This issues with the approval of Competent Authority
सहायक पोस्टमास्टर जनरल (स्टाफ व स्थापना)/
Asst. Postmaster General (Staff & Establishment)
मुख्य पोस्टमास्टर जनरल का कार्यालय/
O/o the Chief Postmaster General
तमिलनाडु परिमंडल /Tamilnadu Circle $600002/Chennai - 600 002 Tel. 044-28520390
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