Publication of provisional answer keys in r/o LDCE/CE for the post of PA/SA held on 21.07 .2024 (Assam Circle)

भारतीय डाक बिभाग Department of Posts: India
कार्यालय मुख्य पोस्टमास्टर जनरल, असम परिमंडल, गुवाहाटी - 781001
Office of the Chief Postmaster General, Assam Circle, Guwahati: 781001

No. Staff/8-58/2024 Dated at Guwahati, the 21.07.2024
1. The SSPOs-Guwahati Division
2. The SSRM- RMS 'GH' Division & RMS 'S' Division
3. The SPOS- Darrang, Cachar, Nalbari-Barpeta, Goalpara, Dibrugarh, Nagaon, Tinsukia and Sivasagar Division.

Sub: Publication of provisional answer keys in r/o LDCE/CE for the post of PA/SA held on 21.07.2024 (Assam Circle).

The provisional answer keys of Paper-I of the LDCE/CE for the post of Postal Assistant and Sorting Assistant held on 21.07.2024 (Sunday) are forwarded herewith (Annexure-I) for wide circulation in your Region/Division/Unit.
The candidates who have appeared in the Examination may send their comments/feedback, if any, in the prescribed format (Annexure-II) through their respective Divisions/Unit.
Divisions should compile the comments/feedback received from candidates and send to Circle Office by email at latest by 25.07.2024 till 1200 hrs.
Encl: Annexure-I & II.

Copy for information to:
सहायक निदेशक (कर्म) / Assistant Director (Staff) कार्यालय मुख्य CHER/O/o the Chief Postmaster General CARS, - 781001/Assam Circle, Guwahati: 781001
1. The Postmaster General, Regional Office, Dibrugarh: 786001. 2. The Director, Postal Training Centre, Guwahati-781040 3. The Director (PAF), Assam Circle, Rehabari, Guwahati-781008 4. The Officer in Charge, P & T Admn Cell C/o 56, APO Centre. 5. The Asstt. Director (CEPT), Mysuru for uploading in IndiaPost website. 6. The AD (Tech), CO Guwahati for uploading in Circle Website.
7. Office Copy
सहायक निदेशक (कर्म) / Assistant Director (Staff) कार्यालय मुख्य TECHTER GAR/O/o the Chief Postmaster General CARS, H-781001/Assam Circle, Guwahati: 781001


Download Provisional Answer Key LDCE PA/SA Exam 2024 in PDF


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